Don’t use vacations to escape from your reality.. Rather use that money to try change ...
... your reality..
No taking vacations for 2-3 years and investing that money can have a big impact in your life.
Was für ein trauriges Leben
zur Ferien zu gehen um vor der Realität zu flüchten..
P.s ich hatte Jahre lang so gelebt aber hatte seit 2016 das Glück gehabt neue Perspektiven zu sehen 🌀👁🗨
Where's the appics logo? 😜
In my ♥️
Cool idea - let's do this... Anyways can't travel foe atleast a year.. so might as well make it 3 year's and build a side hustle with the saved money... I'm sure our future selves will thank us for it 😉
Future selves is a big word, it’s curios I use the same word often.. because sometimes people aren’t connected to their future selves. They spend all the money the first 2 weeks of the month in luxury and the last 2 weeks they are suffering , I always tell him. Bro I think you hate your future selve 😅😂
wow..amazing dear😍😍🔥
Love the lines.. i hope we can take vacation very soon with no covid worries at all.. keep safe my dear
And do something with what you have before old.
Time will never wait and money will never remain. So make sure to use the time and money properly
beautiful bro
Interesting perspective, vacations are important nonetheless
This one is difficult😳