Story of Trouble
Have not I made your heart wider? Have you dropped a heavy burden from you, which was breaking your back? Elevated your dignity? Then there is certainly relief with pain. Of course, there is comfort with hardship. So whenever you are free from any work, then be devoted, go back to him to get your master. - Al-Inshira
Have not I made your heart wider?
Suppose, you decide that you go to university in the evening as well as part-time masters or PhD. Your family will be very happy to hear your decision. A master / PhD student will have a son / daughter, what a privilege! Before leaving for the class, you will have breakfast on the table. You can sleep in peace by having a class, so that the kids will be sleeping beforehand. If the guests come to visit you do not harm your studies, therefore, cautionary notice will go away in the fourteenth century. If someone comes here, you do not really have to meet, because there is no problem because your test is going on. During the test, the curfew will fall in the house. No one will leave the TV, will not talk on the phone. After a while tea and breakfast will be coming. You will be provided with all possible peace. Once you finish the Master / PhD. Your husband and wife and parents will proudly talk about your achievement to everyone.
But suppose, you decided that to study for an Islamic degree as well as work, or participate in regular Islamic discussions with the Muslim brothers in the area, or join a voluntary organization. After hearing this, your family members will start with you, their demands and the rain of complaints. That's why you get less out of work, now why less can be found? Why do not you owe you so much time to work? Without doing these prayers only, what will be the harm? We are not Muslims? If you do not go to paradise?
Have you assumed that you will go to Paradise without hurting yourself? - Al-Baqarah 214
Many times we have a demand that we pray for five times, keep fasting, pay zakat, donate charity occasionally and study with Islam, then why will my life suffer again? Muslim life is easy, comfortable? Do not you have any big trouble in the lives of the servants of Allah?
Small problems in life can be accepted. But losing 'the premature', leaving the job, sitting on the road to family collapse, making a serious illness, childbearing, father-to-be with severe diseases, natural disasters in the country, and fighting for days after day and death without eating it all. Only the problem of non-Muslims is difficult? In the life of Muslims, there is such a great danger? We are not right religion?
We do not know how this idea has come to the Muslims, because when reading the Quran, it is clearly seen that Muslims will have to face hard trials in life, whether they are Muslims or Muslims,
Have you assumed that you will go to Paradise without suffering like the previous generations? The previous generation had been suffering from poverty, misery, and they were so trembling that the Messenger of Allaah and those who were with him said, "When will Allah help you?" There is no doubt that Allah's help is absolutely Near [Al-Baqarah 214]
Our life often comes with troubles, suffering. So many of us are frustrated. Someone is seen to be fate, lack of qualifications or blame for the forehead. Again, it is the fault of someone else: the fault of the society, the fault of the country, the government's fault, if not the wife's fault. Many have been asked to ask for a variety of philosophical questions: "Why me like this? I used to pray for five times, keep fasting, serve people all over the world. Why is so much suffering on my forehead? "When a Muslim says in his mouth," I trust God's promise, "how much he believes in himself, it comes out in such situations.
Such horrors do not accuse me of any benefit. Rather negative thoughts and thoughts make our mental condition worse. The inner bitterness spreads to others. For others he has become a cause of mental disorder. Others, therefore, avoid such people in fear of getting them upset.
But a Muslim never had to think like this. The kind of mentality that Muslims should have, which is why a Muslim can overcome any danger, smile at the time of trouble, before Allah تعالى al-Baqarah teaches us in two verses-
الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون )156( أولئك عليهم صلوات من ربهم ورحمة وأولئك هم المهتدون )157
Those who immediately say, "We are the property of God, and we are returning to Allah's promise." These are they, for whom the salutation and favor from their Lord, especially. And they are those who found the right way. [Al-Baqarah 156-157]
In thousands of adversities, you will manage every day, and regularly listen to their harsh words, one day a week, and two days to study for Islam. Any Islamic discussion, voluntary work will take part in the work once or twice. But to help you do this, no one will stop watching TV, stop chatting on the phone, and you will not be able to take the kids to play in other homes during your reading. Taking up tea, eating breakfast, eat. Whether it is your test, whether there is any emergency program, or whether there is any responsibility for distributing blankets in Rangpur. If a relative is a relative at home, then in-laws, in-law-in-laws, no one will give you a concession if the children are undergoing a test. You have to socialize apart from all that.
Instead, when your education is under high pressure, or you have to spend a little more time on Islamic activities, then the head of your closest person will get warmer. Regular quarrel will start. Relatives call you again and again to become 'normal Muslim'. When a Muslim was taken away by police, how did he tortured his nails with a fisherman, and whenever a Muslim party had beaten a innocent Muslim, he would always threaten you with all this.
