Are angels black or white??
Even in movies we are made to understand and see that angel are not only white in appearance alone but also white (as in fair) in complexion!!
didn't God create black complexioned angels??
are angels really white??
or is this just another way or properganda by some racist to promote the white supremacy??
what if angels are dark in complexion and not white as generally assumed by everyone?
what if it is just mere confabulation that angel are white??
Hi @dibie,
What if Angels themselves are a confabulation? What proof have you got other than the "infallible" scriptures.
As for the infallible scriptures do you remember the scriptures used to say the world was the center of the universe and the sun goes around it and even punished those who disagreed for heresy?
Here is an example for your reading pleasure:
Galileo is accused of heresy
@juderita thanks for airing your opinion about this
Hi @juderita
Plesae peruse through these submissions which may help to reshape your believes about the Bible .
The Catholic Church , which tried and Killed Galileo for affirming that the earth ,like other planets is heliocentric can't be equated to the wish of God through the Bible !
The Catholic Church is , but one of several Spiritual organisations who depends on the Bible as an infalible Word of God .
If , the Catholic Church made some mistakes and errors of interpretation and judgement , to which they , through Pope Benedict has appologised to the world ; such can't be used as a magna carta to discredit ANGELS as non existent , but mere comfambulations .
Happy Worship Day to a valued Friend !!
Angels are not physical beings , but spiritual entities like God Thus they are neither "black " nor of any colour.
Christianity , which promoted the concept of angels was championed by the fair complexioned races of Asia and Europe, hence the early paintings of angels as IMAGINED by medieval artists were "white " after their complexion.
Yes ; I have seen "black " angels as well.
Wow,I love this piece from you ❤️just what I wanted to hear..thank you @whyaskwhy
I strongly believe that. They are spiritual beings and can take man's physical form whether black or white. They have no known completion.
Your corroboration is appreciated. Thanks .