Weekly Cards are Up. Pick one and have some fun! by Sunscape

in #tarot6 years ago

Sunscapes Weekly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

    The Good Tarot

    by Colette Baron-Reid

    I will be sharing the information on each card
    according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
    that accompanies the deck, along with my own
    intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Guidance Card 1

"Queen of Water / Cups"

Compassion, Emotional security, Self-Love/Care

You are the Queen of your life, sensitive, romantic, gracious and kind. You live your life with great appreciation for the wonderful things that surround you. Are you feeling particularly contemplative recently? This card comes your way to remind you to evaluate your emotional responses towards others, as well as, to take a look at your current values.

You may be affected right now by those that you engage with. Due to your intuitive insights you may be trying to help others, so much so, that your own emotional stability is affected. You may find yourself empathizing with them so much that you begin to carry the weight of their burdens on your shoulders. People may seek you out for advice because of your sensitive and compassionate nature. They know that you are always so willing to help and lend an ear when needed, even if it has meant giving up something that you desired to be doing for yourself.

On the other hand it may also mean that you are not taking good care of yourself. Are you over indulging in things that are not too healthy for you? Perhaps not caring enough about yourself at this present time to even begin to take better care of yourself.

Perhaps it is time for you to be sensible and take a step back, assess yourself and re-align with your own inner truth and not the old habits of being a people pleaser. It is wonderful to help others when asked, but remember not at the expense of your own emotional and physical strength. You may have to begin to set some healthy boundaries for those that lean on you all the time. It is okay for you to say that you need some time for yourself, time to nurture your own emotions and physical well-being. Consider how you can let others know that you need time for self-healing right now. Be kind to yourself, take an inner journey through meditation to seek clarity on how to better be of service to others without loosing yourself in the process.

May you find comfort and peace in the act of self-acceptance, self-care, and self-love as you enjoy the path that you will continue walking on. Remember that your soul has a path already planned…. accepting the truth of who you are will help you enjoy a much smoother journey.


"I am comfortable in my own skin. I love, cherish, and nurture myself."

"I am the best friend to myself. My relationships with others reflect my security in knowing I am always worthy of love and respect."

"I heal myself so I can be the change I want to see in the world and so my compassion can inspire others."
"Diplomacy with others can help me to be true to my call to do what I know I must do for myself."

Guidance Card 2

"9 of Earth/Pentacles"

Disciplined self-reliance, Reliable resources, Restraint and self-control

Congratulations the 9 of Earth/Pentacles represents years of hard work, diligence and foresight into the future. You have attained a position of affluence and prosperity at this time in your life. Perhaps you feel fulfilled and safe at this stage and may even be thinking of taking a nice long vacation to enjoy some leisure time. You have certainly earned it.

You may even be considering taking an early retirement due to the success you have attained in your career. The card speaks clearly of wealth, health and well-being for you. Isn't it wonderful to feel so content and free? You now feel comfortable enough to make any major changes in your life that you want to.

The number 9 speaks of endings and even a time of seeking time alone to get a better perspective on where you would like to go, as the next cycle of your journey begins. As with any cycle, letting go of something will open the door for new beginnings and opportunities. Perhaps it is your time to consider what changes you would like to make in this moment of time. Trust yourself, trust your intuition and know that you will not lead yourself down the wrong path. Have fun!


"I know I can rely on myself and Spirit. There are many tools at my disposal, and I use my resources wisely, solidifying the foundation of my security in the material world. "

"I am diligent and disciplined, focused on completing the work I began long ago. I stick to my program, trusting that the plan is unfolding before me exactly as Spirit intended."

Guidance Card 3

"King of Earth / King of Pentacles"

Enterprising, Attracting Wealth, Reliable Leader

This is such a great card if you picked this one for yourself. It shows strength and determination, stability and fulfillment in life. You have obviously worked very hard on manifesting your desires to suit your needs in the material realm. This king represents power, competence in managing money, and a true patriarchal spirit.

You may be one that finds himself/herself working in the financial world, stock market, banking or perhaps even in real estate. Wherever you work, you have the golden thumb for whatever you put your mind too, brings back abundance to you. You probably feel abundant in all areas of your life too. That could mean, physically, emotionally, relationships and even in your quest for spiritual understanding.

You probably use most of your energy for practical matters to ensure a full rounded life style, with an emphasis on quality over quantity. You may even be one that focuses a great deal on your physical appearance and well-being too. You probably belong to a gym or play on a sports team to stay in shape, for this may be very important to you.

Are you attracted to nature and have a heart for caring for the Earth as well, by taking care of your personal environment? Perhaps you have purchased some land and may have plans to build at some point, or may have even donated some land to your community to keep it forever wild. Many times the heart of a King is to be philanthropic too, sharing your wealth and knowledge with others, as I am sure you do. Enjoy your bountiful blessings and continue to let your light shine brightly.


"I have trust and faith in the invisible and know it will manifest in the realm of form the way I need it to."

"Opportunity can be found anywhere and everywhere. I am competent and committed, and ready for abundance to manifest in a form that is aligned with my highest good."

"I manifest all that I desire, consciously aware of the need to stay focused and grounded in the everyday work required."

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Is that a game. Happy new week @sunscape

Sort of, you pick one of the cards you feel drawn to and then read what it has to say. See if one of them fits with where you are at this moment. have fun

"Are you over indulging in things that are not too healthy for you?" That is me in a nutshell right now. I'm working on it though, recognizing it is half the battle. :)

OMG! That one speaks to a lot of us. We all are working on it aren't we. Have a great week dear.

It is wonderful to read what I chose and feel so identified. Happy week dear Wanda🙏❤🍁

So happy to have you as a weekly participant. Glad you love the cards. Have a wonderful week.

Always is a pleasure read your post. You are so good. Have a good day dear🌻🌸❤

What a beautiful deck, I've been open to getting a new deck perhaps this one! I picked 3 and so perfect for my spiritual practice right now! Thank you and followed ya!

Hi Kimmysomelove42 you will enjoy this deck. It has such a positive, loving, energy vibe to it. It shares many affirmations too, which is always encouraging. Following back!

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