Mini contest: Around The Talks Comments #498 / Open discussion Random topic

in Account Booster 👍2 months ago

Greetings to all Steemians,

What a wonderful day letter game fans!

I hope that you and your loved ones are doing all right.

Please let me know in the comments if there is anything I can do to help.

My post this morning is about a fun game in which Steemian members of diverse communities are welcome to join the dialogue.

The mini-contest held daily is fun and will initiate great conversation among us on the platform.


I am inviting you to share your opinion about any topic you would like other fellow bloggers to read and engage with.
Feel free to put in comment sections any ideas you would like to write.

Here are all rules about the Waves of Comments:

  • This day's initial topic of discussion is defined as follows:
    Open discussion Random topic.. It is not mandatory to give an answer related to this topic, so your comments can be random.

  • Place in the comments section your opinion as a sentence with at least 20 words.

  • Add a number considered to be the correct addition of your valid entry to your comment to validate your current entry.

  • Patience for at least 2 valid comments from different authors before adding your following comment below the main post.

  • There is No limit to comments, but the deadline is 24 hours after the contest launches. All valid entries will be counted as they appeared below the main post.


A1:My comment is so genuine that I may be upvoted in the course of this contest. c1.*
A2:Steemit has helped me find the love of my life here in the local town of AYWES. c1
A3:The coming holidays help to be exceptionally disturbed with all the flight cancellations and passengers not allowed to travel due to the ban. c1
A1:I will go visit my grandmother whether it rains or snow. I will find my way to visit relatives even though restrictions are still in action. c2
A4: at least twenty words... c1
A2: at least twenty words... c2
A1: at least twenty words... c3
A3: at least twenty words... c2

Selection of the Winners and Prizes

A moderator will intervene to resolve comment counting issues. You should edit your entry within the contest duration if you have done something wrong. We can help each other to keep the count in order. Thanks

Authors will be classified considering the number of valid entries decreases from the highest to the lowest numbers obtained at the deadline.

The winner will obtain 100% upvote from @oadissin on a post.

In case of similarity in the total of points, the winner will be the first to comment under the main post.

Surprises are available to all the participants.


Achievement 6 Task by @oadissin : Understanding Curation and Community

[x] Achievement 5 Task 4 by @oadissin : Review

[x] Achievement 5 Task 3 by @oadissin : Review

[x] Achievement 5 Task 2 by @oadissin : Review

[x] Achievement 5 Task 1 by @oadissin : Review

[x] Achievement 4 // Task : Applying Markdowns

[x] Achievement 3: Content Etiquette on Steem // Entry from @oadissin

[x] Achievement 2 // Wallet transfer - Basic security on Steem // By @oadissin

[x] Achievement-1 My first presentation to Newcomers after the creation of my account in 2017

  • V4Vapp Satoshi Gift

[email protected]

Peace Steemians,

Warm regards

 2 months ago (edited)

I was reading a post from @golden-rain which lead me to another post from @diodao, I stopped at hers because another posts already claim the payouts😁

While I was busy reading and commenting, my hubby @dipoabasch was dragging me out. He said, "You sound like a weirdos staring at the phone laugh out loud".

I told him it's not me who's acting odd, I have fun but people keep telling me I'm too old. What's wrong with being odd and old? Will you let the story untold and the steem in your wallet fold?

A few days to my 7th steemversary, what's the best way to celebrate? c1

Haha, I was just chatting in the comments with Diodao, and suddenly @cicisaja tags me. And here’s another mention of diodao.

I’m already embarrassed to tag her, so I don’t overwhelm her attention))
But it seems like, just like in real life all roads lead to Rome, on Steemit all roads lead to Diodao :-D

Yes, the hot topic from last week (about egregores) has a good chance of becoming the main meme on Steemit throughout 2025))

Laughter is one of the best emotions. I am very pleased to be involved in the fact that you had fun.

I sent the steem to your wallet to make it fold, what say you? oohh you remind me to my 7th steemversary too next March. What about having a vacation to a place you want to go, Fish Market in Parung??

 2 months ago 

Hahaha thank you maslakoe 🤗 nope, swimming pool is better than fish market, it's hyping anymore

Happy anniversary
A1 is not necessary
I will count the comment shared below the main article that has the highest C + number
Practice will make it all easy to understand

 2 months ago 

Thank you 😅 English is not my second language, and too lazy to translate, so.. i just add it to my silliness 🫣 you'll get used to it when you see me around

Если честно, я не поняла суть конкурса. Какую случайную тему надо осветить? В мире полно загадок, давайте говорить просто и понятно, тогда общение будет более интересным.

Стимит в моей жизни играет огромную роль, и я писала об этом примерно 100 тысяч раз:) А вы сколько раз об этом писали?