Tens of thousands of these storms, difficulties in trying to smile every day with difficulty in trying to smile every day. There is a wide heart to endure so much pain. If the heart does not have amplitude, then people will react less. There is a quarrel with people. Day after day is so wrong, unable to endure injustice, the book is broken. Then they would fall away from the path of Islam once. That is why those who have enriched their hearts by Allah, only they can remain steadfast in the way of Islam even in many adversity.
Therefore, he whom Allah wishes to show the right path, he enlarges his heart for Islam. [Al-An'am 125]
It is not always possible to follow the rules of Islam if there is no inner width. Then people suffer various doubts about Islam-
"Interest and business profit are the same. Why is interest in Islam forbidden? "
"Why do you have to pray for five times a day? What would have happened if you were three times? "
"Who will get only two and a half percent of wealth with zakat?"
"Why boys are given twice the property of girls? Is not it wrong? "
"Why are girls given a hard work like hijab? Why boys do not have to hijab trouble? "
"Why do girls have to suffer from childbirth? Why do not the children give birth to the baby? "
People suffer from various problems like this. Islam became a stomach medicine for him. He must obey Islam in some way. But there is no peace, contentment, gratitude on the basis of that.
But when the width of the heart comes, then there is no problem with the guidance of Allah. People understand that only one of the six hundred million people is a stoic man. It is not possible to understand what is good and bad for the whole mankind, including family, society, culture. No matter how many PhD degrees he has. No matter how many countries he sees. The solution to emerge from its fertile brain is very less likely to bring good health to all mankind. When people understand their limitations, can suppress their arrogance, then they obey Allah's promise of Allah with all the blessings of his promise. By accepting Islam, he finds peace and contentment. Allah has given him the ability to understand Islam, so he submits to gratitude. Then each of his prostrations becomes grateful, humble, and sijdah of respect.
Whose heart is God enlarged towards Islam, and who is in a light from his Lord, will he be like him, who did not receive them? ... [Az-Zumar 22]
Musa عليه السلام's famous dua we regularly do-
And my Lord, make my heart full of sorrow. Make my work easy. ... [TB 25-26]
Then there is certainly relief with pain. Of course, there is comfort with hardship
Your father suddenly fell ill and suddenly fell into bed? See, your brother is doing fine studies by concentrating on his own. At the same time your mother is serving her husband instead of seeing Hindi serial.
Suddenly you got lost in the job? See, your young boy has more time to reduce the mixing of children from home. Looking for a job itself. At the same time your wife suddenly started to pray regularly.
In this verse Allah has given guarantee that with every hardship there will be at least some relief at some other side of life. You will see that there is a problem in life, but on the other two things have been something good. [4] Those who have strong faith and confidence in Allah's Terror, they also see the danger of passing through the danger of helping Allah to help him. But those who believe in God, do not have faith in God, they are in danger to see darkness everywhere.
Many times, we are in misery and have run away from trusting Allah. More than the trouble has come, more than it is
Trouble, turmoil created itself. I became sick without taking into account the body's claim. Then drowned in extreme depression, frustration. These are all our own problems created. The real problem was that there was no big problem. But due to our unrest, ungratefulness and mistakes, the problem is that the problem is that the stalks are a huge complex shape.
This verse is shown in both of these verses, which is a cycle of suffering and relief in our lives. If we feel relieved from any difficulty, we do not think that it will be only comforting from now. [7] - "I have suffered such a big trouble, and Allah will not give any trouble to me. I'm not a good Muslim? Muslims do not want to be in danger again and again? "- Whenever there is any trouble in life, then depressed by despair -" Why? Why is trouble in my life repeatedly? What did i do wrong I pray five times a day, keep fasting and give zakat. Then why come trouble in my life? "
If we see three types of people - 1) Regular Muslims, but there is a crack in faith; 2) Muslims, in the name of what they themselves do not know; 3) Outside Muslims, Islam hatred inside - Allah has given different kinds of tests to distinguish them. These tests are very difficult times. But through these tests, their faith is verified. It comes out of what's actually inside them. [7]
There are many other such verses in the Qur'an that are not just this verse, which will help us to overcome depression, depression, unrest, misery. It helps to understand why there is a problem in life. The Qur'an is a cure for our soul. Allah has sent it to you so that the poor people find the way. That is why we find many verses in the Quran, where Allah Ta'ar gave us a way to deal with various problems of life-
So much trouble around so much, - what do you think is fault?
He is the person who laughs and weeps to man. He is the one who gives death, gives life. [An-Najm 53:43]
Do they not notice that every year they are having trouble every time? Yet they do not revile, do not try to realize [At-Taubah 9: 126]
Life seems like a lot of trouble? Can not tolerate?
