... chicken, who are great teachers at enjoying life and just being themselves. Watching them makes me forget time passing. I encourage their development that they enjoy sitting on me 🤗
Naaaaw, thanks for those words Nelli. I enjoy sharing my relationship to my chicken with you because you are just as delighted as I am even though you don't get to cuddle with them 🐥
Ich rede mit meinen Katzen. 😁💯🥰💯
👍🏻 genau richtig so!
This is the sweetest think I've seen today.😍 How softly you speak and smiley to them, just wonderful. 🐔 Great Debby 👏🏻
Naaaaw, thanks for those words Nelli. I enjoy sharing my relationship to my chicken with you because you are just as delighted as I am even though you don't get to cuddle with them 🐥
Invite them on Appics. We want to see their post.. May be they will post about the benefit of egg and chicken recipe 😉😉
🤣 having chicken, dogs and cats on APPICS... Just imagine
That's what I like!! you with adorable chicks😅 sometimes I also enjoy my leisure time like this
Hab auch immer mit meinen Hunden gesprochen, da gibts wenigstens keine Widerrede oder Streit 💯😂😉
😄 jaaa, sie können gut kommunizieren
Wow, Nice chicks 🐥
Hört sich an wie ein Anmachspruch 😄 aber ich verstehe was du meinst 😉 danke
Die Doppeldeutigkeit .... ;-)
This is so cool haha
I am glad you also enjoy those cute fluffy butts
😍😊 adorable creatures
I agree! You just gotta see with the right eyes 😉
Love this😂🥰
Thank you very much, glad you enjoy it 😁
Haha I love chickens!!🥰🐔🐓🐔🐓
Yess, I know that from your lovely posts too