Artist, join our directory on My Google Maps

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱlast month (edited)
Screenshot - 15_2_2025 , 20_53_48.png

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Whether you are an artist, you consider yourself creative or you just like art, we have a proposal for all our members. We are creating a Directory of artists in our community ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ on an interactive map on My Google Maps. And we want you to appear on it.

What is it about?

See You

Imagine a map where each marker point (pin) represents an artist, his studio, a gallery or museum in your city, etc. By clicking on each point, a window of information about each of these artists or places would open. View the works they exhibit, check their social networks and even visit their online gallery.

linea separador.png

How to participate?

1- Comment: Tell us if you want your profile to be included on the map.
2- Provide the following information:

  • Your artistic or real name.
  • Your photo or your logo.
  • Types of art: Painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, etc.
  • Level: God level, professional level, intermediate level, student or simply a novice, or lover of the arts.

3- The coordinates of your workplace: the latitude and longitude of your location (you can use Google Maps to find them).
4- Where to find yourself: Your social networks (Instagram, Facebook, other) and online galleries (DeviantArt, etc.)
5- Presentation post: Additionally, we invite you, if you haven't already done so, to create a post in which you introduce yourself as an artist to the Community. Tell us about your work, your inspirations, and what motivates you to create. Your relationship with the art world. Tell us if you do it as a hobby or full-time. Show us some of your creations.

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Why participate?

  • ✅ Share your art with a wider audience.
  • ✅ Connect and collaborate with other artists.
  • ✅ You will have a space to show your work. (Study, gallery)
  • ✅ We will have a showcase for the art of our ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ community
  • ✅ Integrate information with Steem Map. Have easy access from the community.

linea separador.png

We look forward to your participation.

Post your opinions, doubts, questions and together we can improve this project.


  • Translated from Spanish with Google


Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

#artonsteemit #art #mymaps #steematlas #project #venezuela #steemexclusive


Sure, I can be included on the map:)

Name: Ron Throop



I am a painter and writer.

Always a student of painting. Definitely my career, but hardly professional, and I’ll be approaching god-level 35 years after I die.

Coordinates: 43°37'59.9"N 77°49'37.6"W

My website:

I’ll put up a post soon to officially introduce myself:)

Thank you!

 last month (edited)

The first brave one.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
These images are screenshots, you can enter the directory by following the link.

If you want to modify, delete or include anything, let me know so I can do it.

Who's who in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ Community?

GIF 18-2-2025 08-15-27.gif

Looks great. I’m changing coordinates. Before I put Lake Ontario, and that lands me in Canada. I’ll give more specific ones to put me where I live in the United States:) Thank you!
43.3259° N, 76.6449° W

 last month 

✅ Reday

It's never too late jj
My literary pseudonym is: Daniel Montenegro.
My name is: Leonardo Y. Almaguer Hechavarría.

Type of art: Writer and quasi-painter
Level: I hope high. But it all depends on the lens through which you look at us.
Coordinates: 20.943150065393752, -76.93470794383443
Social Networks::
I am a writer, from an island in the middle of the ocean. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I am born to write. And now to paint. Friends are gone. So I am a steppe wolf devouring worlds and cities, from the asphalt to the sewers. Or I was a dragon protecting some kingdom or a treasure, and not exactly of these elves. I would like to talk about Angela's Ashes. But it's past twelve o'clock and I'm already feeling tired. I can pull out of my potato bag some ball of yarn. I'm sure some cuddly kitty likes yarn and, by the way, I really enjoyed raising and breeding goldfish. Many years learning the hated craft of writing.
I have a degree in computer science and mathematics, and about thirteen diplomas and postgraduate degrees in various subjects. I have three books published in Cuba. And just another three drawings.
At the moment I work in electronics, but I love art and words.
@joslud y @wakeupkitty

 25 days ago (edited)

Hola, @almaguer

Esta propuesta está planteada a mediano - largo plazo, mientras los artistas se convencen del beneficio. Por ahora esta es tu presentación, dime si quieres resumir o replantear la bio o realizar alguna corrección, por ahora puedes compartir el mapa entre tus contactos y redes

GIF 3-3-2025 07-43-49.gif

Ver el mapa

Who's who in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ Community?

