#Milkweed Assassin Bug In Aceh Forest#@Vonzo
Good morning all friends on account booster. I hope you are always healthy. come back again with me vanzo.
This morning I want to share some macro photos with all of my friends whom I respect and respect. The type of photo that I will share is the type of Milkweed Assassin Bug, which is included in the type of insect.
This bug assassin I took a picture as he perched on a flower. then I took my cellphone, I could only take a few photos that I got, then this animal flew away. I found this animal right in my backyard.
That's my brief description for today. I hope we are always healthy and can meet again another time in the same community.
thanks to:@seo-boss as admin on booster account
Milk Assassin Bug
Milk Assassin Bug
Milkweed Assassin Bug
Milkweed Assassin Bug
Milkweed Assassin Bug
Milkweed Assassin Bug
Camera used : Smartphone
Photography : Milkweed Assassin Bug
Location : Aceh Indonesia
Photografer : Vonzo