my history of losses in crypto

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

money that flew away from me.png
hmm where should i start

crytoblades: i loved this game it was my first real taste of what blockchain gaming could do for me
i speculatively and tentatively watched the coin of cb skyrocket and something told me when it was at 15 dollars jump on it
it shot up quick think i got in at about 20 or 30 bucks usd.

bought a couple of characters with my meager cash and made like a thousand in return.
now with that said if i would have stopped there i would have been much in the green.
stacking skill and selling it as i pleased. it eventually went up to 150 bucks and i had like 5 or six skill in staking locked for 7 days. which ties into my other crypto problem...

i got hacked!
Yea boy. i didnt do any research and check out if trust wallet actually had its own google chrome extension.
i assumed it did and that it was official because it remained in the google app store.
i downloaded it and it asked for my safe word thingy.
and bam that kicked off seven days of hell.
Waiting and constantly checking after realizing and reading the comment that it was a scam.

i was angry and flashing on my friends and woman, i was chain smoking my weed.
this was 1000 bucks on the line. who wouldnt freak?

long story short i beat them to it. transferred it out and into a freshly created metamask.
got stripped for 40 bucks of bnb later on that same night at 3 am my time.

i also count crytoblades as a loss over all is i make like 5 accounts all together with out take profits.
i couldhave done well with two or three and came out on top.

crypto drake ball. bought into this fairly cheap made alot of profits
but didnt learn my lesion from crypto blades bought two accounts full of characters
one account would have been fine and taking profits would have put me on top.
o also the devs were filtering the money out of the coin behind out backs
didnt buy the extra gloves and cheap characters.

plant2earn: damn brothers and sisters. my silly self did not notice i was getting duped by the same devs until
another games later only bought one character i believe.

forgot the name of the last game made by the same people as pve. they had nice ideas but were rugg pulling while offering good asf pay out for early adopters. some these crypto games are made under wolf of wallstreet type tactics
pay enough to lore you in while the devs privately own more they say on paper, just have some in their "aunts"
crypto account or just play the game like you do but with an army of the best monsters or champions
and very small cool downs on their own accounts and maybe double or triple what you earn to play.

i invest into doge coin...hehehahha wtf? was i thinking.

major loss of all time never bought into bitcoin even though i knew about it
and many people told me about it?
i thought digital money was stupid.
smh (sad emoji) (crying emoji) (dislike my life emoji) lol

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 85315.05
ETH 2104.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.63