Gracias por la confianza

I'll take Kitty's suggestion, you should call me Leonardo Almaguer, which is the name that appears in my books. Not the pseudonym, which I have used in contests.

 21 days ago 

Listo @almaguer, realicé el cambio de nombre.


Si quieres puedes enviarme otras fotos, (por ejemplo, de tus libros)
Y puedes editar la bio y descripción para que no sea tan larga.

Estoy a tu orden

 21 days ago 

Since you publish books with your name, don't you think you should use that name or? I am happy you join the Artist circle and @grebmot @lightcaptured can come and live with me if you need an address or we move to Greenland

@greatketty you are a writer, place yourself on the map dear.

I'll note and remember this offer, if I ever become homeless, as it looks like a possible future for artists in a world that only figures how to spend much more on weapons/offense/defense. ;)

 21 days ago 

It looks like that. There's no room for artists of any kind. We could ask AI why we are hated. What would a world be like without art & artists if it's all taken away? Imagine.. no photos, no paintings, no stories, no books, no films, no inventions...

A great, creative weekend!

I suspect AI is already working an angle as one of its goals is obviously to take the bread out of the hands of the artists by providing cheaper and faster "creative" services.

Probably one in ten artists will survive, similar to the printed newspapers...

Art will be here forever, probably shape-shifting quicker than ever, but AI art will never be revolutionary, just evolutionary, IMHO ;)

Have an awesome weekend yourself as well! :)

Heh, here's Kitty with the monkey paw wishes again :-)

 21 days ago 

I love you too. So it's a YES. Btw it should be rabbit paw. Come ont it's the year of the snake, a great year for creative souls.

You can have the kitchen no problem.

Что мне надо сделать? Как-то отметить себя? Я из России, мне 37 лет:)

 21 days ago 

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это:
Имя: настоящее имя или имя писателя или что вам нравится
Адрес: настоящий адрес или адрес студии или поддельный адрес где-то в городе
Если вам нравится немного информации о вас или слоган или выражение или то, что у вас есть в вашем профиле Steemit.

Вы можете добавить свой сайт или адрес Steemit
1-я картинка: фотография или аватар или визитная карточка (что вам нравится.. пишущая машинка?)
2 произведения вашего искусства (я дал два pdf с каждым изображением и стихотворением/историей на нем)
Далее вы упоминаете @joslud, и он добавляет вас на карту. Где именно находится центр мира?

Кажется, мы все еще циркулируем по всему миру, и я там дважды LOL. Я думаю, что могу переместить Tales & Stories в Восточную Европу, чтобы заполнить карту.

I don’t mind being on the map as well.

Name: Olamilekan Akinsola


I am a professional visual artist, I create more of mixed media paintings on Canvas and sometimes love to try out other mediums and and styles such as drawing and full on acrylic paintings.

Coordinates - (6.6703580, 3.4771638)
Instagram - @olamilekan.akinsola_

Thank you!

 21 days ago 

You mean I happily join this great initiative!
Super you join, it's good to see you and let's try to make this rock!

@jayes-art is this against your wanting to be free? Promoting yourself through google maps? You never know where it leads to. Have a look what the others did.

Okay..I will thank you!

 23 days ago 

A look.



Thanks for participating.
If you want to edit or improve your profile, you can send me:

  • Your photo or logo (round of 100x100 pixels.
  • Or Presentation card.
  • Photos or videos of your creations
  • Description and links to your online networks or galleries.
  • Works or photos you want to show.

PD: (For photos/logos/Presentation card). You preferably use these proportions 4: 5: 5: 4; 1: 1)


Thank you!

 last month (edited)

Finally up for the map update! 😎
Real Name - Omotayo Babatunde Ambali



I am a professional visual artist, I create more of Canvas paintings and I sometimes love to try out other mediums and unconventional materials.



Coordinates - 6.65329° N, 3.47504° E

Instagram handle - @_ambali

Thank you! 🤗

 last month 

Done, you appear as a Community Moderator and as an Artist


This is beautiful. Thank you @joslud


Name: jayeola Joshua


A professional visual artist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Fascinated by his environment and beyond , exploring the themes of cultural values, social lifestyle and self identity.

