Verification Post | Beauty of Creativity
Hello everyone, my name is Anas. I'm 24 years old and I'm from Alexandria, Egypt.
I've been using Steemit for over 2 years now, and I'm in love with this model that rewards users for their creativity and hardwork.
I'm an English teacher, and I love traveling and photography (although I'm not that good at photography 😂)
I also love writing and sharing personal stories and experiences, I believe people can always learn from each other's mistakes and experiences.
I love Steemit because it allows for genuine stories and experiences unlike other social media platforms that people use to fake their character.
I hope that someday I'll be one of the best content creators and writers on this beautiful platform.
I hope that my stories and personal experiences will be entertaining and helpful in some way or the other.
Feel free to drop a comment so I can follow you.
Blessings everyone.
Hi, @anassharkawy
Our team members will soon check for your introduction. Meanwhile, make sure that your introduction post covers these points.
Verification Picture:
Take a selfie while holding a page written Beauty of Creativity with the date and your Steemit username
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Keep sharing creative and quality content. You can share creative content like Art, Photography, Traveling, Music, Poetry, Lifestyle, etc without any limits. I would like to request you join our discord server by just clicking on the above BoC poster.
Some Rules and Regulations that you must have to follow. Community Rules.
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Hi!Wellcome our boc cummunity.
Thank you so much, happy to be art of your community ❤️
@anassharkawy If you don't mind, I will publish a link to this article on our BoC channel on Telegram,
Please join ChatSteemBot on Telegram through this link: or scan the QR Code on the flyer below. Thanks.
I don't mind at all, and I just joined the channel. Thank you so much for taking the time to invite me
Thank you for visiting the channel.