Where have I been ?

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)

The past week has been one of the most struggling weeks in my life, though not physically; my entire body system was struggling mentally.

It was then I realize the effect of the saying “health is wealth”. Health is wealth when your health is in order, but when your health is not in order, trust me, you can’t move like you use to. And nothing interests you.

The description above was my condition the past week...


I was under medication for the past weeks, I really wanted to do more as I use to, but my body system keep warning me seriously, and any moment I tried something different, it will just alert me by forcing me to sleep.

I slept a lot last week, and I think it was really good for my brain and mental health. However, I had a good time too, and perhaps a few lessons to share.

It can be useful to you; it can be useful to your friends, your neighbors, or whoever is close to you.

The good time

Within the week, I spent a good number of hours with our dog. I think this is one neglected soul so far and giving this time out is worth it.

She also got her medication, I gave her Roy's Pet Multivitamin. And I think she likes her new soap Steven Plus.


She had a good time with me.


Now, this might not seem like an accomplishment but considering my last week experience situation, it is.

Throughout last week I was facing debilitating fatigue due to the reaction to the medication I am taking and that has caused me to be less active in both physical activities and the blog with fewer activities and many sleeping hours.

I tried to read some good content both in the blog and outside the blog. I discovered one interesting thing which I am going to write about in a different post, not this one.

I tried to adapt to my last week's life situation, I won’t say it was bad, after all, I also learn new things along the line which I will share here much later.

That's kind of what this entire publication is about, adapting to the situation you find yourself in, utilizing such time, and learning to be happy.

So basically, focus on the good stuff within such a period.

For example, I am not too good when it comes to sleeping and those who know me very well will agree with me that I spent fewer hours doing that (I am not saying it’s good), but I realize I needed that the whole of last week.

Now, that’s a good thing at my worst moment(during my sick period). I made use of it. That sleep was good for my health.

I joined some Professional webinars

What’s my Point?

In any situation, you find yourself, even if you have to dig through a trash heap to find one tiny shred of good things that happened. Latch onto that. Just accept the bad challenge that is out of your control and focus on the good stuff, that’s it and that was what I did last week…, you can too!


Try to find more good stuff too. Explore new hobbies. I just started learning one important software last week, I am sure in this new week, you all will see the good part of learning that software.

I think I will take up some more online tutorials myself! I need to learn more digital skills that can be useful to me and society in the future.

Whatever your situation is, look for the positive sides and work on creating more positivity in whatever way you can. Photography, a new hobby, hiking, playing the guitar, and some scrabble/anagram games. There are so many ways to find a good smile. I did it and it works, you can too! I am getting much better now!

How was your weekend?

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About Me

 2 years ago 

Take good care of yourself - and of your cute lady!
In fact the animals are the reason why I am not online that much anymore. They deserve it and always make me smile.
Sleep well... ;-)

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your kind words. I am getting better now.
Animals are also important and deserve care. I am glad I was able to take care of her.

As for sleep, I will do it when I can, I was instructed to always catch more sleep during this period.

 2 years ago 


No estás solo, si necesitas hablar ya tienes mi número de teléfono, la vida es una montaña rusa; aveces estamos arriba pero en un abrir y cerrar de ojos estaremos abajo, toma mucha fuerza y confianza;

No tienes que tener el control de todo.. de eso se encargará el Creador Dios

 2 years ago 

Hello my friend, thank you very much for your words of encouragement and the friendly assistance!

Thank you for sharing the music too. The guitar in the music alone is a smile booster to me..

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