The Real History of the Earth. Part 6

in AlternativeKnowledge3 years ago


XI-XII centuries - the center and power of Russian culture XI-XII centuries were: Crimea, Kuban, the lower reaches of the Don and Volga, the Sea of Azov, Black, Caspian Sea. Prior to the advent of Christianity in Russia, the steppes of Pre-Irtyshye and eastern Kazakhstan (Kazakstan) were populated by a Slavic-Aryan warrior caste, the Kipchaks (Kumans), who guarded the southeastern border of Russia. They got their name from the Russians, who called them so for their blond hair and blue eyes (from the word "Polova" - straw). After the adoption of Christianity by Kievan Rus, the Polovtsians sealed its southern border and occupied the banks of the Middle and Lower Donets. At that time the Cumans were a military and political force of Russia, with which both Kievan Rus and Byzantium reckoned. By the middle of the 12th century, they guarded the lands that stretched from the Dnieper to the Volga. The Cumans had a cult of Rod. His pillar-like stone sculptures, made with extraordinary skill of limestone and marble, they put on the graves of their relatives. Tens of thousands of such statues stood on mounds and maidans, at crossroads and river banks. Up to the 17th century, they were a necessary part and decoration of the steppe. Since then, most of the statues have been destroyed and only a few thousand ended up in museums. As defenders of Russia, the Don Cumans were the first to take the blow of the invading Turks. In the battle on Kalka in 1223 they were completely defeated. The help of the Russian troops didn't help either. Despite the desperate resistance, the Cumans were defeated and dispersed. The surviving clans left to Danube under the protection of the Hungarian kingdom and to Egypt to serve in the Mamluk guards of the Sultan. Other Kipchaks migrated to the Volga. Before Romanov's coming to power Russian annals do not mention any Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia. Golden Horde is the Russian state XIV-XV centuries with capital in Kostroma or Yaroslavl (Great Novgorod). Cossacks had been the armed forces of the Horde since the X-XII centuries AD. That's why the Cossacks were spread throughout the country, not only along its borders, as it had been since the XVIII century. The "History of Russia from the most ancient times to the second half of the nineteenth century" states: "Stretching from the Irtysh to the Danube, the Golden Horde from the ethnic point of view represented a motley mixture of various peoples - Mongols, Volga Bulgars, Russians, Burtases, Bashkirs, Mordva, Yasses, Circassians, Georgians, etc. But the main mass of the population of the Horde was the Kipchaks, in the midst of whom already in the XIV century the conquerors began to dissolve, forgetting their culture, language, and writing."
And meanwhile, a thoughtful researcher studying the "Mongol" invasion of Russia has a lot of questions. Why did the "Mongols" choose the campaign to the West over the campaign to the South? After all India - very rich and ancient country - was near to them? Were the countries of Southeast Asia comparatively close to their empire? Siberia and the territories behind the Volga are drowned in snow in winter, and besides the northern part of these territories is covered by forests, where there is no fodder for the horses and no combat operating space for the cavalry. What kind of devil made the "Mongols" conquer these harsh inhospitable lands? And then, why did the "Mongols" direct their first and heaviest blow to Russia not on its steppe part, but on its northern forested part? Why did they moved on Novgorod, but not on Chernigov and Kiev? What did they forget there, on the banks of the Volkhov River, among the pine forests and swamps?

1204 - Western European knights conquered the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople. For 10 years they plundered it, then went to the Nicaea Empire and Africa. Was recaptured by the Byzantines in 1261, but in 1453 was taken by the Turks and renamed Istanbul.

1221 - at the confluence of the Oka and Volga rivers a fortified city, which was named Nizhny Novgorod, was founded. Originally the Kremlin was oak, but at the beginning of the 16th century was built of stone. Under Nizhny Novgorod Ivan IV the Terrible gathered his army before his march on Kazan.


