#AslansArmy Opinion on BREXIT
#AslansArmy Opinion on BREXIT
(First published January 16th 2019)
Tonight, the wheels fell off the establishment Bilderberg/Civil Service plan to keep Britain ensnared in the European Union, with the door to re-joining later kept an option.
The deranged Remainers, reflecting the panic at the top of the establishment itself, haven't known what the hell to do, and rather than the smart thing, backing May's deal and ensuring it passes (To keep their hope alive), have smashed everything in a desperation to destroy anything with the "Brexit" name on it. The morons are out of control.
We are headed straight to hard Brexit on March 29th, but these desperate idiots will try two more strategies to try to prevent the inevitable destruction of their own relevance...
Extend Article 50: keep us in longer;
Insist on a 2nd referendum in desperation to keep us in...
Both of these strategies have zero chance of success:
The EU is on the clock. At most article 50 could be extended till July, but after a mid-July cut-off, legal complaints would kick up that we don't have democratic representation in an organisation we haven't left yet. Nor does the EU want Britain taking part in May's Euro Elections. While some EuroLoons, like Verhofstadt, will always cry tears over Britain's loss, others either could not care less, or are committed to taking advantage of the power shift inside the EU Brexit has created, and will ensure: there is no way back! We spat out the mothers milk and have been ejected from EuroEden. Oh dear, never mind, oh well...
A 2nd Referendum will bring Brexiteers out in Fury, and the establishment will get immediately wrecked trying to fix it, because they wont be able to help it. In the time it would take to hold a 2nd vote, the clock would still be running out, and what does the EU do now if Remain won?
The EU is straining at the seams, and while British money is desirable, British bolshiness is not, and on the whole, the EU has found it is better off without us: and the EU's fall is looking increasingly inevitable whether Britain stays or not. Germany has overheated and gone into recession, France is in uprising, Greece looks to be going the same, Italy and Spain next? This years Euro elections are sure to return more Eurosceptic patriotic populists than ever before.
For Two and a half years, Brexiteers have exercised considerable, if not Herculean, patience, but now the time comes for our voices to be heard again! Managed No Deal WTO is our aim, and we will now insist on it.
Let us not consider how many petitions we have signed or letters sent in the many years we have fought for Brexit. Who cares if we have done it 1000 times before? For Victory, we can do it 1000 times again!
Now, it is the darkest hour, before Dark turns to Light, and we will raise our voices again, shine the light of our faith, and our reason, as beacons to guide us all to the sanity:
Of the ONLY Brexit that was ever remotely practical!
The politicians are bumbling compromised quisling fools, and they have failed as we could hardly have expected them not to. They are simply incompetent.
Rather than either Britain or the EU being serious about a deal, the best they have managed is positioning to try not to look to blame for failing...
While the Civil Service has colluded to try to restore "business as usual", and found their old lines, to their dismay, impossible to sell.
The Fake News Media, BBC, ITV, Ch4, Sky News, all know the truth of the implacable resistance out there in the country. They know their talking points and fake news project fear has bounced off the Brexit voting majority, who proved immune to their fear porn before, and hardly are going to fall for it now.
This is why they reacted like a scolded cat when the working class derision of James Goddard and #YellowVestsUK wafted across the stage on College Green last week: suddenly, the reality of life outside the M25 was starting to break through...
To say that is not to endorse anyone in particular, but to demonstrate: our voices have power, and they fear to hear them, very much indeed.
We will keep it lawful, keep it peaceful, and worst of all for the establishment, do it everywhere, but now is the time to make a mighty roar, as we all join our Voices to say:
Enough is enough now! You have messed us about long enough!
We demand the Brexit we have wanted all along: Clean Break WTO Brexit now!
#OurBritainOurBrexit! #ThePeoplesBrexit
In other words, a full on fresh assault, in the way we have been winning this infowar for years! Our kind of fight!
We have them on the ropes! Our Vision and Our Will has the ability NOW to sweep them ALL out of power!
Well: that helps to make it clear what we have to do, doesn't it?
Aslan has every confidence, and is with you: all the way!
#Reformation #NewBritainNewFuture
#AslansArmy #MBGA #MEGA #WWG1WGA
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