Contest Alert:1 Picture 1 Story Week #53

in Steem For Pakistan8 days ago (edited)

Hello and Namste my steemian Family,

This is my participation in the contest” Contest Alert:1 picture 1 Story Week #53 by Respected @suboohi in Steem For Pakistan

I also want to invite here

Aishwarya, around 40 years old, was unwell since morning, but she completed all the work included in her daily routine, she used to get up very early in the morning by 6 am, first of all she had to prepare breakfast for everyone, then she used to give tiffin to the children and send them to school. And at 9 am husband Ashutosh also used to leave for office, she liked to give him only hot food.

The children and Ashutosh did not realize that Aishwarya was doing the daily chores with great difficulty today.

This was not the first time that she had to work despite poor health, but today her headache was bothering her so much, when she sent everyone away and thought that now she will take rest.

But as soon as her husband left for office, she was lying on the bed and then the doorbell rang, she reluctantly peeped out of the keyhole of the door. She saw two strangers standing, Aishwarya put the safety latch on the door and peeped through a crack and said in a tired voice, who are you both and why have you come?

One of the strangers said, Madam, we have come to service the air conditioner, your husband called our company yesterday.

Aishwarya remembered that her air conditioner was not working for 2-3 days, but she was not able to stand due to pain.

After showing it to them, she sat on the sofa and both the mechanics started doing their work, suddenly Aishwarya felt very dizzy and she fell down from the sofa, one of the mechanics saw this and he also got scared.

He left his work in between and called his company and informed about the condition of the lady of the house.

The manager of the service company immediately informed Ashutosh on his mobile phone that his wife's health has deteriorated a lot and she has fainted.

Ashutosh stopped all his work in between and came home, he also requested a nursing home to send an ambulance on the way, both the hospital ambulance and Ashutosh reached together.

Ashutosh reached the hospital with his wife and there his intensive examination with CT SCAN started, after the examination the neurologist told that this has happened due to swelling in Eswarya's brain. Treatment and medicines for this disease are not available here, she will have to be taken to a specialist neurological diseases hospital.



A mountain of troubles fell on poor Ashutosh, his financial condition was not so good, he called his workplace and asked for help, but according to the rules there, he could not be given much money on loan.

Ashutosh withdrew all his deposits from his bank and also took a loan from the bank, and also took some money from his company. But the cost of treatment was 4 times more than this amount.

Then a friend working in his company told him to start the treatment and we will arrange the money together?

Ashutosh looked at him gratefully. Then the same friend called all the officers and employees of the company and held a meeting and appealed to everyone to help Ashutosh.

Everyone helped according to their capacity, but still a lot of money was needed for the treatment.

Then the friends took the help of a fund raiser NGO, and in about 20 days, collected a lot of money.

And this way Asutosh and his friends, after running around day and night and with the help of many people, successfully got his wife's serious illness treated.

After Aishwarya's recovery, Asutosh thanked all his friends and the NGO for their help and also thanked God from the bottom of his heart for providing help to so many people in his bad times.

And now by the grace of of friends and God, Aishwarya is recovering.

Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians

With Great love and honour,


 8 days ago 

Cerita yang sangat mengharukan, tentang perjuangan seorang suami untuk menyembuhkan istrinya yang sedang sakit.
Dan orang-orang yang berada di sekelilingnya sangat baik dan mau membantu ashutosh mengumpulkan dana demi kesembuhan istrinya.

Semoga anda beruntung teman

 8 days ago 

Hello kawan saya,
Saya rasa saya telah berjaya menyampaikan perasaan saya kepada anda melalui cerita ini.
Terima kasih atas komen.

 8 days ago 

Benar sekali, saya sangat menikmati membaca cerita anda sehingga saya sangat terharu, semoga semua pria yang beristri akan memperlakukan teman hidupnya seperti cerita anda .

Jika semua pria seperti ini maka bahagia sekali hidup wanita dan merasa sangat di hargai dan di sayangi oleh pasangannya.

Akan tetapi tidak sedikit juga yang berlaku kasar kepada istrinya bahkan sampai memukulnya, padahal seorang wanita jika di perlakukan baik maka dia juga akan berperilaku baik pula. Apakah teman setuju dengan yang saya katakan?

Wanita itu cerminan pasangannya, jika suami kasar jangan harap perempuan bisa baik, walaupun ada juga yang bertahan demi anak-anak sehingga dia pun menjadi sengsara seperti berada di neraka

 7 days ago 

Hello my friend, @suryati1
Your comments clearly reflect your feelings, it seems you have seen such men in your life who behave rudely with their wives. Such people are few in the educated society. But yes, their presence cannot be denied. You have been declared the winner along with me, actually I have to translate your language and read it. But from now on I will definitely read your stories.

With best wishes.

 7 days ago 

Terimakasih sahabatku yang baik hati, saya sangat senang sekali mengenalmu walaupun di dunia Maya tapi ceritamu ada di alam nyata.

Saya sering melihat mereka yang memperlakukan istrinya seperti itu dan saya sangat kasihan sekali namun kita tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa selain merelainya supaya tidak bertengkar.

Walaupun saya bukan dari keluarganya jika saya melihat hal seperti itu pasti saya akan membantunya untuk mendamaikan, pernah sekali suami mau memukul istrinya dan saya sedang berada di tempat kejadian, spontan saja saya menarik laki-laki tersebut supaya tidak menyentuh istrinya.

Dengan marah dan kekuatan darimana saya menarik lelaki itu keluar rumahnya padahal badan saya sangat kecil di bandingkan dia.

Alhamdulillah saya berhasil menasehatinya dan sampai sekarang saya tidak pernah lagi melihat mereka bertengkar apa lagi kalau ada saya 🤭.

Mungkin mulut saya yang tajam saat berkata waktu itu membuat keduanya tersadar, padahal mereka dari kalangan orang berpendidikan juga.

Maafkan saya teman, saya tidak pandai berbahasa inggris sehingga saya menjawabnya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia 🥺. Semoga hari mu bahagia selalu

 7 days ago 

Hello kawan saya yang dikasihi,@suryati1
Bahasa tak kisah, kita berdua pun ada masalah yang sama, awak lemah bahasa Inggeris dan saya tak tahu bahasa Melayu. Tetapi sangat bagus untuk mengetahui ideologi dan keberanian anda. Memang benar kerana dunia maya kita mendapat peluang untuk bercakap dengan orang yang baik.
Semua kata-kata anda sangat menarik perhatian saya.

 5 days ago 


Congratulations! Your Comment has been upvoted through steemcurator06. We support good comments anywhere..


Curated by : @jyoti-thelight

 8 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 days ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

 8 days ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 7 days ago 

Thank You Ma'am


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