Anti-aging foods, how to look younger naturally,
Alright before you inject Botox in your face or pay a surgeon to cut and pull your skin back, I wanna show you 23 anti-aging foods that can boost collagen. We all want healthy vibrant, radiating, glowing skin but there’s something absolutely crucial to having this age defying glowing skin. And the good news is, is you do have some control over it as we age. We’re talking about collagen my friend but first let’s quickly dive in to why we need collagen in the first place.
As we age, skin has many layers and if you’re not familiar with the layers let me show you exactly what the three layers are. The outer part, epidermis contains the skin cells, the pigment and the proteins. The middle part, the dermis contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles and oil glands. The dermis provides to the epidermis. The inner layer under the dermis, the subcutaneous layer contains the sweat glands, some hair follicles, blood vessels and the fat. Skin changes are often determined by the sun, the food that we eat, genetic makeup, there’s all types of things that determine our skin will actually change. Collagen is a protein used by ourselves that helps keep the skin flexible, stretchable and keep it together. Did you know there’s 25 different types of collagen in the body? And actually twelve of those are used for the skin. As we age, unfortunately collagen isn’t used as effectively and you can actually damage your skin causing wrinkles, blemishes, sunspots, different things of that nature.
The good news is there a lot of all natural ways to keep your collagen young, youthful, glowing so that your skin maintains that youthful vigor that everyone wants. The anti-aging business spends billions and billions of dollars. One of the biggest industries on this planet to keep people looking young and the good news is, is we have collagen boosting foods right in our refrigerator and then some of our cabinets. I’m gonna show you what those collagen boosting foods are right here, right now. Alright so we have 23 collagen forming foods. First on the list is collagen in the form of plain part by collagen, number one.
We have brown flax seed, number two. Red lentils, awesome stuff. Hummus, great for collagen production. Chickpeas. We got a little honey. This is my favorite honey right there. Little of bone broth right here. Great for collagen production, there’s gelatin and fat in there. We got some red walnuts. They don’t have to be red, they can be any kind of walnut but great for collagen production, anti-aging. We have blueberries, unbelievable for collagen actually it look likes skin cells deep inside. You know you bite this thing open, hmm, all the fat in there looks like a little cell. Good stuff. We have raspberries. Loaded with vitamin C, lots of micronutrients, great for collagen production. Here we got oranges. Vitamin C, great for collagen production as well. We got limes, we got lemons. We have, what’s this thing called? Kiwi right? Amazing for skin.
I wonder if like the signature of a kiwi is actually good for beards too cause its kind a look like it’s a beard. What do you think? We have cabbage, great for collagen production. Red pepper, carrots. We have sprouts. You know this is a broccoli sprouts, there’s more nutrients in a single broccoli sprout than there is on a whole head of broccoli. We got garlic. We got broccoli. We have a little bit of spinach, great for collagen production. Asparagus, just like this. We have red kale. We got eggs just like this. Know how to tell if an egg is good or bad? I hate to deviate but I got to show you trick here.
You take it, this is my kitchen hack right? In the middle of a Saturday Strategy I’m about to show you and when you see this kitchen hack I want you to subscribe to our channel because we have a lot more kitchen hacks just for you. Check it out! If it floats, it’s bad because little packets of air form in the actual egg white and in the yolk so it’s gonna float.
If it’s good it sinks. Ready? And it sinks, now that’s a good egg and a great kitchen hack. So that eggs for collagen production. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click that cute little box to the side for more kitchen hacks just like that. We got steak here, grass-fed of course. Great for collagen. Salmon, so good. Omega 3’s, loaded with enzymes and the aminos that you need to form collagen. We have chicken, great for collagen. And green tea. This is a chai green tea. I got it in one of my favorite cups. Say hello to Mr. Owl. So remember 12 amino acids are the core components of the 23 collagen producing aminos and they’re all right here right now. Eat lots of this stuff and your skin will look more vibrant, it will glow, you’ll feel absolutely amazing and you’ll age gracefully and you’ll stay young forever. Alright so here’s our collagen boosting juice recipe. Number one, we got a handful of cabbage. Handful of spinach. Handful of kale. This is the trifecta of awesomeness. We got two carrots. One peeled orange. One super powerful potent lemon. I like to say lemon with a French accent, lemon.
We have two tablespoons of Great Lakes collagen. Bam! Here’s the juice recipe. Drink it, love it and rewind the hands of time like back to the future. Delicious green juice just for me and you. Here we go! Hmm. It’s too legit. Hmm. Wow! Alright so here’s our collagen juice recipe my friend. Like this video, subscribe to it if you’re watching us on YouTube we’re gonna make more videos like this anyway let me drink my juicy juice before you leave but subscribe for this because subscribing to this channel is really cool. Alright so at that time who won the juicer? Remember next week if you wanna win the juicer scroll down to the bottom of this blog post. Leave a comment below about how your life is changed by implementing some of the strategies and tips that we talked about on FitLife TV. This week’s juicer winner is Alicia Woody. She has been focusing on getting more vitamins and minerals on her diet through smoothies and it’s now a part of her routine.
That’s great! Alicia we’re sending you a Kuving’s juicer. Use this to turbocharge those vitamins and minerals and keep us posted on how great you feel. Congratulations Alicia! Alright so now that you know the 23 things and you understand how collagen in your skin works, I just wanted to thank you so much for watching this video. Also remember aging in large part is a lot of it in your mind. And the more we stressed out about those grey hairs, of those fine lines and wrinkles on our faces, the faster we start to age. Cortisol, that stress hormone actually makes you age faster as well.
So one thing I wanna encourage you to do is continue to look in the mirror every single day and tell yourself how beautiful you are and how much you really love you and when you do that those stress levels are gonna start to go down. You’re gonna start to feel better, you’re gonna start to look better. Six months from now, people are gonna come up to you and they’re gonna ask what have you been doing? Because you look timeless, ageless. Stop celebrating those birthdays and start celebrating that ageless day because we’re only here for a moment and I want you to realize how precious this time is. And when you’re in the present moment you don’t have any time to think about how old you’re looking or how any lines and wrinkles you have on your face. So start to give back to you. Start to look at how beautiful you really are and stat to see others in the same light. The more we judge others, the more we’re judging ourselves.
So look within that radiating, that glowing, that beauty comes from within you. It’s not a reflection that you see in the mirror anyway, hope you enjoy this video. Give it a big thumbs up, subscribe to our channel for more videos just like this where you get practical tips, tools and resources that you can use for your health and also when you subscribe I’m gonna pick one person that subscribes us next week on YouTube and I’m gonna award them the juicer.
So as always I’m Drew Canole, remember we’re in this together and I’ll see you next week. This are perfect for Wolverine claws. .
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