Coordinate: (6.6780696, 3.5155086)
Instagram: jayeola_joshua_art

Thank you!
@joslud @wakeupkitty

 17 days ago 

Beautiful 😍 That painting! Great work and super you join us on the map!


Thank you!
Always a pleasure..😊

 17 days ago 

Hi, jayes-art
Thank you for participating.
If you have other photos or YouTube videos, please send the link so we can add them.


Thank you!

Name : @aneukpineung78


More photos:


I don't know anything, including what I am.

Coordinate: 5.18°N 97.1506°E

cc @wakeupkitty

 21 days ago 

Greetings dear friend.

@aneukpineung78, Of course you are welcome, even if you are not clear about what and why. 🤪

For now you are in the group of moderators, in whatever you are something of yourself, or when you want to include something else, let me know to edit your profile.


 last month 

Atention @grebmot @stef1 @tezzmax @wakeupkitty

Slide the slider to see...

Send me some information to put as examples on the map and start motivating others.

  • An image of yourself, or your logo, or your avatar.
  • The coordinates of your studio or workshop, or where you live.
  • Two photographs of your pieces.

Here or on

Telegram / Discord: joslud

 23 days ago (edited)

Received 👍
A look


Thanks for participating.
If you want to edit or improve your profile, you can send me:

  • Your best photo
  • or logo (round of 100x100 pixels).
  • Or Presentation card.
  • Photos or videos of your creations
  • Description and links to your online networks or galleries.
  • Works or photos you want to show.

PD: (For photos/logos/Presentation card). You preferably use these proportions (4: 5: 5: 4; 1: 1)


 21 days ago (edited)

@gems.and.cookies is your daughter still active? Does she like a place on the Art & Artists google map @joslud created? It would be awesome to see there as well.

How about you @marcoteixeira? You are photographer. Show 2 or three of your pieces and add the info you llike to share and leave it in the comment section for @joslud. We love to have you as well.

Thanks for the invite. I will ask her 😊

 20 days ago 


 21 days ago 

I will edit for sure, I am working on something but for now too busy (two secretaries are welcome and a housekeeper and nanny).

 21 days ago 

Dear MOuSE @aneukpineung78 join the party. Not with your pies this time but your digi drawings. Kiss the Steem and write with or without mouse.
I would love to see you keep me company

can you change the picture into something that fits?

 18 days ago 

Please give me the photo you want to appear.

you have the picture already. You used it.

 18 days ago (edited)

Please specify and show the exact photo(s) you want to display. 🙏
You upload the photos yourself and use them.


These are fine for now but if I click on the first picture I only see a part of it. You too? Otherwise, let it be till I finish what I am planning.

Kindly check your Telegram.

I'm conflicted because it would seem disingenuous to pretend I was an artist. Which is kinda ironic all things considered, given how I stumbled my way into a modship. I did some art I guess, but nothing worth sharing in the 'look at my portfolio' kind of sense. My "workshop" for that matter is just a repurposed kitchen.

I don't think I should be rolemodel or a face of the community, more like a behind the curtains kind of guy who helps out here and there. If you want me to, that is.

 last month 

Well, you are a community moderator and as such you can appear. Dear Friend.


Great, you are in the kitchen, I am in the shed and ronthroop is in the basement.
You made clear you don't have the gaming status of god so you are an artist. Cool, problem solved.

You didn't stumbled into the modship I pulled you in or pushed you or you had the luck to be there on day number 1.

The good news is: no role model is needed and if it works well everyone can be a mod which means everyone should pin and unpin his/her own post the same as it works in SCB Monkey Business. There isn't any more to it. No need to leave moderator reports behind and you can be there if you feel to it and if not that's fine too (but I will ask how you are doing - your back - and why you moved to the other end of the world!).

You can also give a different location although it looks like joslud already did that LOL (another problem solved) if you have time left you can make a dollhouse and pretend that's your studio (also cool) oh, and take a picture of the Ferrari!

I love you!

Heh, fair enough.

So it's a yes? Great!

I would get my hopes up for any doll houses though.

 last month (edited)

Is this easy to understand for those who never heard of SteemAtlas let alone how such a space is created?
I have an issue with the word "god level" can it be more professional"



what do you think of this idea? Art on SteemAtlas?

I understand the idea of the project.

