AI Did It

in Freewriters9 days ago

The Irony of Plagiarism and AI Translated Text vs High Upvotes

AI is een geweldige hulp. Dat kan niemand ontkennen als hij beseft wat AI feitelijk is. Het is dat hulpmiddel dat het mogelijk maakt dat de cassier bij de Aldi al die codes van producten niet langer meer uit het hoofd hoeft te weten iets wat opzich een geweldige prestatie was. Doe dat maar eens na.

De rekenmachine, de computer, het keyboard noem maar op het is allemaal AI aangestuurd net als de vertaaltools die ik nu gebruik omdat ik geen zin heb om in het Engels te schrijven al is dat wel de taal van de community Freewriters dus.. Ik zet de Engelse vertaling erbij en kijk later, ooit wel eens wat er van gemaakt heeft. In doorsnee is dat niet veel soeps omdat dat de Nederlandse taal heel wat (gevoels) woorden rijker is dan de Engelse taal daarnaast zal het google de Nederlandse taal worst wezen omdat de doorsnee Nederlander sowieso verplicht wordt om drie talen te leren (spreken is een ander verhaal). Daarbij zijn Nederlanders uitslovers en doen hun best om zich aan te passen dat zie je wel voordat zij op vakantie gaan voorbereid met een of andere taalgids van de ANWB (automobiel club die je best wel vaak langs de weg laat staan ook al betaal je en inmiddels hebben ze alle nood/praatpalen langs de snelweg verwijderd want iedereen heeft toch een mobiele telefoon (jammer als je batterij leeg is of je hebt geen internet dan moet je maar zorgen dat je wijzer op reis gaat - een slogan van de Rijksoverheid - Ministerie van Buitenland die je niet komt halen of redden als je zo "stom" bent om te reizen naar een land dat zij onverantwoordelijk vinden. Btw, je kunt wel tig keer per dag de Flixbus naar Ukraine pakken die gaat gewoon wat een normaal mens zich doet afvragen of er eigenlijk wel een oorlog is of dat we allemaal belazerd worden).

Heeft AI het gedaan?
Ik zou zeggen probeer het zelf. Ik ga zo nog even een extra post maken want ik ben vergeten om een afbeelding te creeren met AI (dit is een wedstrijd in de Italiaanse community).


AI is a great help. No one can deny that if they realize what AI actually is. It is that tool that makes it possible for the cashier at Aldi to no longer have to know all those product codes by heart, which in itself was a great achievement. Try that.

The calculator, the computer, the keyboard, you name it, it is all AI-driven, just like the translation tools that I use now because I don't feel like writing in English, even though that is the language of the Freewriters community. I add the English translation and look later, sometime, what has made of it. On average, that is not much because the Dutch language is much richer in (emotional) words than the English language, and Google could not care less about the Dutch language because the average Dutch person is forced to learn three languages ​​anyway (speaking is a different story). In addition, the Dutch are show-offs and do their best to adapt, you can see that before they go on holiday, prepared with some language guide from the ANWB (car club that often leaves you on the side of the road even though you pay and in the meantime they have removed all emergency/call boxes along the highway because everyone has a mobile phone (too bad if your battery is empty or you have no internet then you have to make sure you travel wiser - a slogan of the Dutch government - Ministry of Foreign Affairs that will not come to pick you up or save you if you are so "stupid" to travel to a country that they consider irresponsible. Btw, you can take the Flixbus to Ukraine several times a day, which simply makes a normal person wonder whether there is actually a war or whether we are all being cheated).

Did AI do it?
I would say try it yourself. I will make an extra post soon (should be translated in: right away) because I forgot to create an image with AI (this is a competition in the Italian community).

The title is the prompt and provided by @freewritehouse

 9 days ago (edited)

Hallo Kitty. :)
Ik gebruik een vertaler om je te vertellen dat ik soms AI-afbeeldingen gebruik die door andere mensen zijn gegenereerd, die ik dan verander naar wat ik nodig heb voor mijn Sci-fi-verhaal.
Helaas zijn er geen foto's van de toekomst.

Oh. Man! I did try to learn how to speak Flemish a long way ago and went through all that een, twee, drie stuff but it was just too much of a difficult pronunciation for me, so I gave up and started on Japanese, as everybody in the Netherlands speaks at least English and most of my communication when I travel there mostly consists of: -Een groot biertje alstublieft. :D I do understand the precepts of the language and can sort of read it, although it would take me a massive effort to write down a simple sentence.

