Seth or SethTheProgrammer needs to STOP
Seth or SethTheProgrammer needs to shut his stupid FUCKING mouth! He and Chuck. They’re stupid as FUCK and they shouldn’t be allowed to give their opinion on Dragonball. Now and forevermore.
No Seth. THIS is “The End” You stupid FA-
By removing everything he absorbed he turned back to his most pure and powerful state
MAJIN BOO (Pure) バビディ一味 - ENEMY Babidi's Crew - ENEMY 悟飯など吸収した相手をすべてはぎ取られ た姿。体格はこれまでのどのブウよりも小さく子どものような姿をしているのだが、最も強力なパワーと実力を持っている。知性と心はほとんどなく、言葉も話すことはできない。純粋に、破壊と戦闘を楽しむのみの存在だ。 He has been stripped away of all the opponents he has absorbed, Gohan included. Although his body is smaller and resembles more child-like than any of the Boos beforehand, he's the most powerful and most capable in his power and abilities. Unable to speak, he nearly lacks any intelligence as well as a mind of his own. He is a being that purely enjoys destruction and combat.```
He gained a Heart through absorption and thus his Power was weakened
Hierarchy exists Seth. And I, am better, than you.
Are we done?
Holy crap 26 upvotes? My greatest success yet on here! Never thought this one would be so popular. I guess more people see through Seths crap than I thought. And thankz a bunch!