Brainy Elephant
Brainy Elephant desperately searched for a bottle of beer that they would occasionally put down their trousers. It might have been a fairly exciting approach to life, to my grandpa, but not to the Elephant, who thought that this idea was magnificent. Honestly, a bottle of beer is the thing that was chosen.
Brainy Elephant often carried a stapler that they would occasionally experiment on. It might be a fairly weird proposal, to some, but not to the Elephant, who assumed that it was in fact, amazing. Bizarrely, a stapler is the thing that was chosen.
Brainy Elephant craved for a piece of paper that they would sometimes sleep with. It might be a curious thought, to my grandpa, but not to the Elephant, who feels that this idea is epic. Bizarrely, a piece of paper was the thing that was selected.
Brainy Elephant owned a sword that they would occasionally try to nail to the wall. It was an unusual suggestion, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Elephant, who feels that the idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have imagined, a sword of all things.
Brainy Elephant carried a chocolate bar that they would sometimes rub on his belly. This is certainly a new activity, to most, but not to the Elephant, who expected that it was in fact, magnificent. Honestly, a chocolate bar being the item selected.
Brainy Elephant searched for a mug that they would often demolish. One might find this to be a fairly peculiar action, to you, but not to the Elephant, who thought it would be fun. Strangely, a mug is the thing to choose.