Team Application as a community curators for month of October 2024 from Twins Star ⭐⭐

in The Creative Pulse7 days ago (edited)

Hello community friends, Steemit Team

It's great pleasure for us to Once again applying as a community curator for new upcoming month with my new team member @mipe16 as a Twins start team with many good hopes and new enthusiasm of team sprite 🌟🌟.Here below I share our Steemit account details.



My user name is @sualeha, I joined Steemit in April -2021

Working as a moderator and admin of newly created #creativepulse community and was worked in steemforpakistan and steem kids and parents as a moderate .

As a curator I selected 3 times in 2023 and two times in 2024

LanguageUrdu, Punjabi, English
Country of residencePakistan
SP20,000, 🐬🐬🐬🐬
Voting CSI20.11
Delegationshindwhale 1,024.002 - hive-180106 2,019.410



Hi, I'm mile16, I'm 38 years old and I'm a native of Venezuela, I joined steemit on May 6, 2021 and since then I have fallen in love with steemit so much that I have not taken off from my beautiful platform.

I am currently a moderator in the latin community and founder of #shinewithsteem a community with few months old but that we have created with love to welcome you all with its contents.

In the past I have hosted several successful meet ups (all organized on my own and taking care of the financial costs) and I have also had experience as a curator.

Country of residenceVenezuela
Voting CSI21.22
Delegations(14,715.537 STEEM -4,037.966 STEEM)

It is our wish to be part of this team together if we will have the opportunity to show the steemit team that we are able to find good content even hidden in their own blogs and not only in the communities, It would be very happy if they would give us such an opportunity as they have given to so many users.

Without more to add I say goodbye and let you know that we feel very committed to the blockchain and my desire is to contribute my bit to improve the trends of our platform.

We hope to be given the opportunity to showcase our hard work and potential, so that we can contribute more to this platform in our own unique way

Best regards,❣️❣️

We are ready to work

@sualeha and @mile16


Both team members are really talented. And you guys deserve that. My best wishes are with you. And I pray and I wish that you will be selected . IN SHA ALLAH

Les deseo mucho éxito en su postulación,estoy segura que harán un gran equipo ya que son dos mujeres valiosa y comprometida con la plataforma.

Gracias cariño!
Son muy motivadoras tus palabras y espero sinceramente quedar entre los seleccionados para buscar esos contenidos hermosos y de calidad que sé que muchos realizan en la blockchain

Thanks for good wishes ❤️

Saludos amigas @mile16 y @sualeha les deseo la mayor de la suerte en su postulación y que estén entre los equipos seleccionados para el próximo mes

Muchas gracias cariño 😗
Eso queremos estar entre el grupo de personas capaces de buscar y encontrar buenos contenidos en todo la plataforma.


Many thanks my love for you support and wishes 💗🙏

 7 days ago 

I pray to my God that great people like you @sualeha and @mile16 get the title of curator so that we can also say proudly that team of my friends is doing good work in steemit platform .
Best wishes in advance.

Muchas gracias amigo ! 😊
Esperemos el veredicto final para el próximo mes, aunque desde ya estoy ansiosa por ver los resultados .

 6 days ago 

Hola señor,
No hay duda de que no hay demora para obtener los resultados, después de tan solo unos días tu espera está por terminar. El resultado será a tu favor. Eso espero.

Hi Dear ! Its great that you're passionate about serving as a community curator. Your team, Twins Star , is also very energetic.

However, I read your post and think you should re-read your application. I feel that you've accidentally added an extra zero in your SP count. Similarly, in the 2nd member's details, you've mentioned your own username. Please correct this.

I wish your team the best of luck for the selection as community curators.,👍

Yes I edited that mistakes, thanks for your good 😊😊

Thanks alot dear friend for your lovely wishes for us.😊😊

Thanks dear 😊😊

Genial! 👍
Esperemos que nos den la oportunidad para trabajar y encontrar esos post de calidad que cada semana quedan en el olvido.

Hay muchos usuarios dedicados a realizar excelentes participaciónes dentro de la blockchain y merecen ser valorados y recompensados .

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