Why I Became A Supporter of Anti-vaxxers
WARNING: This article is not intended as medical advice. Always consult your nearest witch doctor or conspiracy theorist first before accepting advice from a medical doctor.
I am now firmly pro-anti-vaxxer-anti-life, which should make sense to any legalized con artist like pastors and lawyers. Starting today, I support all conspiracy theorists, and all gullible people that made up their minds not to take the vaccines, and all boerbarians, to not take any vaccines.
Seriously, don't take it, child of God, is my message. Trust your god-thing, while staying away from any and all hospitals and doctors. He will protect you, just like he did with the 6 million and counting people that died from bouts of stupidity. Or wait, no, they were all atheists, because, does the Book of Truth not promise that no harm will come to Dirtybeard's children?
Surely all Covid-19 patients had some hours or even weeks to talk to the voices in their heads while struggling to breath, saying things like 'Please oh lawd, save my life! I don't wanna go to Fairyland, I can barely stand the pastor's bullshit one hour a week!' They were all saved, they are the 99% that survived. I got four pastors to concur, and only had to pay each a few euros and to promise never to attend one of their funeral services again.
The Bible does promise, 'ask and you will receive a box full of thoughts and prayers.' So, using pure clean unwashed religious logic: Everyone that died from Covid-19 were disgusting atheists. Your god-thing won't lie, now would he. And the Bible isn't called the Book of Truth without good reason, it contains not a single lie, or else it would be discredited and only good for the dog to piss on.
With a carefully-faked tear in my eye I have to admit, I myself had both jabs, no side effects, and nobody I know that took it had any either, and none of them died from the virus.
But this article is not about me, the traitor, but about you, the hero that saw through the 'plandemic' after watching a video made by an Estonian teenager. Never mind that the kid pisses himself laughing to the bank with the advertising money earned from his self-invented conspiracies. What he said in his video is true because it tells you the same things that you want to believe. And also, the video says the video is true. Watch out for journalists with their facts and double-checking and shit, that atheist Soros is paying them.
So why am I really, for real, now advising anti-vaxxers not to take the vaccines? Why am I, a stern pro-science person, going against what ten million scientists can prove?
I want to give evolution a jab in the right direction to rid us of primitive people.
Earth cannot stand stupidity and overpopulation anymore. We need to get the inferior gene carriers out of the pool. Fake news, conflicts, and religiotism went on long enough, and one can put 99% of the blame squarely on the anti-vaxxer, religious type. We have pressing matters coming up, and we simply cannot afford to have stupid people hampering our efforts to find and deploy workable solutions. Autocracies like China are full-steam ahead, while America is two years later still paralyzed by division, caused by people seeing an imaginary devil in science.
With the Coronavirus being several times more infectious than the common flu, we all inevitably will get the virus. It's anyone's guess how one's body will react then. Even healthy people died.
Some anti-vaxxers will die, while up to 40% of unvaccinated patients leaving the hospital will suffer from organ damage (a UK study says so, don't know what I did with the link, so Google it) that will take them out sooner. While our tax money will have to pay their medical treatment, because then suddenly they will believe in doctors again and drive right past their brainwashing center where other zombies could have drooled them back to health. Fucking hypocrites.
Over three years we will have a nice tally – and many screenshots full of superstitious wisdom – of whom the stupid ones are that should not get to influence others by voting anywhere. So we will then take their voting rights, I already spoke to fellow-NWO member Vladimir P. about it. Also their driver licenses, guns, and first aid kits. They won't need it, they can just pray.
Never before did a crisis made it so clear who the selfish, plain stupid people in society is. The pandemic divided us into two very distinctive camps: Vaxxers vs anti-vaxxers.
Vaxxers tend to be liberal (which comes from the Latin libre, i.e freedoms and to protect it), willing to afford everyone a place in the sun, pro-science, IQ above 100, concerned about the well-being of society as a whole, and is a mixture of great atheists and dishonest religiots that don't trust their god-thingy to protect them.
Anti-vaxxers on the other hand tend to be right-wing, ignorant, superstitious, religious, racist, selfish, gullible, paranoid, and definitely with a below-average IQ. They find it difficult to impossible to accept facts and how to adapt to change. Like overgrown children with a six-year-old's brain. Some Labradors can open a door with more panache than them.
This pandemic is the reckoning, with us sane humans with an IQ above the average of 100 about to start removing factory rejects and their religious bullshit from society. Step by step.
Unfortunately many people were not created perfectly by their parents agh I mean by Old Dirtybeard because sex doesn't cause babies. After the inferior sinful babies were born, they were infected with mental Aids too by their superstitious parents. This physically shrunk their brains (Duke University study, 2011), and now we have a dirty gene pool.
It had become time for a good spring-cleaning, by telling gullible people what they want to hear, to get them to make flawed decisions we want them to make. Brilliant, isn't it. NWO-member Bill didn't even have to spike horse meds with liver-killing poison.
Therefore, I will in future be supporting people that do not want to take the Covid-19 vaccines. Even though the vaccines proved themselves after 6 billion doses to be as safe as any other approved vaccine, like the ones against measles, smallpox, polio, and more.
I am DONE, fucking DONE arguing and trying to debate with anti-vaxxers. The real facts, the real verified research, is all easily available. It can be triple-checked again and again. If only scientists did not use such big words, right. It's all their fault.
Religiots slash anti-vaxxers (they tend to be both, 99.9% of the time) simply blank out those evidence, while falling like the potato heads they are for conspiracy bullshit made in a basement somewhere. It's just astonishing how many years they need to grasp and accept verified facts. I don't think we have enough years left to be patient with them any longer.
Climate change is upon us, and conspiracy theorists are already gearing up to hold science back there too from finding solutions. That threatens the lives of all of us, and of our beloved pets, wildlife, and beautiful forests and its flora. We need to aid the pandemic to take those death cult promoters out before they take our whole planet out.
One just cannot reason with religious people, since they are for real and without me trying to insult them, mentally unstable schizophrenics in the wild. I knew it for years, and still I stubbornly tried. So I am quitting the arguing today. (It's not set in stone and not written in a 'holy book', so I may go troll a zombie right after I hit publish here.)
From now on, I will do like pastors do. I will agree with anti-vaxxers, boost their bias, fuel their prejudices. I will even strengthen it with more bullshit conspiracies I'll make up myself on the fly. And when they die of their stupidity, I will make fun of them at their funerals. I'm a great funeral crasher. The media does not want you to know this.
But let this article be my disclaimer that I won't believe a dime of the shit I'll say in favor of anti-vaxxers and/or religiots, and neither will I really underwrite anything not proven by science and not verified by other scientists.
**This article was first published on one of my other blogs, at https://remilrules.blogspot.com/2022/01/why-i-became-supporter-of-anti-vaxxers.html
All memes appearing in here are my own creations, except the one of the stupid cop, that one is all over Facebook, and it's impossible to get the creator. It's in the public domain.
atheism atheistrepublic coronavirus covid-19 conspiracy vaccines climate-change pandemic