The Angry Monkey
The Angry Monkey found a bottle of coke that they liked to break. One might find this to be an astonishing activity, to me and my husband, but not to the Monkey, who thinks that this idea was spectacular. Bizarrely, a bottle of coke was the thing that was selected.
The Angry Monkey always had with them a bat that they would try to balance on their head. It was considered to be a fairly weird and wonderful approach to life, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Monkey, who expected it was the most awesome idea. Bizarrely, a bat would be the item chosen.
The Angry Monkey always kept a radiator that they liked to demolish. It would have been an extraordinary idea, to you, but not to the Monkey, who had come to the conclusion that this idea is epic. You wouldnt have thought, a radiator is the thing to choose.
The Angry Monkey always carried a rubber chicken that they would occasionally put on his head. It was a bizarre suggestion, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Monkey, who had come to the conclusion that it was in fact, miraculous. Honestly, a rubber chicken of all things.
The Angry Monkey craved for a melon that they would often throw. It would be an extraordinary action, to my grandma, but not to the Monkey, who had decided that the idea was entertaining. Who would have imagined, a melon was the thing that was selected.
The Angry Monkey carried a tomato that they sometimes eat. It might be an unusual operation, to my dad, but not to the Monkey, who felt it was wonderful. Strangely, a tomato being the chosen item.