Petua Hilangkan Bau Hanyir
Dibulan puasa ni, biasanya kita rimas bila ada bau yang kurang menyenangkan.
Bagi yang menyiang ikan, pasti tangan akan berbau hanyir.
Walaupun dibasuh dengan sabun atau handwash, masih tidak hilang.
Apa kata anda cuba petua ini.
- ambil sedikit ubat gigi, letakkan ditelapak tangan
- gosok bagi rata dan biarkan dalam 5 minit
- bilas dengan air bersih
InSya Allah bau hanyir tu akan hilang.
Selamat mencuba.
Hello wanareis, welcome to Partiko, an amazing community for crypto lovers! Here, you will find cool people to connect with, and interesting articles to read!
You can also earn Partiko Points by engaging with people and bringing new people in. And you can convert them into crypto! How cool is that!
Hopefully you will have a lot of fun using Partiko! And never hesitate to reach out to me when you have questions!
Creator of Partiko
Thanks for welcome me.. i found partiko apps very easy to use. Im will give a try
Posted using Partiko Android