📊 Play Your Content Right (Some Interesting Content Stats)

in WORLD OF XPILAR9 months ago

When I restarted working on SCI, I recall speaking to @o1eh about how many posts were being filtered out by my exclusions (bot users, shit-spam-crap tags and blacklisted spam-fucks) and I was surprised (and also not surprised) by the number of posts that were being filtered out. My filters aren't yet perfect (and probably never will be) but I thought it would be interesting if you play a guessing game with me (and hopefully you won't be too upset that I've posted 2 days in a row 😉). If you are, then too bad sucker and you can enjoy my random emojis instead 🎑

So to get things rolling I started with 1,000 posts and let's guess how many were removed when voting bots were excluded... I'm going to guess... 250... what do you think? Higher or lower than 250?

The correct answer is....


184 posts (18.4% (I have a degree in maths)) 🎒


We'll go with blacklisted authors next... authors who either spam shit, have been caught abusing, plagiarising, farming, etc... a list that currently stands at 417 accounts...

I'm guessing it'll be fewer than bot users... although they do post quite frequently... let's go with... another 100. What do you think? Higher or Lower than 100?

The correct answer is....


Another 115 posts were excluded from my blacklist.


701 posts remain (the maths degree can't take credit for this one - my interface outputs how many posts are "valid") 🎓

So... final round (I might play this again when I can filter Diary Games and Engagement Challenges (Oooooo, controversial))... time to exclude shit-spam-crap-tags.

I'm going big on this one... I've got 18 tags blacklisted ranging from the impossible (but somehow still used) -12 to the king of shit-spam-crap... krsuccess. So many want success in Korea...

I'm going with another 250 posts that use a crappy tag... what are you going for this time? Higher or lower than 250?

The correct answer is....

Lower! 😲

"Only" 217 additional posts were removed (What would that number have been if I'd removed shit-tags before blacklisted-authors...? 257... so close!)

Leaving us with 484 posts that aren't using bots, blacklisted or shit-tags.

👆 Epic Maths Skillz 🎔

So there we have it... a great reason to use my new interface - details of which you can find at the end of this post 🎕

Thank you for playing "Play Your Content Right" (c) the-gorilla 2024 with me and I look forward to you joining me at some point in the future for some more insightful and not crap-shit-spam content (maybe tomorrow 🎖)


the-gorilla's Alternative Steemit Interface

In case you didn't know (which you obviously should because you've just read a post about it), I've created an interface to help you find content that you're interested in more easily.

Posts by voting bot users, abusers and spam tags are hidden and you can search by multiple tags - allowing you to find the content that you're interested in more easily.

👉 Launch Alternative Steemit Interface 👈


the-gorilla's Club Status Tool

I've also created a tool to help users review their club status - showing them where their power's coming from, how much they're powering up, transferring out and who they share a wallet with amongst other things.

Please use it wisely.

👉 Launch Club Status Tool 👈


 9 months ago 

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

 9 months ago 

3 in one edition 😊 Thanks @pennsif 👍🏼

Are you well?

 9 months ago 

All good over here thanks, but just a bit nippy 😀

 9 months ago 

Have you had any snow yet? We had a little bit last week but not enough to settle. It'd definitely cold enough now!

 9 months ago 

Can borrow some snow from me ☃️

 9 months ago 

That’s a lot of snow! I think that we’d like 1/4 please - that should be enough for us!

 8 months ago 

The shipment arrives by letter 📨 ☃️😋

 8 months ago 


 9 months ago 

Just a dusting of snow so far - but plenty of frosts.

 9 months ago 

That was funny to read, loved it

I think there should be a filter with arse-kissers included

 9 months ago 

Thanks 🙂

Identifying arse-kissers could be tricky... although there are a few ways that I could do it 😂 I'll add it to the "maybe" pile.

 9 months ago 

Well, then there are not many % left with the quality posts

 9 months ago 

Even within the remaining posts, there is a lot of spam and plagiarism. It feels like an impossible task to remove all of it.

 9 months ago 

Yes, we can't get rid of it, but fortunately it can be limited

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