My mother, the alt-left activist's opinion on Tina fey's cake sketch.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #alt-left8 years ago

To be clear, these are the opinions of my mother, I don't necessarily agree with any of it.

I've been involved in a few fairly heated discussions about the effectiveness of anti-Fascism protests and the relevance (or non-relevance) of Tina Fey's cake-eating sketch on SNL, and here's what I've noticed. The more white and comfortable you are, the more likely you seem to be of the opinion that street protest is not helpful and that Fey's piece was a brilliant piece of satire. Those with more 'skin in the game' (pun partially intended) because they are more visibly marginalized (through race, or poverty, or non-binary identity, or a combination of any of those three axes of oppression) seem to think that Fey's sketch was tone-deaf at best and offensive at worst and it is especially those who do not live comfortable existences who are the most willing to lace up and face Fascism. If you got nothing, you've got nothing to lose, I guess. Your privilege is showing, you might want to tuck that in.


No matter how comfortable your existence, Fascism should never... ever... be tolerated. Especially when it comes in the form of racial purges based on skin tone or religion (because we're all one genetic race). They prey on fear, it sustains and emboldens them. When we stand unified, regardless of political ideals (conservative here) we tell them we are not afraid, and it weakens them and sends them running.

Although I agree with you (libertarian here), I don't see how Protesting in the street will do more than put you in jail, or perhaps be run over and killed at worst, and at least usually end up hurting your cause, if you are using violent means to create peace. My mother is a 55 year old antifa member. I worry about her being involved with group endeavours that show up to "bash the fasc"

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