Ex-KY Governor: Child Rapist's Victim had 'Intact' Hymen 😮
Gov. Matt Bevin pardoned hundreds of rapists, murderers, and others without offering any
real justification for it when he left office. Bevin was asked during a radio interview how he could have pardoned Micah Schoettle, who was convicted of raping a nine-year-old girl. Bevin’s response? The victim’s body was examined, and her hymen was intact, therefore she must not have been raped. Bevin’s claim is flatly incorrect, Dr. George Nichols, who was Kentucky’s chief medical examiner for 20 years and later started the child abuse evaluation system at Kosair Children’s Hospital, told The Courier Journal. “Rape is not proved by hymen penetration,” Nichols said. “Rape is proved by phallic penetration … where the vaginal lips meet the outer surface of the vagina. “He not only doesn’t know the law, in my humble opinion, he clearly doesn’t know medicine and anatomy.”
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Source: Ex-KY Governor: I Pardoned a Child Rapist Since His Victim’s Hymen Was Intact
Location: Kentucky, USA
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▶️ 3Speak
Maybe the rapist had a tiny dick? lol