The Real History of the Earth.Part 7

in AlternativeKnowledge3 years ago



1342 - The troops of Khan Dzhenebek (Dyuzhen), of Siberian Russia, laid siege to the Crimean city of Kafa (Feodosia), at that time a Genoese colony. The siege dragged on for two years. Cafa was needed by the Semitic traders as air, because through it to Europe was going by the northern route Chinese silk. In Western countries it was valued by weight of gold. Then the Genoese (or they were helped), infecting some of their people with plague (it was unknown in the world before), threw the corpses into the besiegers' camp. And began to wait for the result. But the besiegers realized what was going on. Without touching the corpses, they put them into catapults and threw them behind the walls of Cafa. Few people in the fortress knew about the contagion, so Kafa soon turned into a solid graveyard. Those Genoese, who reached Europe by ship, carried the terrible disease there as well. In 10 years two thirds of the population of Europe died out. Russia was not affected. In Russia, there were people who successfully dealt with it. Those who created the plague also coped with it, otherwise there would have been no one left in Europe.

1372 - with the financial support of the Genoese, received in 1365 for the transfer of the Crimean city of Soldaya, and then its fertile suburbs under Genoese rule, Mamai from 1372 begins to control the area near Kuban. In the summer of 1373 he made a campaign to Ryazan. Beginning in 1374 groups of Mamay regularly raided Nizhny Novgorod. In 1377 Mamai conquered the Mordovian lands. By 1379 he subjugated the North Caucasus region, and in 1380 captured Astrakhan. Thus, Mamai gradually picked up the disparate territories of the Western Horde army. The campaigns to Russia were part of his conquering policy. In 1378 he first decided to strike Moscow. One should not think that Prince Dmitry of Moscow did not try to reason with Mamay. Dmitry understood who was pushing the Horde overlord to certain destruction. In his letters he told the Khan about this directly. But the lord of the Golden Horde did not accept the arguments of the Russian prince.

1380 - the Kulikovo battle took place. They say: the Russians fought the Tatars. They won and then for some reason they could not get rid of the Mongol-Tatar yoke for 100 years till 1480? Though they defeated them. But it turns out very strange: the Moscow army consisted of Muscovites, Cuman Tatars, Kazan Tatars, Kamsk Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars, Chuds, and Permians. Mamai's troops were Genoese, Spaniards, French and Teutons, i.e. a mercenary army. Moreover, for those who do not know, Mamai is a Catholic Christian name, i.e. son of a mother, still present in the Christian sanctuaries of the Greek Church in the form of Mamiy. Moreover, Mamay is the ancestor of a sort Glinsky (Russian princely sort XV-XVIII of centuries). Mamai's ally was the Lithuanian prince Jagailo, and Dmitry's ally is considered Khan Tokhtamysh with an army of Siberian Tatars. "Moscow... demonstrated allegiance to the alliance with the legitimate heir of the khans of the Golden Horde, Tokhtamysh, who stood at the head of the Volga and Siberian Tatars." Who are the Tatars then? Who are called Tatars? At the beginning of Christianization everyone who did not accept the faith of Christ was called Tatars, i.e. Tat-Ariy means: Aryan robber. In the tsarist documents of Peter the Great times there are even such lines: "All unbaptized peoples are called Tatars or Tartars."

In the Tula region, between the Don and the Nepryadva, where more than 500,000 soldiers came together, of whom about 300,000 died, no trace of the battle has been found for many years of research. But in Moscow, on the grounds of Simonov Monastery, around the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, a huge number of male skeletons and skulls have been found, and all the skulls have healthy young teeth. If it were an epidemic, there would be female and child skulls. The monastery was founded according to evidence in 1379. In the church itself are the tombs of the heroes of the Kulikovo battle Peresvet and Oslyabya.