1222 - in Belovodnya it was decided the spiritual leadership of the Old Faith was called ORDEN. The order was translated into Latin as ORDE. At the same time the rune OR - meant the Power, DEN - meant the LIGHT. I.e. Order meant: the order, discipline, the power of light, i.e. Light Force. And so this Light Force went to the West and began to suppress and destroy Christian abominations. Therefore later came up with a legend about allegedly unknown where, unknown whence appeared the Great Horde, which went to Russia.
"In the year 6745 (1237). At the time of the noble Grand Duke Georgy, the blessed bishop Mitrophan placed a casket over the meal in the holy cathedral temple of the Mother of God and decorated it with gold and silver. In the same year, the chapel of the Church of the Holy Virgin was painted. In the same year in the winter came from eastern countries to the Ryazan land by forests of godless Tatars, and began to conquer the Ryazan land, and captured it as far as Pronsk, and took all the Ryazan princedom, and burned the city, and their prince was killed. And some of the captives were crucified, others were shot with arrows, and others had their hands tied behind their backs. They burned many holy churches, burned monasteries, and villages, and took considerable booty from everywhere; then the Tatars went to Kolomna. In the same winter Vsevolod, son of Jury and grandson of Vsevolod, set out against the Tatars. And they met at Kolomna, and there was a great battle. And they killed Vsevolod's voevoda Yeremey Glebovich, and many other men of Vsevolod were killed, and Vsevolod ran to Vladimir with a small company. And the Tatars went to Moscow. In the same winter the Tatars took Moscow, and the governor Philip Nianka was killed for his faithful Christian faith, and the prince Vladimir, son of Yuri, was taken captive. And the people were beaten from the eldest to the infant, and the city and the holy churches were turned to fire, and all the monasteries and villages were burned, and, taking much good, they left... And it was terrible and trembling to see how in the Christian race fear, and doubt, and misery were spreading. We had sinned - and been punished, so it was a pity to see us in such distress. And now our joy has turned into sorrow, so that even apart from our will we will be pardoned in the life to come. For the soul, punished in every way in this world, will find pardon and relief from its torment in the future judgment. How inexpressible, O God, is your love of mankind. This is how a good lord should punish. And I, a sinner, also much and often anger God and sin often every day ..." / an unknown chronicler /

1223 - the battle at the river Kalka took place. On May 31, 1223 at Kalka the first battle between the Christian Russian and Cumans Princes with the troops of the Order led by Timchak Chingis Khan took place, in which the latter gained the victory.
"In the year 6732 (1224). An unheard-of army came, the godless Moabites, called Tatars; they came to the land of the Kipchaks. The Kipchaks tried to resist, but even the strongest of them, Yurii Konchakovich, could not resist them and fled, and many were slaughtered as far as the river Dnieper. The Tatars turned back and went to their vezhes. And so, when the Polovtsians came running to the Russian land, they said to the Russian princes, "If you do not help us, we were beaten today, and you will be beaten tomorrow. There was a council of all the princes in the city of Kiev, and they decided on the council: "It is better for us to meet them in a foreign land, than in our own. On this council were Mstislav Romanovich of Kiev, Mstislav Kozelsky and Chernigov and Mstislav Mstislavovich Galitsky - they were the oldest princes of the Russian land. The grand duke Yurii of Suzdal was not present at that council. And younger princes were Daniil Romanovich, Mikhail Vsevolodich, Vsevolod Mstislavovich of Kiev and other princes. At the same time the Cuman grand prince Basti was baptized. Vasil'ko was not there, he remained in Vladimir due to his youth... All Russian princes were defeated. The same never happened. The Tatars, having defeated the Russian people because of the transgressions of the Christians, came and reached Novgorod Svyatopolkova...".
/ Galitsko-Volynskaya Chronicle /
Battle of the Kalka need to be seen as a battle between the armies of Vedic-Siberian Rus' and Christian Rus'. That's why the winners had such a cruel attitude to the captured princes. In their murder is visible magic ritual. As is known, on the bound princes were put planks on which thousands of soldiers of winners sat during a feast, and at the same time some boyars captured by them were released on all four sides.
The Siberian Scythians, known in history as "Mongols," waged a long war with the Golden Empire of the Jurchens, with the Tangut-Xia Empire, with the Tibetan kingdom, and with the powerful Chinese Empire. They defeated the state of the Khorezm Shahs, captured Iran, Afghanistan, went to Syria, in the northwest they reached the Adriatic, but they did not try to conquer India. Why not? In the XIII century it could be taken with bare hands: the Indian principalities were at enmity with each other and were not ready to repel the aggressor. If Genghis Khan had waged pure wars of plunder, he would surely have taken India. In terms of gold, silver and precious stones it could give as much as neither Iran nor Afghanistan put together.