 2 months ago 

Anyway, he will thank you for commenting. It counts. =D

 2 months ago 

Steem plays a not so huge role in my life too, but i didn't write it down more than 3 times😅 because all I want from steemit is to be my memories bank!

Now I have a new goals, to spam on the comments as many as I can every day. For fun, running an errand to keep the curators busy to find, underated posts of old steemians.

Your comment below the main article should be ended with C + number.
Thank you

Вы можете говорить о чем угодно или комментировать под чьей-либо темой, чтобы начать диалог. Наслаждайтесь
Please add C + Number only when you reply to the main topic to share your opinions

Зачем мне присваивать номер своему комментарию? Мне кажется, и так все хорошо:)

It beats me what this is about and it looks as if I am not the only one... Can it be you hide here on purpose to keep up appearances and how come all those others post here but ignore you?

I wonder if @aneukpineung78 has the answers if it comes to mandatory.
Since your statement is there's no mandatory to answer this must be the reason for the silence (before the storm I generate although it's Sunday).

@olivia08 @greatketty @inspiracion there are comments and riddles allover Steemit.

🤔 So you like to hear private info? Will you fill out a sheet like my beloved t-mate?
Now I think of it I can invite @cicisaja to brighten up this dark place.

Now, let's see what you have to offer and isn't mandatory to answer...

Since grandma passed away decades ago and grandpa in the 60s there's no one to visit and no way I will go outside to build a snowman. So what is left?

That I am the best and always make others comment. I am @gems.and.cookies headhunter but not your.

A1, A2, C1 I found it all, friends, love, fun, irritation all good for inspiration


P. D. If I #riddle along will you join the #scribble?

Beats me too what this is about. I'd be in PhotoChain faster than you can say "Go" and work hand-in-hand with our resident head hunter than anywhere, tbh.

I can invite @oadissin to join the photo chain but I doubt that will work. Time to go back home.

 2 months ago 

I gotta be patience, waiting for the second commenters coming before i can enter my comment. Well, does the bot comment above you counted? Shall I wait? But.. i want to start to scribble because i don't know how to answer riddle 😁

You are free to write a many comment you want or engage with other commenters. The valid entry will be the one that follow the rules. If nobody is present after your first comment, keep sharing and remember there is no need to add C+number to the comments that do not meet the rules.

 2 months ago 


what do you mean keep sharing? I also like to know why you hide here and do not interact with others.

This contest is not about me
I wish people find the time to engage and relax.

If you want people to find time and relax you should find a way they can find your post. If that won't happen there's no fun. You could also join the comment contests others host and make some friends. A contest like this will not work if you don't engage yourself. If it's just about talking there's no need to give an upvote of 0. Just let it be and ask if someone likes to talk about something.

You can have a look at #talkchannel and join the chats or follow me.

Thank you
I will join and interact when I can because other activities I am conducting.

Enjoy sharing your message

I wish I knew what you mean. Perhaps this is the language barrier?

 2 months ago 

I will surely be delighted to obtain that 100% upvote from @oadissin on my post, even though I am as curious as @greatketty and @wakeupkitty (I guess they would make a super group Ketty & Kitty) about what is this contest about. Anyway, this is my comment, and I am waiting that vote (cause I am sure I will win this one, it's been a while since the last time I win something).


Have a great time exchanging with any authors in the comment section
I hope to create a friendship between members who join the comment contest. if they did not know each other before on Steemit.

 2 months ago 

What a great mission. Better first we get to know each other I think, what do you say? I am Indonesian, currently living in Indonesia, Male. I love watching drama, romance, superhero movies. What about you.

I am from Southern region of Africa, living in Benin Republic. I found interesting to play with code and technologies. Nice to meet you Aneukpineung78.

 2 months ago 

Code like in programming? Or like in Dan Brown's books?

Programming in Go lang

 2 months ago 

Okay. Not my language. Nice knowing you, @oadissin.

A riddle?
TC1 - A + sK + Wk; TC2 - Ap + sK + Wk; TC3 - AP + gK + Wk = TC3 AP + K + Wk = A + K + K 🤔

OK 😁

The last time you won a prize was what? How to win if you don't join?


I would like to thank all the participants to the contest. It has been quiet for many weeks on this contest.
The winner is @cicisaja
You have to reply to the main article post share your comment and put C +number
Thank you

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much Commander 😁 i just trying to understand how

C stands for what? Any idea why this time it didn't remain quiet? It would be polite if you answer the questions of the one who started and invited commenters to join!

C is the first letter of Comment
It is a "C+number" or C7 Meaning your comment number 7 shared when you reply to the main article.
Good day

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