In a free market competition will drive prices down over and over again until things ...
... are close to free..
The existing system tries to hold the prices up at whatever cost.
Technology is deflationary and money is inflationary it means they will need to print a lot more and faster to keep the prices down..
Technology is deflationary because now its 100 times easier and faster to build a house or to grow up food than before.
So in a natural economy the prices should go constantly down !!
But they artificially keep prices high by printing more money !!
( printing money devalues the currency )
Quantitive easing is pushing all the prices up, houses, food, stock market etc
Since I remember we needed to work 8 hours per day
But back than the technology and the computers were way less efficient than now.
Computers were halve so fast and got halve so much memory.
Now they are way faster and we finish the same quantity of work we used to do in the half amount of time..🚜🥕
But we all still need to work 8 hours?
How is that possible ?
I believe because they don’t invest the technology so that the ordinary and common people can have a better lifestyle..
They use the technology to can make more money..
They don’t care about us being happy or having free time to grow up intrapersonally...
They only want us to be
WORKING & CONSUMING because in that way they make more profits !! 🧟♂️👗👠💎
P.s I didn’t try this theory out in the praxis so I cannot say 100% sure that a free economy would balance itself without help...
But there is one thing I’m 100% certain
and it is that life could be much easier than what it is now...
I'm tired of working 8 hours and stressing out - would love to earn the same but have more quality and free time. 🙏
Free time with friends over luxury ;) but don’t worry nellasvita I’m sure with time we will find a way how we can have both. 🌞
Thank you for this words🙏. Make me thinking🤔
Du fühlst es schon dein ganzes Leben lang, das mit der Welt etwas nicht stimmt. Du weißt nicht was, aber es ist da - wie ein Splitter in deinem Kopf, der dich zum Wahnsinn bringt. -Morpheus film matrix 🎞
Thank you sharing your thoughts with us!🔥💯 I find, some rethink process has to be done, but it will also take time it will find it's way into the mind of people! 😊
Yes we still need to find the truth, it’s somewhere out there. But nice that this post captivated your attention 😊
Very informative and it makes me think on the reality points you said too.. why until now people have to work hard for 8 hours with the same.low salary.. hmmm.. wish we cn have enough and fair profit benefecial for everyone enough fpr ua to have more free quality time
Wish The same zephalexia for the world 🌎🌞