What is the AGE of AQUARIUS? Pt. 3 . If we were to draw the Sun on a sheet of paper ...
... as a dot in the middle and then two big circles around the Sun, the inner circle would represent Earth's orbit and the outer circle would represent the zodiacal constellations.
As we have seen, Earth's axis is tilted on average by 23.5°. This angle in relation to Earth's trajectory around the sun is Earth's OBLIQUITY. Projecting Earth's equator into space gives us the CELESTIAL EQUATOR (see blue plane). The other elliptical plane is Earth's orbit around the Sun, the ECLIPTIC.
The two points where the CELESTIAL EQUATOR and the ECLIPTIC intersect are where the EQUINOXES occur.
In fact, Earth's OBLIQUITY is not constant but the axis oscillates slowly between 22.1° and 24.5°. Due to this "wobbling", the Pole star changes over time (currently it is Polaris). And so does the interplay between orbiting around Sun & the "wobbling" axis cause the equinoctial points to shift, which travel backwards through the zodiacal constellations.
This is called the PRECESSION of the EQUINOXES. This movement is extremely slow such that it takes 72 years for the vernal equinoctial point to move by just 1° in the skies which is equivalent to a full circle through the zodiacal constellations in roughly 26.000 years! This is called the GREAT YEAR.
How come our ancestors thousands of years ago built monolithic structures all over the globe that precisely mirrored these celestial movements? How could they possibly know?
Anyway, a full circle divided by 12 Zodiacs, means that the vernal equinox rises in each constellation for ca. 2.200 years - this is the ASTROLOGICAL AGE.
Up until now, the Sun during the vernal equinox rose against the constellation of Pisces. And right now we are leaving that constellation, such that the vernal equinox will rise against Aquarius for the next 2.200 years.
This is the meaning of AGE OF AQUARIUS.
Now what we associate with this process is up to interpretation.
What is your view what the new age will bring about?
👇🏼 comment below 🙏🏼
It's a huge alchemical process for the next decades. It will have many conflicts and chaos, but when the transmission is fulfilled we'll live in a complete different but better world. 💯
Btw, your post fits perfect to my today's Daily Thoth Tarot Card post 😉