Someone else's glasses

in #thoughts5 years ago (edited)

This is a photo I took last night while laying on the floor - they are my glasses. Ever looked through someone's prescription and found that you can't see clearly or, it hurts your eyes or makes you feel queasy? It is because their eyes see differently to your own which means, they see the world differently to yourself. It is not far different to how experience plays on opinion and understanding.

For those of you who believe that for some reason you have an entitlement to the pool for your content that goes beyond your stake, I have a little task for you. It is pretty easy. Firstly, work out how much disposable income you have -this means anything that isn't required for direct living costs. Next, save it up over the next month. it doesn't matter if it is 50 cents or 10,000 dollars. Finally, buy Steem and power it up.

My point is that Steem is not a closed economy and most people are pretty glad about this because if it was, it would only have utility on Steem itself. Every seller who has cashed out has benefited from Steem and proven that it can be connected to the outer world yet, many do not recognize that the draw on the pool happens through, staked Steem, not Sold Steem. There are people here (including myself) who have bought Steem off exchanges and powered it up so that there is draw on the pool that aids distribution, including distribution to the self.

Sure, there are some people who take this to an extreme and maximize and rape the pool as much as possible but, that is actually a minority, albeit often a very visible and called out minority. But, the expectation that there should be reward on every bit of content is ludicrous.

If you have ever earned a cent of Steem, you have been rewarded. Done. If you have never earned a cent on Steem you best look at what you are offering because when it comes to what gets rewarded, there is a supply and demand metric and if what you supply isn't demanded, you are shit out of luck. You could buy a vote of course but, you are going to have to buy some Steem or SBD to do so. It is a tiresome conversation isn't it?

People expect to earn some reward form the pool of resources without putting much into the pool of resources. They then try to justify it by saying that they are adding content to the pool as if their content alone is that good that it should earn. What they fail to recognize is that there are more factors in the decision making process of demand than content alone with type of content being a major one.

Not all content is under demand nor is it under demand by those who have stake on the platform - remember, stake is your voice - which means, your influence over the pool. If someone loves arts and crafts that much that they are willing to invest a million dollars into Steem and reward handy crafts, they are free to do so. However, this is a crypto platform in an infant industry where many of the largest staked users are crypto enthusiasts. If you want to earn on content, you need to know your audience and it isn't their job to find you, it is your job to find them.

You want to earn out of the pool? Then you are running a business and that means understanding the market and how it operates. If you are unwilling to understand the environment and economies of behavior, you likely aren't going to operate a very successful business. If you don't care about the pool resources at all and just want to post what you want - Steem is fine for you. So is Facebook and YouTube too.

I wonder what kind of experiences people have in the world that they expect some kind of return no matter what they do and whether or not it connects with anyone at all. Of course, someone could also take that disposable income of theirs and put it into Apple or Google stocks and invest that way also but then, do they care who gets helped along the way - does it make the world any better?

When it comes to resources from the pool, I understand that people might use it to eat with or pay their rent but, this platform didn't exist three years ago so, how were they paying their rent then? If they kept doing the same thing then as well as earning here, shouldn't there be some extra disposable income? Seems for the most part, everyone has had bad luck and can't invest into Steem because they Need the income. Of course they want other people to invest into Steem and expect those people to distribute to them consistently.

People have an opportunity on Steem to invest into the platform in various ways and build a foundation for themselves and others in the future but, people sell. That is fine, people can sell as they show utility of the token that eventually will drive prices up. If that guy who paid 10,000 Bitcoin for two pizzas only had 10,000 Bitcoin, does he deserve more because he showed utility? Would you give a gambling addicted relative more money?

There are some people here who are cashing out their stake and using it to build applications, others to buy the latest x-box game. Are both sell use cases created equal? Those that are only cashing out to fiat and purchasing traditional items are supporting the fiat economy aren't they? Rather than adding mass to the blockchain, they are adding volume to fiat.

This is not a closed economy and while you might think those with stake get it easy, you have no idea what has led to owning that stake. And if you believe that they have to distribute to you because they are rich, first go to an Apple or Google investor and convince them that you have rights to some percentage of their stock portfolio because they have a stock portfolio.

The funny thing is that while people complain about the maximizers on the platform for not distributing, the same thing is happening on just about every account that earns but does not stake earning and votes on others with value because, they are maximizing Steem for their fiat life.

This is an economy and it is much more complex than, post > vote > reward. If you are unable to recognize the nuances and mass of variables and only see it through your own simplified framework, you are likely... incorrect. While you might have your experience and perspectives that you consider "righteous", what you are failing to recognize is that this is a decentralized group where there are many experiences and perspectives working for and against each other at all times in multiple ways, across multiple platforms, countries and cultures.