It has a potential, in my opinion, but has to have attractive and interesting features and rewards so it is more than a mini-LinkedIn on Steem.

I would usually first see the project running (live or beta versions, all ok to try) before taking a decision to join.

Probably having only "Professional" and "Hobbyist / Amateur" two levels is enough, leveling is highly subjective and common understanding is that if anyone makes more than the half of their income from a certain activity, that makes them professionals in that area. So it is easy for everyone to say if they are a "pro" in their type of Art ;)

 last month 

Hi, @lightcaptured

You are one of the photographers I follow here on Steemit.

I appreciate your comments and that you see the potential of the proposal. I am thinking that in the near future each community can have its map-directory adapted to its niche.

Here, art and artists.

Do you think that on this occasion you could be one of those who take the first step and position yourself as a pioneer?

Give me some elements to make an example, and then others can consider whether to join or not.

  • An image of your logo
  • The coordinates of your studio or workshop.
  • Two photographs of your pieces
  • Optionally, a link to a YouTube video.

The benefits, you are right, must be thought about and investors must be found. But at this moment, I ask for a leap of faith. 😉

Just a test, for the time that you determine.

Thank you for reading, understanding and commenting.

I appreciate your support to my works!

I hope you realize that what you ask me to do is exactly the opposite of what I just shared I'd like to do! :))) My way of joining any online project is first see what it is, what are its goals, how it looks and then join it in, if my instincts tell me to do so :)

There is another factor to consider - do you think the most of the artists here would like to pin their own homes? The pandemic changed a lot and I know many artists work from home.

Here is my honest opinion and specifics - for smaller projects sometimes I work from home studio but for the bigger projects I rent big studios. I've used a few of them as all projects are unique and it would be a pin of one of those studios - not sure how useful would such an info be and I wouldn't pin my home for security reasons. More often, though, clients have ideas about the place, so renting studios isn't so frequent lately, as it used to be, unfortunately.

I don't know if all the artists have a logo either. I have mine and it has been specifically created by a designer so it is embedded in my photographs, it doesn't look well when alone, hehe :)))

So maybe it's a good idea instead of an logo, ask for short text summary or caption/title? Maybe not a good idea but I don't know what your vision is :)
Or one of those pictures is an avatar/icon, similar to the profile picture on the Steemit account?

I am trying to help you with dropping these thoughts and ideas, and sharing my point of view, I hope you find them useful.

 last month (edited)

Yes, of course I realize. I'm inviting you to do something different and totally opposite to your custom.


I understand the concern about cybersecurity. We can use the coordinates of your city, and ultimately your country, I don't see a problem there.

Photos / logo / avatar

The idea is to use your logo or avatar to personalize your geographic marker. And a main photo of you or your workplace.

Show the works.

Do you have a virtual gallery in the cloud? DeviantArt for example.
We can place the link to redirect traffic there.
But if you want to incorporate it into Steem Atlas, the more exact the coordinates are, the better.

My vision

We can build the objectives, the immediate one is to create the directory, evaluate viability, impact and future benefits. And later: Can we integrate it into Steem Atlas?

Thanks again for answering.

At your service
My telegram/discord: joslud

I believe SteemAtlas is more about experiences, stories, particular places.

If this is going to be about people, it would need a separate front-end, I think.

Have you checked - this site for creators and artists could give you more ideas.

I have many portfolios with my works and if I have to share only one, it would be my account page at Alamy, one of the agencies I license my photos at:

(in the signature in my posts as well ;))

I have to say that the purpose of the directory isn't clear to me. What are your goals? How would that contribute to the platform and the artists? I believe there has to be something interesting and attractive as people need to return to this, want to add something new, and so on. I mean, ideas to keep the place alive for longer?

 last month 


I think SteemAtlas is more about experiences, stories and particular places.

True, that's how it is for now, but it's still in development and it's possible that artist users from Steemit can join, presenting their workshop, their exhibition, etc.

If it's about people, I think it would need a separate frontend.

True, but the possibilities are open in Steem Atlas. In incorporating the map that we will already have prepared of the artists.

Objectives of the Directory:
To have a showcase where we can visualize the artists of the Art & Artis Community.
To promote the work of those artists.
That for now, I also say it's a test, an experiment, my friend.

You're right, everything could change.