1227 - The Tangut state (X-Xia), created at the end of the 10th century by the Tanguts in what is now Gansu Province of China and the western part of Shaanxi Province, was invaded by Genghis Khan. It was essentially revenge for the innocent deaths of one of the southern Siberian principalities, which had been slaughtered to the last man. After the defeat of the state, the remaining Tanguts assimilated, becoming part of the Tibetans of Qinghai Province.

1237 - Moscow and Kiev were ruined and burned by Batu Khan (Batu Han). In the next three centuries Moscow was repeatedly burned. The last time Moscow was burnt to the ground was under Ivan the Terrible in the spring of 1571, when the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray, taking advantage of Russia's setbacks in the Livonian War, led a lightning raid on Moscow with a 120,000 troops. The Golden Horde appeared so regularly under the walls of the White stone that two of the old streets of Zamoskvorechye are still called Hordynki: along them the Golden Horde army was moving to the famous Krymsky ford (also called by their name), where today there is the Krymsky Bridge.
"... The cursed Batyi with a great force marched up to Kiev and encircled it, and assaulted the walls of the city, but the inhabitants of the city offered firm defense, and then around the church of the Most Holy Virgin were entrenched and many people were running onto the chambers of the church, as the weight of their weight caused the chambers to collapse and many people were beaten, And the Tatars captured the capital city of all the Russias and the whole of the sunlit world, the royal city of Kiev, and ravaged the churches of the Gods, burned the city and the place by fire, and captured others, and turned the whole state of Kiev into nothing, which God, for the sins of men, allowed them to do so... " / The Lvov Chronicle


Altinordu Devleti - Golden Horde state. The years indicated on the plate refer to the years of existence of the Golden Horde state.
In 1239, Batyi went to Pereyaslavl, took Tmutarakan, Chernigov and Belgorod, but did not touch Smolensk and Polotsk. Through the Carpathians he reached Europe, Hungary, Wallachia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia and Poland, but Austria was untouched. 1240 - invasion of Kiev, Vladimir Volyn, Kamenetz, Kremenets.
In essence it was a grandiose large-scale war of the European Russia in alliance with the Siberian Russia against the Vatican-created military alliances. Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen, who had figured out what the Vatican was, also took part in that bloody confrontation on the side of the alliance. Together - both Russians and Germans - defeated the papacy, all that was left was to finish it off. But unfortunately this never happened. Just before the invasion of the allied forces in Italy, in a distant Asian capital, the city of Khara-Khor, died suddenly, the supreme ruler of Siberian Russia Kagan Aghaei, according to the Turkic transcription Udegei. With it together with it zhretses have gone from a life. That it was the counter-project of the West on neutralization of the Siberian Russia, does not cause doubts. Batyj urgently has moved the army back on Volga. Obviously, the king of the Siberian Scythians was afraid that the fifth column would put his own people at the head of the Siberian Empire, with whom they would have to fight. Batyi apparently was well aware of the forces at the Kagan's headquarters. But leaving, he left part of his troops to Frederick II, and he attacked the Vatican forces in France. The battle of Lyon was brilliantly won by the emperor, and Pope Innocent IV aimed to seek salvation in Paris. But unfortunately, without Batyi's troops, things slowed down for Frederick II in his war with the Vatican. The war gradually took on a positional character. Three years later, Frederick II learned that his friend and comrade in arms, Prince Yaroslav, had died for unknown reasons. The one who had done much for the alliance of the Horde, Russia and the German Empire. And four years later in 1250 Frederick II of Hohenstaufen himself died of poison. Now the papal curia was engaged in the eradication of the Hohenstaufen family. Their line was exterminated by the entire family. In their place came the Habsburgs, who ruled until 1918.