Moreover, in the same Moscow, on the territory of the plant "Dinamo" was found a mass grave of soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo. Numerous tombstones, mentioning including Peresvet and Oslyabya, 580 years crowning the graves of soldiers, were destroyed by jackhammers and taken to the dump only in the 60s of XX century.
Fomenko and Nosovsky conducted research proving that the Nepryadva is the Naprudnaya River at the Moscow ponds at Kuleshki, aka Samoteka, where Samoteka Square is now. Then on Sretenka and Lubyanka the ancient Kutikovo field, enters Kitay-gorod the river Naprudnaya and is called Neglinnaya, dammed in front of the Kremlin. The Don is just a river. The modern Don in those days was called Tanais, at the mouth of which was the city of Tanais. Thus Dmitry Donskoy crossed the present-day Moscow River by the Crimean ford. A powerful proof of this is an old Yaroslavl icon "Sergius of Radonezh. Hagiographic Icon", uncovered in 1959, i.e., cleaned of the old blackened olive. Underneath the figure of Sergius is a battle and signed, "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev". The faces of the soldiers on both sides are the same. The clothes, weapons and banners with the image of the Savior are the same. At the bottom of the icon is inscribed: "Semen Malek told the Grand Duke - Mamai the tsar has already come to the Guzin ford and there is only one night between us, for by the morning he will reach the Nepryadva". Guzin ford - the modern river Yauza in Moscow. In the "Narrative of the Mamaev Battle of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy," as narrated by Sreznevsky, there are curious lines: "The Mamai tsar (not Khan!)... He began to call his gods: Perun, Salmanat, Mokosh, Rakliy, Rus and his great assistant Ahmet...". Interesting, but the church did not elevate Dmitry Donskoy to the list of saints, as Alexander Nevsky for the victory over the Livonian and Teutonic Knights (Latvians and Estonians). So this victory at that time was not regarded on such a scale as it is now.

Forced to cede power in the Golden Horde to Tamerlane's protégé Tokhtamysh, Mamai with his treasures and a few supporters fled to the Crimea and was killed in Cafe (modern Feodosia).
Modern coverage of the battle at Kulikovo Pole is based primarily on the fact that the Moscow squad and personally the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich were blessed by the authoritative churchman of the Christian church, Sergius of Radonezh, founder of the Trinity-Sergius monastery, who admonished the Moscow prince with a blessing: "In these words your enemies are vanquished." In fact, Sergius of Radonezh was never a Christian, or why on earth would a Christian priest have hundreds of warrior-keepers of the Arkona from the temple of Sventovit from the island of Rugius (Rugen), who were part of the "Order of the Golden Belts". Sorcerer Sergius as well as Dmitry Donskoy was canonized by the Christian Church only in the XIX century. Why would Grand Duke Dmitri Ivanovich of Moscow go to some old hermit, when he had the entire Patriarchate right under his nose, why didn't they bless him? Because they answered him: "Any power is from God. It is up to Mamai to sit in the Kremlin, so he will sit.
Think about what wrote the Christian chronicler, when the Grand Ducal banner collapsed. The banner collapsed, and by all the laws of that war, the entire Russian army was to drop arms and surrender, or flee. But the chronicler writes that immediately over the warriors the cry of an appeal to the old Slavic Gods: Perun, Svarog, Odin, Veles, Indra, and there is a listing. "And in an instant, the Christ-loving knighthood turned to a horde of fierce pagans, who, sweeping away everything in their path, destroyed the army of Mamai."

1382 - Khan Tokhtamysh made another invasion and burned Moscow, taking with him all the Moscow library and all the found ancient books and maps.
"And immediately the Tatars began to slaughter them all in a row. The first to be killed was prince Ostiy in front of the city, and then they began to whip the popes and the hegumens, though they were in vestments and with crosses, and the black men. And here it was possible to see sacred icons fallen and lying on the ground, and sacred crosses rolled violated, trampled underfoot, stripped and peeled off. Then Tatars, continuing to scourge people, have entered city, and some on ladders have climbed on walls, and anybody resisted them on fences, because there were no defenders on walls, and there were neither rescuing, nor saving. And there was a great fight within the city, and also outside of it. And until they sliced until hands and shoulders of them weakened and exhausted them, their sabers did not cut down any more - blades of them were blunted. The Christian people, who were then in the city, rushed back and forth through the streets, running in crowds, screaming and shouting, and beating their chests. There is nowhere to find salvation, and nowhere to get rid of death, and nowhere to hide from the edge of the sword. Princes and voevoda were deprived of everything, and all their army was exterminated, and they had no weapons left! Some in churches of cathedral stone were closed, but also there were not rescued as godless have broken through doors of church and people with swords were cut down. Everywhere there was a horrible cry, so the screaming could not hear each other because of the clamor of the multitudes. And the Tatars dragged the Christians out of the churches, robbing them and stripping them naked, and they killed them. They plundered the churches and trampled the holy altar places and ripped off the holy crosses and the miraculous icons, which were adorned with gold, silver, pearls, beads, and precious stones: And they tore off the shrouds sewn with gold and pearls, and, tearing off the holy icons, they trampled down those holy icons, and they took away the vessels of the church, service, sacred, golden and silver, and precious vessels, and stole away the priests' many-valued vestments. Books, in uncountable quantity taken down from all city and from villages and in cathedral churches up to the rafters, sent here for the sake of preservation - all of them ruined each to one. What to speak about the treasury of the grand duke - the treasure which was treasured so much, vanished in a moment, and the wealth which had been carefully preserved and richly fortified was quickly plundered".
/ Novgorod (Karamzin) Chronicle /
1390 - The Golden Horde, having survived many years of drought and an outbreak of cholera which mowed down entire cities, divided into three separate principalities: the Astrakhan, Kazan and Crimean principalities. The final blow to the Horde was dealt in 1395 by Emir Aksak-Timur (another pronunciation - Timur Lenk, Tamerlane), who defeated Tokhtamysh's regiments in a decisive battle.

