We are all Chinese
We are all humans.
This is a repost of a blog post, written by @shortsegments, so I designated him 90% beneficiary of this post.
I woke up with this post in my brain today. My mind was filled with the following idea...
Right now in the USA some people are attacking Chinese people along with people who they think are Chinese! They are angry because they are blaming the Chinese for this disease. This made me pause and think: is this the way we want our species to end, fighting each other?
First of all...
Every Chinese person on the earth is not responsible for the things that some people in Wuhan, China did! Ask yourself, is every German in the world responsible for the Jewish Holocaust? Is every European responsible for African Slavery? Is every person of any ethnic group you can name and any tragedy committed by them responsible?
We need to have some common sense.
Second of all...
We need to work together to fight this disease.
We need to focus on the things we have in common, like our desires to eradicate this disease and control its spread. We need to focus on sharing our science, our statistics and our experiences as we work together to defeat this new virus, which is the enemy of all of us humans on earth. We shouldn’t focus on the things which divide us, that doesn’t make us stronger, it weakens us and will help lead to the collapse of our civilization.
Third of all and most importantly...
We are all humans here on earth.
No matter what language we speak, no matter what Gods we worship, no matter where we were born on this earth. We are one species...humans.
We don’t always see ourselves as one species, but I hope this virus has opened our eyes and opened our minds. This virus has revealed what we don’t always see...we are all humans and a common enemy which hunts and kills humans should awaken us to this fact. We are all humans and it’s time we started acting like we are as smart as a virus. A virus which has no eyes or ears but knows we are all humans.
In Hawaii we have a term called Ohana, which means Family. We recognize that we have our small families, but we also know we are members of a larger family called our Community. We refer to our individual families as “our ohana” but we refer to our Community as “Our Ohana”.
It’s time for the world to realize, that while we all have our own countries, our “country ohana”, we are all members of the World Community, the “World Ohana”.
We are all Humans. We are all part of the Human Family.
We are all part of the same OHANA!
Original Post Link:
Thank you @payroll
It's nice to see that there are others who have some common sense. If anyone should be blamed, it should be the communist party members who attempted to cover up the severity of the virus and who threatened the doctors who were trying to warn the public about the virus. Those are the only people who should be blamed because the remainder are innocent bystanders who most likely passed the virus on unknowingly. Yes, there are the odd one or 2 who knew they were carriers and they too should be punished and some have been.
Apparently, there is a class action suit originating from California. I hope it is directed at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I think all other world governments should tally up the costs expended for this virus and send their bills to the CCP. If they refuse to pay, they become criminally negligent and are arrested the moment they set foot in any other country. This way, there are consequences for making bad decisions that hurt others. They should not be allowed to walk away like they did nothing wrong.