As this is all in very early steps, perhaps you talk directly to the Steem Atlas project owner so your feature idea is incorporated in the best way possible and benefit you both? ;)

Exchanging ideas is always good, for any project.

Thank you for providing all this extra info, my friend!

 last month 

I have the same concern if it comes to location. I understand it is how google maps works but is there a solution @joslud?

For example using the link a post on SteemAtlas would refer to or just a post?

Can those who join the community use the location of the community - Iceland or wherever we like?

A post referring to the location (photography, place of event/exhibition, art school or something mentioned in this first post?) is an option.

@lightcaptured: If you show photos made in a certain studio you rented you could name that studio and pin that location. If photos taken abroad you can pin that location or? Google maps works like that.

Instead of a logo we could also use logos standing for the type of artist: Photographer, Sculpter, Painter, Writer, Film Maker, Actor, Model, Visagist. I rather let go of the prof or hobbyist since this can change.

 last month 

Hi, dear.

The solution I see immediately is to place the pin or marker for the city, region or country of the artist.
We can consider placing a different place than where I actually have my house/place of artistic creation. But it would take away from our veracity.

Yes, the option of making a post about a museum, permanent exhibition, art gallery. A meeting place for artists, etc. It would be very good to post on Steem Atlas.

Since, at the moment, Steem Atlas only works with a pair of coordinates, from the site to which you make the post.

In My Maps, we would show a profile of the artist, this can be modified at any time. Look at the Ron Throop marker. Place his website there.

GIF 18-2-2025 08-15-27.gif

I think it is good to personalize each marker. Recognizing the discipline can be done by establishing different layers on the map, one for painters, another for photographers, the possibilities are many.

The purpose of the whole feature/project is still a bit blurry to me :)

Probably that's why I want to see its (beta) version in action prior contributing.

I have certain experience with contributing to places on google maps, that below is a screengrab from the last email gmaps sent me ;)

Could we achieve similar stats here? I really hope so!

Screenshot 2025-02-18 212605.png

 last month 

I have no idea if we can achieve similar stats. If I remember well the only thing I once photographed was a dirty toilet in I believe München. If it comes to it I am not a google fan and the only time that map was used was by a friend two years ago in Italy. Well, it was not able to show the way.

I am wrong I shared more nonsense and just checked. Turns out I have 70.000 so you have more.

Screenshot (132).png


I recall there was a conceptual photo series of a known photographer who travels theworld and shares toilet photos :) So, probably you've been frustrated but I guess everything could be "treasure" in the eyes of a stranger :)))

We may achieve even bigger numbers, in terms of visits of some posts, but as there are many frontends, I doubt there is a clever or easy way to sum all those visits, so the stats will be lower than what they really are ;)

The pros and cons of web3 ;)

I use google maps navigation when traveling and lately, when driving even in the vicinity, as they warn about delays, road constructions, traffic police cameras, accidents, traffic jams, etc.

I liked the "Chronology" or called "your timeline", I think, but google is shutting down this feature in May. :(

Going worse they are. They will still keep my data but it will be harder if not impossible to me to access it... Not that I'm surprised ;)

My main pro camera doesn't have geo-tagging, so sometimes when I travel and visit many places in one day, it was very helpful to later check out the locations on the map... how much time I've spent, they traveled between points, etc. Too useful to be given for free, I guess...

 last month 

If it comes to pro... if you don't make a living with it you still kan be a pro. It works the other way round as well.

I shared this from my experience with applying to international photographic contests (not on Steem but those managed by photographic associations, companies, NGOs, etc., open to everyone) that distinguish the entries for pro and amateur photographers. That's the question that usually puts me in either of those categories. "Do you make more than the half of your income from Photography?" I suppose that's the de facto standard in the industry.

This part aside - I agree with you, totally. Photographer - one of those professions where one could work and don't get properly paid, if at all sometimes :)))

I had a friend, a pro photographer who worked as a Editor for a fashion magazine and he shared with me that if he was in charge for the magazine expenses, he wouldn't pay a dime to any fashion photographer, because, in his words "there are too many who will shoot for free just for more exposure and their names printed with the small letters under the magazine photos"). This coming from a pro fashion photographer, says a lot :)))))

 last month 

I recognize that. Why pay if you get it for free. Same with models who should be hapoy with the next load of photos. You find this in all layers art and non art. Free, volunteers make it hard to generate an income. The editor worked for free? Since he can easily be replaced by someone who loves to see his name printed.

