The ‘Gone With The Wind’ Piece Of The Puzzle
Jeremy Hammond (born January 8, 1985) is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago, imprisoned and sentenced in November 2013 to 10 years in a US Federal Prison for hacking the Strategic Forecasting Inc. and for the leaks submitted to WikiLeaks for review, analysis and publication. Jeremy founded the popular security training website HackThisSite, and had a life long interest in security, programming, activism and music. Along with his brother Jason, he performed in numerous bands through the years, before his arrest, they were both actively performing in the Chicago band Dirty Surgeon Insurgency. Jeremy also worked as a web developer for Chicago-based Rome & Company, and according to his employer, he was “friendly, courteous and polite and while we suspect he has a low tolerance for corporate posturing, he has never demonstrated any contempt for business in the workplace”.
His activism started many years ago, when Jeremy would protest against the nomination of President George W. Bush, the Iraq War, the National Socialist American Workers Freedom Movement (founded by 2 former members of the American Nazi Party), and even more, years before engaging in any protests under the banner of Anonymous, the very first being the Scientology protest. Therefore, when Jeremy started his protesting against surveillance activities carried out by private intelligence firms i.e. Strategic Forecasting Inc. (Stratfor), the Lulzsec group was also in the scene, and Sabu as a member of the group, and under the influence of the FBI, would play once again his entrapment card, and talk Jeremy into doing his bid. Plus, Sabu attempts of entrapment of foreign hackers is a fact acknowledged by many, and because I don’t even at explaining who he is, Google the word rat s’il vous plait.
The following text was found on pastebin 4 years ago, and it is believed to be from Jeremy Hammond, you can try and write a letter asking him about it.
Nov 15th, 2013
Sabu also supplied lists of targets that were vulnerable to “zero day exploits” used to break into systems, including a powerful remote root vulnerability effecting the popular Plesk software. At his request, these websites were broken into, their emails and databases were uploaded to Sabu’s FBI server, and the password information and the location of root backdoors were supplied. These intrusions took place in January/February of 2012 and affected over 2000 domains, including numerous foreign government websites in Brazil, Turkey, Syria, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Nigeria, Iran, Slovenia, Greece, Pakistan, and others. A few of the compromised websites that I recollect include the official website of the Governor of Puerto Rico, the Internal Affairs Division of the Military Police of Brazil, the Official Website of the Crown Prince of Kuwait, the Tax Department of Turkey, the Iranian Academic Center for Education and Cultural Research, the Polish Embassy in the UK, and the Ministry of Electricity of Iraq.
Sabu also infiltrated a group of hackers that had access to hundreds of Syrian systems including government institutions, banks, and ISPs. He logged several relevant IRC channels persistently asking for live access to mail systems and bank transfer details. The FBI took advantage of hackers who wanted to help support the Syrian people against the Assad regime, who instead unwittingly provided the U.S. government access to Syrian systems, undoubtedly supplying useful intelligence to the military and their buildup for war.
All of this happened under the control and supervision of the FBI and can be easily confirmed by chat logs the government provided to us pursuant to the government’s discovery obligations in the case against me. However, the full extent of the FBI’s abuses remains hidden. Because I pleaded guilty, I do not have access to many documents that might have been provided to me in advance of trial, such as Sabu’s communications with the FBI. In addition, the majority of the documents provided to me are under a “protective order” which insulates this material from public scrutiny. As government transparency is an issue at the heart of my case, I ask that this evidence be made public. I believe the documents will show that the government’s actions go way beyond catching hackers and stopping computer crimes.
Jeremy Hammond, #18729-424
FCI Memphis
P.O. Box 34550
Memphis, TN 38184
The Hacker Havittaja’s Statement
One of the last conversations with Sabu. What really Sabu was doing.
A questão é porque ele estava me dando senhas se ele estava com o FBI?
The question is why he was giving me passwords if he was with the FBI?Censored password obvious reasons.
Havittaja, January 24, 2012.
The snippet below is from a conversation on IRC.
Way before 2012,
18:51 Havittaja hey
18:51 Sabu my brother!!!
18:51 Havittaja what’s happen
18:52 Havittaja ;D
18:52 Sabu FTP:
18:52 Sabu censored
18:52 Sabu censored
18:52 Sabu root:
18:52 Sabu http://censored/core.php
18:52 Sabu ./core “id;cat /etc/shadow” for root
18:52 Sabu in: /var/www/vhosts/
18:52 Sabu ./core “cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow” for admin password
18:52 Havittaja ohh
18:52 Havittaja its for me ?
18:53 Sabu I showed lala/hard366 as well but I don’t think they’ll do something with the root
18:53 Sabu also
18:53 Sabu for the first 2, they’re on the same server with hundreds of .br domains
18:53 Sabu you have control of them. I can give you the xml file with all passwords
18:53 Sabu want them?
18:53 Havittaja hm sure
18:54 Havittaja so i’ll wait evilc0de
18:54 Havittaja we working together
18:54 Sabu ok
18:54 Sabu the most important is the root. php shell: http://censored/core.php
18:55 Havittaja okyftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored
ftp: suser: censored pass: censored
ftp: user: censored pass: censored