Jesus, My Grand Master

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The example of Jesus in the Christian life

  • Jesus, the great teacher.

the heart of everyone who lent itself to listening attentively. Undoubtedly, the model of Christ in this matter is worthy of imitation.

There are many Christians who accept Jesus as the Master. Although, although, we admit that this statement will make sense as long as we are his disciples. With this idea, we must keep in mind that in order to be disciples of Jesus, it is required to fulfill certain conditions that, nevertheless, he established in his Word: If anyone comes to me, and does not hate (puts in a second place or position lower) to his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and even his own life, can not be my disciple ... And he who does not carry his cross and come after me, he can not be my disciple ... So, any of you who do not renounce all that he possesses can not be my disciple (Luke 14: 26,27,33).

Let us understand with balance the text read, because Jesus' call to discipleship does not consist in the contempt of our fellow human beings, nor in the detachment of large or small possessions, or rejection of our own people ... But, now, to be disciple of Jesus, we must have a complete disposition of the heart, where no obstacles are encountered that may interfere in the process of discipleship, whether family, personal, or circumstantial. In this way, our whole being (soul and body), material possessions, as well as our personal or family relationships, must be subordinated to the Master's will.


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The custom of Jesus was to instruct and educate, and not only officially in the synagogues, in the outdoor calls, or in meetings held for that purpose. His natural way of living conveyed a wise and constant teaching, which was produced with an open and spontaneous mood: in the conversations held, in the answers to the questions that were asked, in the assessments of earthly and celestial aspects, and so on. considerations that constituted the chapters of daily life. And just as Jesus did, Christians must also learn that teaching must be expressed in a natural way through their own lives: "I taught them how I used to."

Obviously the effectiveness of all Christian witness will be subject in large part to the formation of the disciple of Christ, to his spiritual maturity, biblical preparation, and other virtues that will confer the appropriate quality. But, above all, we conclude that the effectiveness of the ministry will depend essentially on our proper relationship with God.

To faithfully follow the example seen, it also requires a real disposition of love towards others, where the search for the good of others marks the difference between a theoretical and practical Christianity. Seen the general model of our Teacher, a cold and insensitive teaching to the needs of the human heart is not valid. For this reason, the image that others have of Jesus Christ, will be to some extent the image that we as disciples communicate.

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The Master's way of speaking, the rich content of his words, his amazing and fascinating message, managed to penetrate into the depths of the soul, reaching the most existential needs of the human spirit. Therefore, it is understandable that his extraordinary preaching, both in its substance and in its forms, managed to captivate the hearts of those present there.

It did not seem at all surprising, then, that many were amazed at his doctrine. We noticed that the message of Jesus, full of meaning and purpose, imprinted the values ​​of authenticity, trying not only to inform, but to fill with faith, encouragement and hope, the empty heart of everyone who was willing to listen with interest: «And they admired each other ».

We appreciate how the Teacher did not only teach with words, but also lived what he taught; thought that we have been highlighting in the ministry of Christ. And we believe that this was the strength of his message, that backed by an exemplary life and supported by the ancient Scripture, managed to show the authority of his sayings, which was not imposed by the religion of the moment, but delegated by God himself.

Let us also understand the didactic purpose of Jesus, because the value of teaching is not only considered for eternal life, but also for daily life. With this aspiration we must ask ourselves if the effect of our communication is really constructive for the listeners, or on the contrary we are spreading a message lacking practicality. It is true, sometimes we make the mistake of pronouncing messages of complicated evangelical argumentation, which at the end of the day do not teach anything, or at least nothing clear. On the other hand, the great simplicity of Jesus and his great wisdom were combined in such a way that the teaching was rich and practically practical. Not insignificant example to be able to imitate.

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