How to Eat Food Part I

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

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Okay, back to health after a few articles on cryptocurrency. While striving to achieve our goals in life, we need to take good care of our bodies. Our health is very important because a sick person will definitely be preoccupied with how to stay alive and healthy again. So, this is the beginning of a series on how to eat food. I guess you're wondering about the topic. Well, there are ways to eat food, for some people, they eat food to live while others live to eat food.

There are various reasons why we choose to eat the kind of foods we eat on a daily basis, for instance, some people will choose to eat to build muscles, for enjoyment or even for a competition. Some are interested in eating to add weight while others want to lose weight.

Whatever be the reason why you want to eat food, you must ensure that you eat food properly. You need to eat healthier so as to improve your health, look and think smart and be strong. So, one question that comes to mind when faced with this topic is, what constitutes healthy eating?

Some people are of the view that healthy eating has to do with strict dietary limitations and deprivation of foods especially the ones we love. Well, on the contrary, it's about eating good food and feeling great. Eating well is about stabilizing your mood, improving your health and feeling strong.

The number of conflicting advice about diet can really overwhelm you because every food expert out there has an opinion that differs from others. If you've noticed this then you're not alone. This article is aimed at helping every confused persons out there find simple ways to eat good food and stay healthy.

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Eating Well and Good Mood

Are you wondering how eating well can improve your mood? The answer is simple! There is no doubt that eating properly will help you maintain a healthy weight and assist you to prevent health issues. The kind of diet you eat has a great influence on your mood as well as your overall sense of wellbeing. In fact, studies have associated the intake of an ideal Western diet (a diet that is full of processed meats, sugary snacks, takeout foods and packaged foods) with a higher rate of stress, anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder.

Also, increased risk of suicide among youths and mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, ADHD and schizophrenia have been associated with eating a diet that is unhealthy.

So, by simply changing the kind of foods that you eat as well as fruits, you can greatly influence your live positively or negatively and I'll provide great tips that will help you make the simple and best eating choices. When you eat vegetables, lower your sugar intake, eat fresh and organic fruits and even cook your own meals, it can help you greatly reduce your risk of having mental health problems and also improve your mood.

For those that have been diagnosed with a mental health issue, it's also possible to manage the symptoms well and even reestablish control of their lives by eating well.


A Perfect Definition of a Healthy Diet

What really makes up a healthy diet? Having to eat a healthy diet shouldn't be a complicated process, keeping it simple is a better option. Ideally, the ultimate goal of eating is to enhance your overall dietary pattern by replacing all processed foods with good and preferably home-prepared meals. So, your goal should be to eat food that is still close to how nature made it.

Everyone needs a balanced diet of carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, minerals fat and fibre so as to maintain a healthy body. Instead of eliminating a category of food, you can choose the options that are the healthiest from each category. Let’s take a look at various food categories and also some tips on how to eat them.

By eating foods that contain high dietary fiber, you will be able to reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes. Also, it can help improve your skin and your weight loss efforts. Some healthy sources of dietary fibre include:

  • Nuts
  • Grains
  • Beans
  • Vegetables and
  • Fruits.

It is recommended that you eat between 21 to 38 grams of fibre daily in order to enjoy optimal health, however, the intake of dietary fibre depends on your gender and age. Presently, most people are not eating even half of the recommended amount of fibre daily.


We derive the energy to start our day and also become active all through the day from the protein we eat. Also, protein helps to support our mood and cognitive function. It's important to state here that excess protein is dangerous and bad for people having kidney disease. According to research, as we age, many of us require more quality protein but we can get the much needed protein from other sources.

Most people focus mainly on animal protein, however, plant-based proteins are a great way to provide the body with protein without side effects. It will also ensure that the body gets the proper amount of protein on a daily basis.


Calcium serves a great purpose in our body, it helps us to build healthy teeth and bones and it helps to keep them strong while we age. Another major purpose of calcium in the body is to send messages via our nervous system and in addition, it helps to regulate our heart's rhythm. The lack of calcium in the body can lead to osteoporosis, depression, and difficulty in sleeping.

Regardless of your gender or age, calcium-rich foods are an essential part of your diet. In order to allow the calcium to do its job, you should eat enough vitamins D and K and also get sufficient magnesium to enable the calcium play its role in the body.


When people hear of fat, they immediately feel that it's not ideal to add it to a diet. However, all fats are not the same. Obviously, when you eat bad fats, it can increase the risk of some diseases in the body so what you need is the good fat. The good ones will protect your heart and brain and healthy fats like omega 3s are beneficial to your emotional and physical health. You can trim your waistline, give a boost to your well-being and improve your mood by simply eating more healthy fat.

I’ll be sharing about other food categories and useful tips on how to eat healthy in part 2 so watch out. Thanks for reading and if you found this information helpful, you can upvote and comment below.


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