Timur took the capital of the Golden Horde and drove the women and children to Samarkand, but he did not keep the written treasures of the lost empire, but betrayed them to the Vatican. Otherwise they would have been found. As a result, only ruins remained of Siberian Russia. Nothing - no books, no chronicles, no maps. Historians have tucked the name - Karakorum. Supposedly it was the capital of the Siberian Scythians. But the name is clearly Turkic: whether "black stone," or "black sand. In reality, the capital of the Siberian Russia was called Khara-Khor, and this capital was not in Mongolia but in the foothills of Altai. "Hara" in Old Russian means the center of the world, in Sanskrit it means "Meru", and "Khor" means unity. We are still singing in chorus. The ruins of Khara-Khor are still striking in their grandeur.
  Now it was Russia's turn. Tamerlane succeeded in taking the city of Elets, where he learned that a Scythian army was coming to meet him from Grastiana. Realizing that in spite of the turmoil Scythia was still alive, Tamerlane turned his army and left for Samarkand. He had time to do his job, though: the conquered territory was Islamized and began to form separate Muslim khanates, like the Big Horde, Nagai, and others.
  In spite of that, the curators of the Western project were well aware that if the Vedic confederation of Siberian princedoms was not destroyed, sooner or later it would gain power again. For this reason, until the middle of the 16th century, all over Europe there was talk about a new Tatar invasion. For several centuries, the countries of Europe lived in expectation of something terrible, which must necessarily come from the East. But suddenly all the talk about the evil "Tatars".


The Horde Polovtsians, preserving for centuries the qualities of knights, formed the Cossack armies, which by the twentieth century were the backbone of Russia. With 4.4 million members by 1916 and occupying lands from the Black Sea to the Yellow Sea, the Cossacks were the most serious opponent of those who were in favor of the destruction of Russia. Therefore, during the revolutionary Troubles of 1905-1907, in party programs and propaganda literature of the social-democratic parties, after unsuccessful attempts to involve them in the revolutionary movement, the Cossacks were called "stronghold of Tsarism", and therefore all Cossacks, in accordance with the party decisions of those years, were to be destroyed.
Thus completed the destruction of Siberian Russia. No population, no cities, no villages. Only nameless ruins. Even memories were eradicated.
1412 - Rzeczpospolita, the united Polish-Lithuanian state, appeared. Polotsk Russians were baptized into Catholicism and Lithuania was baptized. Officially the state existed until 1795.

1420 - Almost all Russian chronicles describe a pestilence in the various Russian cities, which originally began in Kiev in 1419. Some sources report a sea of "korkotoyu", others say that people were dying "iron". Accordingly two forms of plague simultaneously spread in Russia: pneumonic and bubonic. Among the cities especially hard hit were Pskov, Veliky Novgorod, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Galich and others. The death rate from the pestilence was so high, that according to the sources, there was no one to pick up bread from the fields, so the epidemic mortality was aggravated by the terrible famine that took thousands of lives.

1453 - Byzantine Empire ceased to exist after the Roman Catholic Church recognized the supremacy of Byzantine Christianity by the Byzantine patriarch and the promised aid from the papal curia to fight the Turks. Of course, Ivan III could help his Byzantine relative with military force (he was married to the niece of the last emperor Sophia Paleologue), but for some reason did not want to. He referred to the fact that he was busy with the war with Catholic Lithuania. In result the weight of the destitute Greek priests has rushed on open spaces of Russia and Ivan III very soon has come to decision on necessity of religious reformation in favor of the Byzantium refugees. It ended with the Christian Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh being forced to yield to the Greek Church and go into hiding.

