Famous Princess
Famous Princess desperately desired a bag of flour that they sometimes rub on his belly. One might say this is a weird and wonderful activity, to you and me, but not to the Princess, who assumed that this idea was out of this world. Honestly, a bag of flour being the chosen thing.
Famous Princess always had with them a computer that they would sometimes throw. One might find this to be a weird activity, to my neighbour, but not to the Princess, who feels it would be awesome. Who would have imagined, a computer being the item selected.
Famous Princess desperately looked for a pint of beer that they would occasionally sleep with. It should have been a fairly funny exercise, to my dad, but not to the Princess, who assumed that this idea was wonderful. Strangely, a pint of beer is the thing to choose.
Famous Princess always kept a bat that they would often sleep with. One might find this to be an odd proposal, to me and my parents, but not to the Princess, who feels that this idea is miraculous. Honestly, a bat is the item to select.
Famous Princess always had with them a pen that they would hug. This could be considered a somewhat surprising proposal, to many, but not to the Princess, who assumed it would be epic. Bizarrely, a pen being the chosen item.
Famous Princess desperately craved for a tomato that they would occasionally drop. It might be a fairly original idea, to most, but not to the Princess, who felt that this idea was exciting. You wouldnt have imagined, a tomato was the thing that was chosen.