Digital artwork "Three pinnacles of Evil"2014
Digital artwork created entirely with Zbrush in 2014.
Please take a look at the details.
Usually Zbrush is used 99,9% for 3d modeling but is possible also to use a particular technique called 2.5d where you can mix 3d object with 2d "classical" drawing technique with a very unique result.
Your Zbrush pieces are amazing, would you ever consider posting a tutorial or maybe a process style post to show how it works?
Dear @juliakponsfors thank you so much for your words!
I don't tend to like to talk about techniques too much, I prefer other people to admire the results, and in any case it would be long and boring :)
But something in the future might perhaps happen....... :)
Haha fair enough, I can be a bit quick to gloss over some of the process myself :D