1453 - After the capture of Constantinople, Turkey began to play an important role in the commercial and political life of Europe and the East. The beginning of the formation of the Ottoman Empire. By the beginning of the XVI century the Ottoman Empire included the Balkan Peninsula, much of North Africa, Mesopotamia and other territories. It collapsed after its defeat in World War I.

1492 is the official date of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbo, a navigator born in Genoa, a merchant city in northern Italy. Many scholars believe that Columbus used an ancient Carthaginian map, which he got either from the Vatican or from some private archive. Apparently, the Genoese knew very well about the New World. But unlike the ancient Egyptians, the Carthaginians, and the Knights Templar, whose ships also visited the Americas, they did not venture there for the time being.

1520 - A smallpox epidemic struck Asian countries, particularly seriously affecting the demographic situation in Japan, in some areas of which up to 70% of the population died. At the moment, many scientists share the view that the virus came from the Middle East and that the first people who contracted the disease came from camels.

1522 - in order to clear central Europe of the "hard to educate" white Nordic race, haplogroup R1a1, peasant riots were organized in Germany, which were brutally suppressed in 1525. This can be clearly seen in the archives of the Holy Inquisition. And Catholic legates from Italy, Spain and Portugal, - in fact people of the Mediterranean race, which haplogroup was R1b1a2, ruled this madness. After defeat rebels, on a scaffold 100 thousand people have been sent. The number of people killed during the uprising was several million. According to the most conservative estimates, 85% of the men in Germany were exterminated, while thousands of women were burned at the stake. As a result, after 1525. Germany was virtually depopulated. Tragedy also occurred in the Netherlands, where the Duke of Alba massacred 20,000 men and women during his storming of Antwerp alone. At about the same time, in the second half of the 16th century, one Bartholomew's Night killed 80,000 people in Paris and its environs.

1526 - During the reign of Vasily III, the father of Ivan the Terrible, Russia was visited twice (1517,1526) by Sigismund Herberstein, the ambassador of the emperor of the Roman Empire, which at that time was headed by the Habsburg family. Twenty-three years later a voluminous work of the ambassador was published in Vienna in Latin under the title "Notes on Muscovy". There, as a matter of course, reported details about the location of the idol of the mysterious Golden Baba:
"The Golden Baba, that is, the Golden Old Woman, is an idol standing at the mouth of the Ob in the region of Obdor, on that bank. Along the banks of the Ob and the neighboring rivers there are many fortresses everywhere, whose rulers are said to be subordinate to the tsar of Moscow. They say, or more accurately, fables, as if the idol of the Golden Old Woman is a statue of an old woman holding her son on her lap, and there is again a child, about whom they say that he is her grandson. Moreover, as if she had put some kind of instruments there, making a constant sound like trumpets. If this is true, I suppose it comes from the strong and constant blowing of the wind on these instruments."

1530 - during the strongest thunderstorm, to the peals of thunder, was born Ivan the Terrible, the son of Prince Vasily III Ivanovich and Elena Vasilyevna Glinskaya. The baby joined the blood of almost all the great warriors, who met in battle on September 8, 1380 at Kulikovo Field: the male line of Dmitry Donskoy (fifth tribe), and the female line - Mamai (from Elena Glinskaya) and the Lithuanian prince Yagaylo, ally of "Tatars" in that battle. Ivan was only three years old when his father died of a serious illness, and the de facto power passed to his mother - the young and energetic widow Elena Glinskaya. Glinskysky princely family is considered Lithuanian, but descended from the princes, who in the XV century came to the service of the Grand Duke of Lithuania. Moreover, as is dubiously established, the founder of Glinsky`s kind was one of the sons of khan Mamay: after the defeat of Mamay on the Kulikovo field and the execution of his father by hired killers, his son fled to Lithuania, where he received a management and breadwinner of the city Glinsk (now located in the Sumy region of Ukraine), - from its name received the name and the entire genus. Later relations of princes Glinsky with the Lithuanian-Polish masters fell out, and they passed to the service of Russian tsar Vasily III. He soon attracted the young niece of disgraced princes, and he took her as his wife, sending her childless wife Solomon in a monastery. Four years later Ivan was born, and, thanks to his mother, the blood of Khan Mamay started flowing in the veins of the Rurik kings.

