I wonder what my daughter Tahnee was looking for under our car? It is a little turn ...
... back time to our Balilife. We moved from New York Manhattan to the magical Island to start a new life in nature. She was 5 in 1999. There are so many beautiful memories of wonderful and exciting years, experiencing a completely different culture. I made the right decision as a single Mom to take her away from her birthplace, a hectic city life to grow up in SE-Asia. The moment she finished her A Level she decided to study in Europe. So! Here I am as well because I didn’t want to be apart that much from my Babygirl.
Good decision, btw is she here in Appics?
Nooo! She hates social media and prefers her privacy. Maybe she does exactly the opposite as her Mom 😂🤪
Kids always have curiosity of different things..mayb she was searching something there 😂😂
I wonder what it was she wanted to find 😊🙀
Go and ask her 😀😀😀
so cute and you still manage to maintain this precious photo of her
If she saw this picture will became wonder a lot and laugh a lot 😍😍
She saw it but couldn’t remember what she was looking for 😅😂
Such a amazing view
What a beauteus view👌
That's great