1240 - Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod, entered into an alliance with the Golden Horde to save Russia from conquest by crusading knights who sought to destroy the Vedic culture of the Slavs, defeated the Swedish army of Jarl Birger, who had received a blessing for the crusade from the Pope.

1242 - the brilliant victory of Alexander Nevsky on the Lake Peipsi ("Ice Battle" April 5, 1242).The expulsion of the Livonian Knights from Koporie and Pskov. At the same time Batyi defeated a united army of knights from all over Europe, which was twice as much. In 1245 Nevsky defeated the Lithuanians near Vitebsk and Toropets. In 1262 Alexander Nevskiy began the military actions against Livonians. He was on the verge of his second, not less important than in the case with the Horde, ambassadorial victory (he concluded an alliance against crusaders with the Lithuanian prince Mindovg). But in the midst of preparations to the joint campaign against the Livonian order, returning from another trip to the Horde, the prince suddenly died. Alexander Nevskiy's merit is that he managed to save the most valuable for the Slavs - the cultural heritage of Russia. After his death "there was a cry of inconsolation in all the people".
Positive sides of the alliance with the Horde were also shown after Alexander's death. In 1268, six years after his death, Novgorodians went to the fortress Rakvor, seized by the Danes, the modern town Rakvere, near Tallinn. On the way, the Novgorod regiments were attacked by the Germans, and the Battle of Rakvor took place; the Novgorodians defeated the allied forces of the Germans and the Danes. Those, without thinking long, called for a large number of warriors and knights from Western Europe to capture Novgorod. But a detachment of 500 horsemen came to Novgorod, according to the treaty with the Horde. The Germans were forced to put up with the will of Novgorod, for they were very much afraid of the Horde, knowing that where the Horde troops came in, the crusading onslaught was quickly stopped.

1274 - The population of Smolensk, under the threat of capture by the Lithuanians, offered their prince voluntary submission to the Horde, and since Smolensk appeared under the protection of the Polovtsians, the Lithuanians did not risk to attack it. So the alliance with the Horde in the second half of the XIII century brought to northeastern Russia the lost peace and order. Those Russian principalities that refused the alliance with the Polovtsians were captured partly by Lithuania, partly by Poland, and their fate was very sad: according to the laws of Judaism, Russians were second-class citizens.

1292 - another ruin of Moscow by hordes headed by Andrey Gorodetsky, the third son of Alexander Nevskiy. Tochte's khan gave his brother Dyuden to help Andrei. "Accompanying" them was almost the entire horde; and this time its "walk" through Russia led by the Russian princes surpassed all the "horrors of the Batyev pogrom."
"In the summer of 6801 (1292) there was a platoon in the Russian land of Duden's army against the great prince Dmitry Alexandrovich, and they captured such a mighty city as Volodimer, Suzhdal, Murom, Yur'e, Pereyaslavl, Kolomna, Moscow, Mozhaesk, Volok, Dmitrov and Uglich Pole; and they captured all the Tartar cities. Let us tell what evil has befallen the Russian land. And when the Tatar army with their princes Andrew and Fyodor came to Suzdal they took the whole city, they also took Volodimir and looted the churches, they razed the bottom (floor) of the precious copper, and the books, and icons, and honorable crosses, and sacred vessels, and all kinds of ornaments were plundered, the villages and districts and monasteries were conquered, and the monks were desecrated and the priest's wives were desecrated. And then they took Yur'ev, and the villages, and the people, and the horses, and the cattle, and they plundered all their possessions. And they raided Moscow, and seduced Danila of Moscow, and entered Moscow, and did the same thing as they did to Suzdal and Volodymyr, and the rest of the city, and took all Moscow, and its volosts and villages...". / Simeon's Chronicle

1320 - the beginning of the plague epidemic in the whole Central Asia. It was called the Black Death. Researchers from Oslo, having modeled the spread of the epidemic, concluded that the infection was mainly transmitted from person to person through parasites or even without their involvement. The pneumonic form of the plague was spread by airborne droplets and, even compared to the bubonic form, which is easily transmitted from person to person, was transmitted rapidly, destroying entire cities. By 1346, having devastated Asia, the plague appeared on the periphery of the Christian oikumene. The Russian chronicle melancholy records the pestilence over a vast area from the Crimea to Armenia. But then the pestilence passed over our country.