1530 - Dzungars destroy Asgard of Iria. In 1990-95, they excavated the Ancient Necropolis (underground city), which is older than the Egyptian pyramids, and at the confluence of the Omi, where the CHP was, when it was demolished they found underground passages older than even the Necropolis itself. Many underground passages were also discovered under the Irtysh and Omya rivers. The Jungars not only destroyed the Asgard, but they also tried to expel the rogues, who were stealing sheep and horses. The Jungars were irascible people - they began to cut out the whole Juuls: they had a division: a senior Juus, a middle Juus, and a junior Juus. They planned to slaughter all of them. Then Ablakhan the Cowardly made rich gifts to Catherine II to save the Kyrgyz-Kaisaks from extermination. She sent Cossacks, who defeated the Dzungars and drove them away, and took the Kyrgyz-Kaisaks under their protection. They sent the Cossacks, who defeated the Dzungars, drove them away and put the Kyrgyz-Kyrgyz under their protection. To avoid more Dzungar raids they established several Cossack outposts, such as Vernyi - now Alma-ata, and all that was subordinate to Asgard, i.e. Omsk, Akmala - now Astana, Akmolinsk or Aptora (the town of Oddorsk in the Omsk region was until 1935, then became Salihard, though Oddorsk gatherings are still held in that town). The Kyrgyz-Kaisaks went to bed as Kyrgyz-Kaisaks in 1935, and woke up as Kazakhs in the morning.
What are they doing now instead? Where the flock passed, there is Kazakhstan. Barnaul is no longer a Russian city. They already mark it on the maps of Kazakhstan, as Bayanaul, not Omsk, but Omby, not Saratov, but Saratau. That is, the Great Kazakhstan - from Turkey to the Arctic Ocean. And now they claim it's supposedly some independent state. On whom it does not depend?

1547 - Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible was crowned on January 16, 1547; in the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin the Metropolitan put on him the Crown of Monomakh - a symbol of the royal power of the Moscow sovereigns. This "Crowning of the Tsar" was the first after the "yoke of the Horde. Ivan IV's first wife was Anastasia Romanovna Zakhar'eva-Yuryeva, whom he married two weeks after his coronation and lived for thirteen years. She was descended from a family of Zakharins-Koshkins, leading from Andrew the Mare, the legendary founder of the future Romanov family; Andrew Kobyla himself (rather, according to what is known of him, a steep "stallion") led his family from the line of the most ancient Prussian priest and leader Widwung. From the reigning of the first Rurikovich, Oleg, in Kiev in 882 to the crowning of the last Rurikovich in 1547 is almost 666 years.

1550 - In the winter of 1550, the army of Ivan the Terrible, returning from a failed campaign to Kazan, stopped at the river Sviyaga, which flows into the Volga. Here it was decided to build a fortress, which would serve as a reliable rear during the capture of the capital of the Kazan Khanate. In April 1551 near Uglich was cut down a wooden town, which was then disassembled and loaded onto ships. The city reached Sviyaga on the Volga, where it was built on the chosen site. The construction of Sviyazhsk is a unique case in the history of Russian urbanism. The area of the fortifications of Sviyazhsk exceeded that of Novgorod, Pskov and even the Moscow Kremlin. The fortress was surrounded by a wooden wall, 2,550 meters long, made of town houses - rectangular blocks of flats, filled inside with earth and stones. All along the walls were fortified by eighteen towers.

1552 - capture of Kazan - the capital of the Volga Bulgars by Ivan the Terrible in early October. Then Astrakhan , "formerly called Tmutarakan," was taken, and the whole Volga became a Russian, or rather "Moscow" river.
"... When the Tsar and Grand Duke (Ioann Vasievich) heard the tsar of Kazan Sapkirei, a wicked warrior died, and his great commotion was great among the great lords, as well as in all the Kazan kings, In the third summer of his kingdom, he gathered his princes and commanders, and all his army that loved Christ, and marched himself to Kazan in many thousands, in the winter season of 7058 (1550); And there was great need in his armies from the cold, and many were killed by pestilence and glade, and there were countless deaths of horses, for that time there was a great winter and a terrible one; also the spring came soon, and the rain was great and great for a month, and it did not stop flowing; Whether to God such will, or through the sorcerers of the Kazan Magi, as if the treasures of the army were drowned, and to find no dry places, where they could stand, and from the fire to get warm, or to boil food. " / Lvov chronicle

