My Actifit Report Card: July 21 2022 - Spells Of Genesis Gameplay
This is a screenshot of the Spells Of Genesis game board. You pick 4 NFT cards to fill the bottom. Each one gets to shoot at the orbs that you see on the board. Each shot does a certain amout of damage and each orb has a certain amount of health. Each round of your cards making their shots decreases the counters of the orbs by 1. When an orb hits 1 then it will be shooting back at you next round!
There are power ups. That orange thing you can see (looks kind of white in my pic ) adds more fire power to your cards if you shoot it. There are others like heal, shield,freeze and explode.
I think you should try SoG - you might like it. Free to play! Find it in your app store.
My activity was a night time walk it was 80 degrees Fahrenheit and humid but also windy so it wasn't all that bad.
I wish you a happy Friday! ❤👍❤
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
Nice game