As I said, on occasions, I feel compelled to use AI generated images, still, if one of my Sci-fi novels ever go into a paper book, I'll take the effort of finding a human artist to Illustrate it, as I find AI images to lack the emotion that comes out of imperfection.

As for translators... As long as they facilitate basic communication, I think that's ok. If you're using them to translate massive ammounts of creative text, you'll find yourself lacking the underlying tone and emotion, not to say that you need to really master the destination language in order to make the basic adjustments that make thing readable.

In the words of wise old James Brown: It's a Man's World! :))))

-Een groot biertje alstublieft.

Let me guess: one big beer, please? ;)

Obviously. :DDD


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You cannot generate pictures yourself?

There are great drawings created by by what AI stole but you have to instruct what it should look like and at times it takes me 3 days or longer to make the stupid bot show something else than the average brainwash shit.


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 8 days ago (edited)

I could generate the images myself, if I had any interest in it, I could even draw them by hand or paint them in a number of means. The fact is my interest remains in writing, and I feel that to be both a waste of time something that would derail me for weeks from the purpose of publishing 10 minutes of written text. In this way, I rather use images that I feel are within the feeling I want to trasnmit with my text which are of freeuse and I get them down to the colors I want. If there are any that I really want that have some copyright, then I ask for permission from the authors.
In cases that need no special kind of Image, I have no problem in publishing my own pictures or creating some illustration, but, for the case that I am refering to, which is my space opera, it's just not feasable.
Thanks very much for your comment. :)

I really love the dutch language, it's somehow a language i can, more or less (more less^^), read without even learning it, even if i translated "hulp" with "hype" somehow in my head xD But at least i understand most of the comments under a YT music video^^

We too have three different languages to learn in school: German, Italian and English. Which is a great success, since under Mussolini we wouldn't learn german in school because he wanted to remove our german/austrian roots. I'm really happy i learned, more or less, three languages, even if i'm not good in italian. But it helps to communicate, specially english.

But it's stupid how we, in South Tyrol, have the official sites in german and italian (and ladin) but the official italian sites doesn't have german, only italian... Like the corona vaccines: you must declare that you've read and understand everything from the datasheet, which was only available in italian from the official INPS-site. Ok, we had those datasheets also available in german on the website of the province, which site is so outdated that i didn't found the info there^^ so yeah... I "understood" everything... Probably i would've understood more in dutch than in italian xD

I really love the netherlands, allthought i still have never visited^^ but they de-criminalized weed and have really cool festivals, so i really would love to live there ;) i played so often with the though of moving one day to the netherlands, since everything here sucks... But now it isn't possible anymore since my girlfriend doesn't speaks english, unfortunately... But i can see myself with my little son one day visiting the Defqon.1 Weekend Festival ;) if he still listens to my music when he is 18^^ but for now he really likes it, it seems. Like when i play frenchcore, hardcore or hardstyle he lays in my arms and sleeps somewhen, while i move around. But if i play hardtekk, for example, he starts crying xD

Best wishes,

Since we all have Germanic,Celtic roots and many words are the same although pronounced differently, it's possible to understand or at least another. BTW we have p plenty of dialects I can't make any sense of because of the different meaning they give to words (and they fale the exam because of that).
I can't remember weed was ever an issue and it can be ordered online which work great and they send it by email, vacuum so no one robs it. LOL.
I don't smoke, never did but it's good for baking and the herbs on a pizza so I also ordered it several times for friends across the border who also used it to fight pain or give old dad who had a stroke a few great hours (don't ask but it worked).

It's not that we all walk around stoned like they say about the Dutch it is mostly a private act done at home. We had a drug boat in Arnhem and as it arrived it already sank (the same night). By now it's gone, although the idea behind it wasn't bad, but it attracted the drug-addicted to the city (abroad included) which was worse than a car with a broken window.

There's no need to speak English to have a good life in the Netherlands. The government provides info in at least 30 languages and a lot is german (products in shops) alle films are original (subtitles) and music is international and if you ask you will always find someone showing you the way, next to that you can point, gesture or make a drawing.

If you live nearby the german border most likely you find many speaking German and most with us will speak English and German or at least understand it since 2 foreign languages are required (French is another one and some schools teach Spanish).

