Her Exceptional King
Her Exceptional King desperately needed a little monkey that they would often worship. It might have been a curious undertaking, to everybody you know, but not to the King, who felt that the idea was sublime. Bizarrely, a little monkey of all things.
Her Exceptional King desperately needed a bottle of beer that they would often sleep with. This could be considered a strange proposal, to me, but not to the King, who had decided that this idea was out of this world. Bizarrely, a bottle of beer was the item that was selected.
Her Exceptional King wanted a mug that they would occasionally embrace. This could be considered a fairly extraordinary thought, to everybody you know, but not to the King, who had decided it would be wonderful. You wouldnt have thought, a mug being the chosen thing.
Her Exceptional King desperately desired a bat that they would sometimes sleep with. This might appear to be an original activity, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the King, who considered that this idea was magnificent. Honestly, a bat would be the item that was chosen.
Her Exceptional King always had with them a mug that they would often eat. This seems to be a fairly unusual operation, to me, but not to the King, who feels that this idea was miraculous. Strangely, a mug was the thing that was selected.
Her Exceptional King always kept a block of cheese that they would sometimes share. This seems to be a different operation, to me and my wife, but not to the King, who had come to the conclusion that this idea is breathtaking. Bizarrely, a block of cheese was the thing that was selected.