The Five Acts Of The Catalan Independence
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
Your little spies
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
Your little spies
Paramore - Crushcrushcrush
Part 1
Anonymous filters the data of 5,000 agents of the National Police
The attack coincides with the trial against the supposed leadership of the organization in Spain
Wednesday, 06/01/2016 | Updated on 02/07/2017
The three members of the group that the Police considers the "heart" of the Spanish Anonymous, in the dock of the accused. EFE / JUAN GONZALEZ
The National Police had opened an investigation into the leak of data from 5,000 agents and the hacking of the Mutual Social Security Police (Mupol) website on January 2016, at the time three members of the Anonymous collective were facing trial in which the prosecution asked for a sentence of five years for the hacking of election websites carried out in the Spanish elections of May 2011.
The hacking of the Mutual Social Security Police was attributed to the social network Twitter profile @FkPoliceAnonOps that had tweeted the names, surnames, identity documents, and email addresses, in addition to passwords to access mupol website. In a message, @FkPoliceAnonOps explained the hacking was carried out because of the Citizen Security Law, known as the 'gag law', used in certain Spanish states for the censorship of freedom of expression and basic human rights. "
Original Message In Spanish:
Nosotros, Anonymous, no podemos tolerar este comportamiento", añade el mensaje, en el que se arremete contra el cuerpo de la Policía Nacional española por "hacer daño" a sus "hermanos" con cargos falsos "que solo demuestran cómo su institución está podrida". En el 2011, la policía llevó a cabo una operación en la que, según se dijo entonces, desarticuló a la cúpula de Anonymous en el España con la detención de tres personas, a las que se acusó de ser los máximos responsables de este colectivo.
Y añade: "Estamos publicando una lista de los miembros de su 'fuerza' con el fin de que entiendan lo delgada que es la cortina detrás de la cual se esconden. Aproximadamente 5.400 identidades de miembros de la policía serán reveladas y vertidas en el dominio público y gratuito.
Mupol is a private mutual society that has no relationship with the Dirección General de la Policía, which allows many agents access to social services at much lower prices than those available to regular citizens, such as nursing homes, hotels (?), housing cooperatives, and retirement funds.
Part 2
The Catalan independence referendum of 2017, also known by the numeronym 1-O (for "1, October") in Spanish media, was an independence referendum held on the 1th of October 2017 in the Spanish Catalonia, whereas the Law on the Referendum on Self-determination of Catalonia "Generalitat de Catalunya" was raised by the Parliament of Catalonia. It's immediate success drove the Spanish government to declare it illegal on the 7th of September 2017 and the subsequently ban by the Constitutional Court of Spain, declared a breach of the Spanish Constitution of 1978. As a result of street protests, online censorship and political prosecution, many arrests followed and politicians left the country. It is in this context that the Anonymous collective has raised its flag again, and a group of hackers, perhaps if we consider the context, we may call them political activists, if arrested, political prisoners, turned to the Internet in protest and banded together to hack the largest police union who carried the protesters arrest, the Unified Police Union (SUP) database with 17,1790 users, and alleged the database had been infiltrated for five years.
2sd October, 2017
Hackers have accessed the web and several forums of the National Police, downloaded part of their databases and published on the Internet in response to "police repression in Catalonia"
9th October, 2017
The group of hackers La Nueve, linked to Anonymous, has accessed part of the database of the Unified Police Union (SUP), the majority of the body. Protest for 1-O charges.
In a video to which El Confidential had access, La Nueve shows how the hacking was carried out and how they had access to private data, and infiltrated the police network since 2013.
On the Unified Police Union (SUP) defaced website, La Nueve placed a video to a protest crash course titled "The Proportionate Use of Force for Short Minds".
In which La Nueve describes physical exercises the police union should follow through in order to feel the same pain that the protesters have felt when violently restrained on the streets.
La Nueve points to routes of entry into the SUP website:
It is very bad to leave forgotten applications when you change the subdomain and platform
- The Nine (@ La9deAnon) October 9, 2017
"One thing is to use force and another very different is to do it with hate, insults and dis-proportionality. We do not distinguish entities, all those mentioned and dedicated to the riot control task force seem to enjoy their work. There will be dignified professionals, but you will see very little". La Nueve answered to Teknautas.
You have crossed the line. Or (?).
- The Nine (@ La9deAnon) October 8, 2017
Part 3
Spanish Constitutional Court website down after 'Anonymous hack' (VIDEO)
Published time: 21 Oct, 2017
A Denial of Service attack barred access to the Spanish Constitutional Court website on the Saturday morning of the 21st of October, also carried out by Anonymous, in opposition to the Spanish government's authority over Catalonia, the imprisonment of protesters, online censorship, and the government take over of .cat domains on the Internet. And, in support of the independence of Catalonia dubbed on social media as #OpCatalunya and #FreeCatalunya.
Hacktivists Anonymus announces a mass #ciberataques campaign for #OpCatalunya and #FreeCatalunyahttps: //
- DSN (@dsn) October 20, 2017
A video linked to members of Anonymous suggested that the hacking group would undertake an operation to 'free' Catalonia.
One video was shared online ahead of the 1st of October independence referendum.
We wish to state that the Catalan people's desire to express their will via a referendum is the majority view and cuts across all strata of society and it is in keeping with the civic, peaceful and democratic determination expressed in the multitude of demonstrations held.
The video stated.
Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis declared that the police violent crackdown on Catalan protesters, with more than 800 people injured, were a "proportionate" answer from the Spanish government.
Part 4
Anonymous activist arrested for attacking the web pages of the Catalan elections.
February 27, 2018
Anonymous activist is arrested by the Guardia Civil police in the Catalan city of Tarragona. He is allegedly connected to cyber attacks carried out in the 2017 elections, in support of the pro-independence parties that held the absolute majority in the regional elections in Catalonia. Among the targets, was a vote counting company called Indra, public and government websites, and email accounts of affiliated parties thereby published on the Twitter account @AnonXeljomudoX read "Cuenta Intervenida por La Guardia Civil "hashtag #OpCatalunya, #FreeCatalonia and # Op21Dec.
Part 5
More hacking following the arrest of Anonymous activist.
#Anonymous #OpSpain #FreeXej #ShutDownSpainGOV
Relación de Prohibiciones de contratar vigentes e inscritas en el ROLECE a fecha 30/01/2018
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