heir to the khans of the Golden Horde. After the premature death of tsar Sapkirey, before Ivan the Terrible came to Kazan, the Kazan khanate was ruled by the young tsarina Sumvek, who had a child named Mamshkirey, as well as "the first tsarevich Koshchak, by order of his tsar, five years after his death, and he was dignified above all the voivodes of Kazan". Sumvek is the daughter of Prince Yusup Zayitsky of the Nagai Horde.
"...And the Wise Men said these things to the Kazanites: Oh woe to us, as the end of our life is drawing near! And the faith of Christ will be here, and Russia is going to take our kingdom and enslave us, and possess us by force, not by our will; But you, if you wish, we tell you directly, and do not be dismayed, yet live quietly in the land of your fatherland, and your wives and children, and your parents, who are grown old, before your eyes perish, and are led into captivity, Having chosen for yourselves men of wisdom and words, send for yourselves to the Moscow Autocrat, those who can beg and tame him, and in advance humble yourselves before him, and promise to be his chums, holding fast and giving tribute. For he does not ask for your tribute in gold and silver; he does not need it, but he is waiting for your humility and true submission. If you do not do as I have said to you, we shall soon perish. ...We grieve, that our sorcerers shall pass away with us! And so it will come true, as the Magi said. But the Queen sees that their prophecies will come true, the former great queen of Siberia, but she keeps silent, and strengthens her people. For once the Tsaritsa pronounced the seizure of Kazan in her illness". / Lvovskaya chronicle /

Interestingly, but in the modern understanding of history is paradoxical fate of Tsarevich Koshchak and his family:
"...And they brought the beastly Varvar to the royal city dishonestly, bound in chains and with glands, who did not want to humble himself; and they asked him by the command of the Sovereign: if he wishes to be baptized and serve him, will he receive mercy from him? But he was his servant and refused to be baptized; And after some days they kept him in prison and truncated his head outside of the city in a place called truncation, together with all the Barbarians; his wife and her two sons were baptized, and the Christlike Tsaritsa took her into her chamber, and the Tsar and Grand Duke took her two sons to himself, and commanded them to learn the Rosailles literacy. " / Lvov chronicle /
Tzarina Sumvek and his son Mamshkirei, baptized Alexander, were also brought to Moscow.

The return of Ivan the Terrible from the campaign to Kazan.
"And so the Most Blessed Tsar resolved that he would speedily return to his patrimony, to the royal city of Moscow; to the town of Kazan he leaves the voivode, Prince Alexander Borisovich Gorbat, and Prince Vasily Semenovich Serebryan, and with them fifteen hundred princes and Boyar children, and the heads; and he bids them to be in the city; Behind the city he commanded to be two hundred and forty men's heads, and three thousand streltsys, and seven of the best Atamans. And the Orthodox Tsar stayed ten days after the capture of the city, and wanted to go to the royal city of Moscow, commanding to prepare ships and rifles; In the year 7061, in the month of October, on the eleventh day, on the Tuesday commemoration of the holy Apostle Philip, the Orthodox Tsar went forth to his fatherland, to the royal city of Moscow, and carried with all his people radiant and marvelous victory, and was received with great joy by him from all and everywhere; And on his march he spent the night on the sand on the Volga, opposite Gostin Island, and in the morning he went to the new city of Sviyazhsk, and staying there one day, he departed on the Thursday of the 1st day; And the tsar went to the mountains of Elm, and came to Nizhni Novgorod, and stayed there two days, and went to Balakhna, to the river Volgoyuzh; and from Balakhna he went on horseback, and so the Noble tsar came to the pit, called Sudogda. " / Lvov Chronicle

1553 - After Edward VI died in his 16th year of lingering pneumonia (March 5, 1553), his older sister Mary I became the first crowned queen of England. Edward, at 16, was interested in all matters of state and was a staunch Protestant. He was well educated: he knew Latin, Greek and French and translated from Greek. Mary I Tudor went down in European history as one of the most cruel rulers. While her father, Henry VIII, called her "the pearl of the world", her subjects preferred another nickname - Mary the Bloody, later shortened to the succinct Bloody Mary. It was she who began to revive the Roman Empire: she brought back Catholicism, swore allegiance to the popes, revived the Masonic movement, etc.

1555 - Beginning of the construction of the St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow (Cathedral of the Protection of the Holy Virgin on the Rvu). On July 12 (June 29), 1561, construction was completed. The temple is very unusual for Christian architecture and has nine churches on one foundation.


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