What's been the most influential quote that has changed your life? I'd love to know. ...kevinli (70)in APPICS • 4 years ago #apx #money #robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad #finance
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything...they make the Best Of Everything They Have..." 😍🤩
Quoted by Oprah and others.
Oprah is a godsend
Haha yes indeed!🤣👍😉
Love what you do and do what you love
Ray bradbury
Thats a lot of love haha
Yess man 😎💯✌️
"This too shal pass away!"
Who by?
I came across it Specially when i was a bit low.. a few negative thoughts! So it stuck with me.. and whenever I'm on a happy high..or have achieved something.. i stay grounded.. because....
This too shall pass away!
Also me when I eat really spicy food
Is this the new book from kyosaki?
Haha it's actually just a diy poster
with the blockchain, the possibility of obtaining a little extra income already exists... what do you think about it?
U already know i love it!
Thanks for reply