Allah never gives any burden to anyone. Everyone gets the reward for doing what is good, and the consequences of what has been bad [Al-Baqarah 2: 286]
Life is just trouble, and trouble? There is no good thing?
With every hardship there is certainly some comfort in some other way. There is no doubt, there is comfort in every side with every difficulty. [Al-Insira 94: 5-6]
You follow the rules of prayer, fasting, and zakat. Then why is so much trouble in your life?
Do people think that they will be released without testing, because they say with their mouths, "We are believers!" [Al-Ankabut 29: 2]
Did you think that you will find Paradise before all those of you who strive in the way of Allah and who try their patience with patience? [Al-Imran 3: 142]
Whoever goes away from my guidance, his life will be very painful. [Taha 20: 124]
Are you feeling uneasy? Can not sleep at night? Being sick of anxiety about the future? Peace is not coming to peace with medicine?
When those who have faith believe in Allah's word, their hearts find peace. Remember, if you think of God, then you will find inner peace. [R-13: 28-29]
Those who have believed, try patience and seek help from Allah through prayer because Allah is with them, who try their patience. [Al-Baqarah 2: 153]
In the country, there is always the fear of death in the face of anarchy, turmoil, crime? Think of going abroad?
Wherever you go, death will catch you. If you make a lot of high-rise buildings. [An-Nisa 4:78]
Say, "If you were inside your house, those who were determined to be murdered, they would go out and meet their own death." [Al-Imran 3: 154]
Someone of you died in the early morning and you are thinking that if he had done such a thing, he would have survived.
Those who claim to believe, do not be like the unbelievers who talk about their brothers (when they went out of the house, traveled) "Alas, if they were with us, they would not have died, they would not have been killed. . "Allocations of this type of thinking in the heart of God give deep source of emotional pain. Only Allah gives life and death. He sees what you do, all of you. [Al-Imran 3: 156]
Seeing so much homemade cars and money, why such a name like him - in Muslim work - kafir's life is so comfortable?
Do not allow them to be so wealthy, children to surprise you. By these, Allah only wants to test them in this world, so that their souls are taken from here and now they are unaffected. [At-Taubah 9:85]
Losing your job: Why did you do that? Why is your child so seriously ill? Why did your father die during this time of crisis?
I'll test you with fear, hunger, property, life and loss of crops. If there is any danger in life, those who endeavor to patiently and when in danger, immediately say, "We are the property of Allah. To Allah we will return to the end "- Give them good news! On them is special grace and peace from their Lord. Such people are on the right track. [Al-Baqarah 2: 155-157]
Remember, your wealth and your children, these are nothing more than a test for you. And remember that Allah has immense reward. [Al-Anfal 8:28]
Do they not see that every time the danger is happening to them every year? Yet they do not revile, do not try to realize [At-Taubah 9: 126]
-Let us think deeply about the Qur'anic verses. Allah has given us the Qur'an as a spiritual healing. Quran has solved many of our mental problems. If we read al-Qur'an, we can easily reduce our dependence on medicines, be free from stress-depression and lead a healthy and mentally healthy life - In Shu Allah.
So whenever you are free from any work, then be devoted, go back to him to get your master
This last verse is very important to us. Islam is not a part-time project that if all the work is done, if time is available, then we will do some religious activities alone, otherwise what will be done? Learning, teaching, looking after the family, inviting Islam, writing articles, talking about religion to Facebook, solving relatives, problems of friends - after so many responsibilities, where is the time to do religious work alone?
On the contrary, Allah Ta'al says that whenever we get time on the job, we should be more devoted to Allah's promise. I only tired myself in the worship of Allah alone. The worship of Allah alone is very important.
We look at who is said to say this. Rasul عليه السلام After being awake from sleep till the time of going to sleep, he was busy all the time in the propagation of Islam. His every act was the worship of Allah. But Allah Ta'al al-'Annah has specifically told him that after retiring all the responsibilities as a Messenger, he will have to be exhausted only in personal worship alone.
It is easy to understand how important it is to give time to personal worship in our lives. Sadly today many Muslims have become private worshipers very low quality. Family, child, separation from friends, there is no effort to spend personal personal time with the Lord. Rather, if you can get the minimum five times in prayer, then you can get away from it.
To leave a little sleep, watch a little less, make a little less facebook, and try to dedicate yourself to Allah's Tera. This individual personal worship can lead a person closer to Allah. To make a beautiful relationship with her تعالى. But those who are not silently worshiping themselves alone, their relationship with Allah is a kind of relationship relationship. Islam must obey, so it means. But they do not get any peace, contentment in this way. After passing through thousands of questions and allegations, once again, there is a troubled, insufficient soul to return to Allah.
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