Drip Drop

in Venezolanos Steem12 days ago

Link to the contest: https://steemit.com/venezolanos-steem/@solperez/concurso-de-arte-y-escritura-133-y-ganadores-de-la-edicion-132-art-and-writing-contest-133-y-ganadores-de-la-edicion-132

A quiet song of leaves drifts with the wind through the garden.
It is her, the lady, our mother.
To her, we stretch our stems.

Drip. Drip.
Water flows.
The first leaf unfurls.

And there, further on, foxglove opens its buds.
Drip. Drip.
Water runs, like a river finding its path.
The pansies awaken,
their petals rise, dancing to the rhythm.

Drip. Drip.

The elder tree bends over the gardener,
perhaps in gratitude?
For the water that gave the rose petals strength.

"I will never prick her again, I swear to you, elder."
"And I will give her all my vitality,
all that I hold in flowers and fruit—
she will never fall ill again."

And the water kept dripping. Drip. Drip.

The gardener takes a breath, drowning in the scent,
wipes her forehead, smiles.
Grateful for their beauty, for their presence.

"I thank you, too, for being here."

Invitations to @jsalem @delwar12

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
No existe nada más agradecido que la naturaleza. Si la cuidas y le das tu amor, ella te dará frutos, flores y belleza. Ese terma lo abordas con maestría en este poema.

Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
Verification date2025-02-26

1. Determination of Club Status refers to the https://steemworld.org/transfer-search Web-based Application
2. Plagiarisme Checker: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/
3. AI Content Detector: Corrector App, OpenAI/, CopyLeaks

Es verdad. No hay nada más elegante que la naturaleza. Te deseo lo mejor.

👋 upvoting your great content @serdak! 🎯


Hey friend! 🎉 Come check out your awesome post on my shiny new front-end! It's still a work in progress but I'd love to hear what you think! View your post here

This is so cute it felt a bit like the garden of the Queen in Alice in Wonderland.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Observar el goteo del agua cuando recorre las hojas de las plantas que hay en un jardín, es maravilloso. En mi caso, esta acción me ha permitido alcanzar un nivel de relajación fascinante y, te confieso que leyendo tu relato, lo imaginé y me encantó.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Contemplar el agua fluyendo puede ser realmente relajante. Gracias por su comentario. Le deseo lo mejor.

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