There are also places, camping, hotels and attractions where German is spoken or you find many Germans and you know how it works with children they always are able to talk and language differences don't exist.

I hope you all can make it and have a great time and for sure your son will like your music even if he has a period liking something else. I see that with my children,
BTW mine liked to sleep with Fear in the Dark
Interestingly enough I saw more babies who love that song or calm sown if you paly it.

It might be interesting for a post, what kind of music do little children like?

Thanks for the reply. I wish you a great day.

The problem with English is more work-related. My girlfriend works in schools as "MfI" (Mitarbeiterin für Integration) like with pupils with disabilities (sorry, don't know how to tell this in a good, english way^^). So, i guess if she doesn't speak english it is nearly impossible to work at public school. But then again, some pupils with which she works don't speak at all because of their disability, so perhaps it could still work out ;)

For me, i don't have any problems with english and since i have the title of "Ausgebildeter Fachinformatiker" (learned IT guy) i could easy fit in a job in the Netherlands since in IT many english words/terms are used :)

And yeah, for the little fella it wouldn't be a problem, he still doesn't speak german, so he would learn two languages or even three, with english included (together with some italian swear words xD).

I would really love to live in the netherlands. Where i live i have somehow social anxiety (so i got diagnosed with that but i really feel it too where i live) since i'm afraid of other people talking bad about me. Like i walked stupid and fell and someone would see it and laugh about it later with his friends. Also if someone knows you smoke weed, the next day you're the heroin junkie from the village. That's what i don't like about here. Also the double standards i don't like, like said previously: weed = you're a heroin junkie, but alcohol is good/no problem, everyone here drinks. You can't go to a social event without getting in touch with alcohol, like you meet someone: eyyy, come here, drink a beer. And even if you say no thanks, i don't want to drink, they insist on it like: how you don't drink? Come on, just one beer, just one beer. They really force it on you. I really would love to go on a social event once and be like: here, try my joint. How you don't take drugs? Come on, just one hit. But then again, you're the heroin junkie of the village... It's just so stupid.. And like when i'm on vaccation where no one knows me i'm more open, not so stressed for other people talk bad about me, etc. So it would be a nice experience for me, a nice new start to society ;)

But i guess my girlfriend is (at least at the moment) not ready to live in the netherlands...

There's a time for everything and for sure there are jobs for her profession.
Are commercials about alcohol still allowed? With us not since decennia same for tabacco but medication, the other drug, is. Plent, one can buy without recipe.
I was among alcoholics and smokers but I was never asked to join 🤔
A lost case at forehand? They did respect me and I've never been shut out for not trying out whatever others did.

The heroin junkie stage we passed. No one will make a remark except it might stink, same for cigarettes, alcohol, old sweat, overdose of perfume and aftershave or garlic 🤣

A good weekend!


To be honest i don't watch commercials. Yeah i watch TV sometimes, but either it's the german public like ZDF where there is no commercial while the film is playing, or i watch kid's TV in hope that Spongebob comes^^ Else i watch YouTube or Twitch (with adblockers) so i really can't tell. Also i don't watch italian TV since i don't understand it, so perhaps there is still commercial for alcohol? I don't know ;)

Lucky you, by us it's nearly impossible to not drink. And if you say you don't want to drink, you got some strange looks^^

Also if it tooks a lot of respect normally to tell you don't want to drink, at our place this won't work somehow... Sadly...

But it's funny somehow, like if you ask the other to take a hit they usually say they don't want to poison them^^ Like... You know... Alcohol is poison by definition, wether weed is not, but yeah... xD

Fear of the dark, you mean? Iron Maiden? That«'s classical music. Of course the baby would sleep. :)))


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Here we are and X is updated as well that is if AI doesn't block me

That's cool, thought I don't do X. Never did. Never will. It creeps me out. :)


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 4 days ago 

Although I have read this post a couple of times, something has always happened and I have not commented on it. AI is a powerful tool that comes to optimise many processes. Why could AI be bad? The real concern is how it is used. With regard to creation, there is nothing written that doesn't have at least a thousand antecedents. Are we writing something new, or are we just recycling content? Have all the combinations been exhausted? Someone said: if you want to write something new, write about your life. Why are there so many stigmas attached to AIs? Each person should think, whether plagiarising or just using what AIs have written. It comforts them. It fills their heart, when you know inside that you didn't write what you publish.
It is people who misuse the tools.

Translated with (free version)

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