1325 - the beginning of the reign of Ivan Kalita, grandson of Alexander Nevsky, the collector of the Russian lands, who also moved the capital to Moscow. "...There was a great calmness from that time for 40 years and pagans stopped fighting against the Russian land and killed the Christians, and the Christians took a rest and got used to the great weariness and the great hardships and the Tatar violence, and there was a great calmness from that time on all the lands".
/ Rogozhskaya chronicle.
Although the chronicler, like the byliny narrator, twice repeated about the silence in all the Russian land, this passage is an exaggeration. Ivan Danilovich can be called quiet only with a very fertile imagination. With his tacit consent Tver's rivals, Prince Alexander Mikhailovich and his son Fyodor, were slaughtered and beheaded. And wasn't it Kalita, after the murder of Tver khan's prince Shevkal (Cholkhan) - better known from Russian folklore as Schelkan Dudentevich - brought to Russia from the Horde a 50-thousandth band, and together with the Moscow squad led such a pogrom in Tver, that for some years there was no life in the city at all! And the devastation of Rostov the Great and the massacre of its population? Many, many years later, Epiphanius the Wise told with shudder about the voivods sent by Kalita in his "Life of Sergei of Radonezh":
"And when they entered the city of Rostov, they brought great misfortune to the city and to all who lived in it, and many persecutions in Rostov multiplied. And many of the Rostov people gave their property to the Muscovites against their will, and they themselves instead received blows on their bodies with reproach and left empty-handed, presenting an image of extreme distress, since not only were their property taken away, but they received blows on their bodies and sadly went about with traces of beatings and endured this. Why should I say too much? So the Muscovites in Rostov became bold, that the very chief of town, the oldest boyar of Rostov by name Averkii, they hung upside down and laid their hands on him and left him desecrated. And great fear gripped all, who saw and heard it, - not only in Rostov, but also in all its vicinities".
And if you add 666 to this date, then we get to the most important event in our history - the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

1335 is the approximate time of the founding of Trinity Monastery. In 1353 Sergius of Radonezh becomes its second hegumen and remains in that position until the end of his life. As a highly devoted sorcerer, Sergius was able in a short period of time to transform Greek Christianity, which came to the Russian land, with its servility, obedience to power and authority, into an entirely different religion. The Orthodoxy of Sergius of Radonezh, in its essence, ceased to be purely lunar, it turned into a life-affirming solar religion of the triumph of the laws of the Rule and the highest cosmic justice. Sergius knew well the true teachings of Christ, that they are fundamentally Vedic, and so he did not invent anything of his own. Moreover, Sergius so subtly incorporated his teachings into orthodox Christianity that even fanatical Christians believed him. Sorcerer Sergius never argued with anyone. He relied on Christ everywhere and always in his teachings. He tried not to touch the apostles, for to him they were men far from blameless. Sergius had nothing dogmatic, he in his teachings looked alive with a high creative potential and that creative power, in which you could see the power of the Almighty. Sergius of Radonezh as it were expanded the idea of Christ, showed his teachings to be multifaceted. In essence, this devotee of Orthodoxy was able to put the ancient Vedic worldview into a Christian form. And he did it so skillfully that even his detractors saw nothing suspicious in his actions. And only the initiated understood that the Vedic head of the gods Rod, according to the teachings of Sergius, became the "Father of Heaven". Ancient Svarog - son of Rod, turned into Jesus Christ, and Lada - goddess of love and harmony, took the form of the virgin Mary, etc. In short, the Vedic functions of the ancient Aryan gods were extrapolated by Sergius to the names of the archangels, angels and saints of the Christian pantheon. In so doing, the holy ascetic fully preserved the mechanism of the spiritual evolution of human consciousness. According to his teachings, as in ancient times, the institution of self-discipline was preserved, those moral steps of human spiritual growth, which were so diligently destroyed by Westerners. As before, a special people's assembly condemned many vices and weaknesses. As in the era of Vedism, the use of alcohol was forbidden, any violence was considered a sin, and actions degrading to human dignity were considered a sin. But high moral qualities were encouraged and supported in every way.


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