Elysian platform: project review
With technology gradually turning into an essential piece of human life, businesses has begun focusing on solid online nearness which has turned out to be very critical for enhancing their income structure. Computerized marketing has standout amongst the most vital parts of an online business site that outcome in the advancement of brands or items through advanced media. Over the long haul with technical boost, everything has turned out to be fast and easy, so now customers don't require going store to store, they simply need to click from one site to another to decide what is good for them and what they really need. As the advancement in technology ecommerce need to be more simple and secure industry. Elysian platform has come up as a tool that will give new dimensions to the buying and selling operations in ecommerce world.
Elysian is a decentralised platform that aims to create Ecommerce websites on blockchain. It is designed mainly to build the marketing strategy online to promote market activities through internet solutions.
Today everyone is talking about the ecommerce industry. Everyone might have bought one thing or other online. In the present technology environment it is profoundly important for us to anticipate the future keeping in mind the end goal to foresee the conceivable or plausible condition that we may need to manage in the days to come. Blockchain technology is the result of long periods of security research and cryptography. As per the definition, blockchain is a computerized record in which transactions made in bitcoin or another digital currency are recorded sequentially and publicly. Listed below are the ways Elysian will integrate ecommerce platform with blockchain technology:
With the development in ecommerce industry, security became especially important. But why is so little attention paid to it? Additional security is required as the rate of cyber crimes has increased exponentially. For this Blockchain technology is useful, Elysian plans to build a substantial level of data storage by using Proof-of Authority algorithms using Ethereum blockchain. This will help preserve users information and setup a reliable platform for online activities.
User interface
Because of technology, people today expect convenience when buying, when they need information. People even expect comfort when doing the most inconvenient activity of all. Elysian platform will implement Artificial Intelligence and Virtual reality features into ecommerce to see a great rise in ecommerce industry with people accessing platform on a user friendly website.
Ecommerce must adopt latest technology, plan and promoting techniques to enhance the customer experience and increase sales. Utilizing blockchain method, we will see that online business has transformed the general population to attempt and do the specific business in a totally extraordinary strategy. Each little thing in our planet keeps on being globalize as well as online business is no exception. With the overwhelming features Elysian Platform Will bring to ecommerce worldwide, as online business has been brand new patterns in internet business and also plays out a fundamental part in global economy.
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beautifully structured write-up :) Though still didn't get how blockchain will help e-commerce to enhance the customer experience and increase sales ...
Elysian platform aims to improve security in ecommerce by integrating customer data storage and identity theft with smart contract on ethereum blockchain. In addition, it will also make online transactions easy for customers at the comfort of their homes by paying with cryptocurrencies.
I just not sure why you need blockchain for those purposes. But thank you for the response anyways :)
Elysian is the solution to problems facing e-commerce in the world today. With elysian platform the ecommerce sector of the worlds economy will never remain the same
Wonderful stuff from elysian. building an ecommerce platform with improved security is a positive approach to solving insecurity problems inthe ecommerce industry. Wish u and the team success
Nice review on the Elysian project. It offers lucid solutions to the problems facing the e-commerce industry.
Elysian bringing top notch security and amazing user experience to e-commerce with the use of blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Just what e-commerce need. Thanks for sharing
Elysian would revolutionize the E-commerce industry using blockchain technology
From the write-up i can deduce that the Elysian platform has all the features that are lacking in other ecommerce platforms, nice article
This is actually a great project. And Its going to make waves in the crypto world.