True, true...

He was on a permanent paid position but didn't stay long, moved on to another job. I could tell he didn't like that experience.

Now I recall an interesting "offer" I had from a potential facebook client. No payment for a boudoir photoshoot but I would take the photos naked and then participate :))) Could you believe this? :D


Your content has been successfully curated by our team via @kouba01

Thank you for your valuable efforts! Keep posting high-quality content for a chance to receive more support from our curation team.


Thank you, team 4 :)

 last month (edited)

I hope I have made it simple enough to understand. Being a translation, there may be aspects to improve.

First: this would be an experiment in My Google Maps, not Steem Atlas, with the hope that in future updates we can integrate that community map into Steem Atlas.


Second: If each one makes a post about their workplace as an artist, (or a museum, a gallery, an art school) that post can appear in Steem Atlas.

In a first phase, I would be in charge of using the data collected, making the map and showing it here.
Later, we would do a training so that each artist learns how to do it.

Learn more

I am curious about the locations. Is this in your sheet? Stef1 is in Scotland and @grebmot... I could swear we are neighbours when did you sneak out

 last month 

Hi, @hive-169911

I don't know the location of Stef and Gremoot, I'll use it as an example. Thanks for clarifying

stef1 lives in Scotland (more than once mentioned) and @grebmot has his studio in the kitchen and it's up to him to say his location. What can we do to keep it anonymous can we pick the country we like? I left my comment but I believe I didn't send it because of the location.

Can we have a dollhouse where we can all have our studio (attic, kitchen, and so on?)

@almaguer you can draw it, wouldn't that be fun? I have the guesthouse (more a shed)

JJ. Todo sería bueno si mis lápices no se derriten de tanto pintar jajaj

 last month 

Now it's more clear to me and for sure to some or the artists as well and if not they can ask so the first step is posting a personal art post.Thanks for starting this. I am hopeful although not everyone likes to be mentioned on google maps.

 last month 

😉 It's video game jargon, it almost means a level by Leonardo da Vinci or a Michelangelo (for example).

We can leave the levels to the artists themselves, the ones I put are just for reference.

Saya tidak punya keahlian dalam membuat lukisan, jadi saya tidak tahu harus menjawab untuk kasus ini

 last month (edited)

Friend, it's about creating a directory of the artists in the community. Each artist will have a window similar to this one on the map.

GIF 16-2-2025 15-22-18.gif

There you can see:

  • your photo or logo.
  • Description and links to your networks or online galleries.
  • Works or photos that you want to show.
    • Just say, I agree, and here we start.

Visit the map and click on my logo.

ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ map in Google My Maps

@almaguer dear friend look at the map! You live closer to me than @joslud! Will you join? You can take the entire island 😍

 last month 

I will join. You can take my pic from Tales & Stories and that site is my home and here is my niche, the story tales. I will see about the location and what to share later. How to share a text or poem? Are the written words visible? I will try to scroll though unless you take the Angry Bag, Dragon and Hot Dip (both I shared in SBL Monkey Business (pictures) and of course Wolf should be there and/or Art Explained by a Writer.

 last month 

Ini bukan tentang melukis. Ini tentang membuat postingan sebagai seniman. Anda adalah seorang fotografer, jadi Anda adalah seorang seniman. Anda dapat menulis tempat tinggal Anda, lokasi tempat Anda mengambil foto. Selanjutnya @joslud akan memetakan semua seniman dan menunjukkannya di SteemAtlas. Ini akan menjadi promosi yang bagus untuk Anda. Komunitas Seni & Seniman diperuntukkan bagi semua jenis seniman, penulis, pematung, fotografer. Mereka yang menjadi anggota komunitas adalah yang pertama dapat bergabung. Pikirkan tentang hal ini jika Anda menyukainya.


Your content has been successfully curated by our team via @kouba01

Thank you for your valuable efforts! Keep posting high-quality content for a chance to receive more support from our curation team.


 last month 

thanks @kouba01

 21 days ago 
 21 days ago 

Ready, dear

 21 days ago 


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