Your understanding or lack there of, or mine, is going to affect our experiences on Steem in the same way it is going to affect all of you experiences in this life time. The interesting thing with knowledge is that you can never know what you don't know until you know it or know that it is not. You might think you are more deserving than others who get higher rewards but, how do you know that?

Perhaps you need a new set of glasses. Maybe I do too.

[ a Steem original ]


I love the cents I’ve made here 🙃 and now they’re sometimes even dollars 😄

More than that I like investing in people. Feels more satisfying than companies and stocks and things but I’m kinda simple minded like that 🙃

Posted using Partiko iOS

More than that I like investing in people.

I was talking to a colleague today about making friends. That is investing in people and, worth it.

I think people who don't invest money in Steem simply don't trust it enough to see it succeed in the future.

I don't live in a struggling country, like Venezuela. I don't receive food stamps and 5 dollar a month salary. I don't have to buy milk from my Steem earnings. Therefore, it would be unfair for me to say to people from this country that they should invest into Steem.

Are there any Venezuelans who are Steem investors on this platform? They should speak up.

But at the same time a lot of people living in much more comfortable conditions don't trust Steem enough to invest in it.

And because I'm not a financial adviser, it would be unwise for me to advise anything.

But I know one thing for sure: it is wise to save up some disposable income, like you say, even as little as 50 cents and use it to diversify your future income.

People who are struggling their ends meet, have only 1 income stream or less. People who want to achieve financial independence have at least 7.

I have chosen Steem to be one of such streams.

PS Always great to engage in your thought-provoking discussions.

Are there any Venezuelans who are Steem investors on this platform? They should speak up.

There are some who have powered up a fair bit.

And because I'm not a financial adviser, it would be unwise for me to advise anything.

On the internet, don't take medical advice either :)

But I know one thing for sure: it is wise to save up some disposable income, like you say, even as little as 50 cents and use it to diversify your future income.

Any amount is better than no amount.

People who are struggling their ends meet, have only 1 income stream or less. People who want to achieve financial independence have at least 7.

STeem provides some opportunity for more people to add one or two more to support themselves now and later.

I have chosen Steem to be one of such streams.

Me too :)

Thanks! Shall we make a new tag metoo? Haha!

Posted using Partiko Android

Are there any Venezuelans who are Steem investors on this platform? They should speak up.


I will speak up: ¡No! there are no Venezuelan Investors as such on this platform!!

More than anything, because besides all the struggling things you've already mentioned above, you forgot to highlight that we are also under the worst & biggest economic hyperinflation worldwide.

That's why I think Steem can help you earn your living. Also Whaleshares. In general, I think crypto when used right is going to help reduce poverty in the world and help reclaim power to the people. Just by participating in our Pinky and Spiky contest people can get 4 upvotes a month. Each upvote may be worth 1.5 dollars. So 6 dollars just for drawing 4 comics a month. What could you buy for 6 USD in Venezuela?

Oh! I'm all for 'Pinky' stuff you know. But unfortunately, I am not a cartoonist nor an illustrator. I think that most of the time, I am even unable to draw a simple circle not even with a well rounded hollow cane to save my ass. Hahahaha

What could you buy for 6 USD in Venezuela?

Well at this moment, 6 USD in Venezuela barely could buy you a humble healthy meal a day in a decent restaurant. Maybe two meals a day if go to eat on a popular food shack somewhere instead. 🤕

If you have the desire to draw, you'll get better at it.

What is the average salary currently in Venezuela?

It seems only farmers can support themselves and their families with things they grow because money will not be enough to live on.

Am I right?

Haha ¡believe me! I've had the desire before and I tried, but not avail.

What is the average salary currently in Venezuela?

Well, until this last friday 26 the basic monthly salary was 18,000 VES ~ $3.46. However, recently in an attempt to battle hyperinflation and on the occasion of Worker's Day this next first of May. Maduro doubled the minimum wage ordered by decree this same day.

So, the minimum wage and basic salary went from 18,000 bolivars ($3.46 at the official exchange rate) to 40,000 bolivars ($7.69) aprox now.

It seems only farmers can support themselves and their families with things they grow because money will not be enough to live on.

Yeah, pretty much your hunch is right. However, farmers and those Venezuelans who can count with land and the necessary resources to grow their own food are a very small percentage of the entire population.

The double edge sword of the blockchain is its immutability as it can show now only how you acquire but how you sell out. Will most practice what they preach or do otherwise? That is the outstanding question for the long term.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The double edge sword of the blockchain is its immutability as it can show now only how you acquire but how you sell out.

And one day, the dots will be connected to who is who - despite best efforts. Will anyone care, I don't know.

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