The Magical Bear
The Magical Bear desperately desired a pint of beer that they would occasionally play with. This is certainly a surprising thought, to many, but not to the Bear, who thinks it was exciting. Remarkably, a pint of beer was the thing that was opted for.
The Magical Bear found a stretchman that they liked to try to balance on their head. This could be considered a weird and wonderful thought, to my grandpa, but not to the Bear, who thought that the idea was breathtaking. Strangely, a stretchman being the chosen thing.
The Magical Bear always carried a teapot that they would sometimes put in the bath with him. It was considered to be an original thought, to my neighbour, but not to the Bear, who thought that this idea is awesome. Honestly, a teapot was the chosen item.
The Magical Bear always carried a radiator to put on his head. One might say this is an odd exercise, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Bear, who assumed that this idea is breathtaking. Honestly, a radiator is the item to select.
The Magical Bear wanted a cup that they would often play with. This might appear to be a fairly strange action, to my dad, but not to the Bear, who had decided that this idea is wonderous. Honestly, a cup would be the item that was opted for.
The Magical Bear desperately searched for a melon that they would occasionally insert somewhere. One might consider this to be a fairly exciting thing to do, to my mum, but not to the Bear, who expected it was breathtaking. Who would have thought, a melon would be the thing that was selected.