Lub zog ntawm Silence

in #partiko6 years ago

Lub sijhawm ntawd nws tus poj niam tuag lawm thaum lawv thawj tus me nyuam yug los. Joe treasured cov saib thiab nws los ua nws tus phooj ywg ib leeg tom qab nws tus poj niam tuag.

Nws tsis nco qab txog lub sijhawm nco thiab zoo siab txais tos cov menyuam hauv tsev. Nws tsuas yog hnub tom qab thaum nws tseem tab tom da dej, nws nco qab tias lub sijhawm twb ploj lawm. Nws pom lub sijhawm kawg thaum nws tab tom npaj tej yam hauv lub tsev txhab nyiaj. Nws xav tsis thoob thiab chim siab heev.

Nws cov xeeb ntxwv tau nug nws vim li cas nws thiaj li npau taws thiab nug nws seb nws muaj teeb meem dab tsi.

Joe hais tias, "Nyob zoo cov me nyuam, kuv tau ploj mus rau qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws saib kuv tau muaj thiab kuv puas tau muaj hauv kuv lub neej. Nws tau txais txiaj ntsig los ntawm koj tus pog thiab kuv tau poob nws thaum tu lub tsev! Kuv zoo li kuv ploj lawm kuv lub siab. '

Joe tau rau kua muag thiab cov me nyuam cog lus rau nws tias lawv yuav tshawb nrhiav txoj kev saib xyuas nws.

Ib tug ntxhais xeeb ntxwv tau nug tias 'pa roj carbon monoxide, koj puas nco qab thaum koj pom lub sijhawm ua ntej nws ploj lawm?'

Joe hais, 'Kuv twv thaum kuv tu lub tsev teb!'

Cov me nyuam tau txiav txim siab los tshawb nrhiav saib hauv lub tsev txhab nyiaj. Lub tsev txhab yog cov khoom pov tseg, cov ntawv, cov khoom siv tawg, cov rooj tog zaum tawg, thiab lwm yam.

Cov me nyuam tshawb nrhiav ntau tshaj 2 teev nrog kev pab los ntawm Joe thiab ib tug tub qhe, tab sis tsis pom nws. Joe yog kiag li tawg ntho thiab nug cov me nyuam kom txhob nrhiav searching raws li lawv tsis pom dab tsi.

Cov menyuam yaus kuj tu siab heev, thiab tau nplij cov yawg.

Ib tug tub xeeb ntxwv tau tsiv dua mus rau lub tsev txhab, thiab Joe nug tias vim li cas nws thiaj rov qab mus dua. Tus me tub xav kom lwm tus tsis txhob ua raws li nws thiab nyob ntsiag to.

Thaum lwm tus neeg xav tsis thoob, lawv tseem ua raws li nws tau hais. Tus me tub mus rau ntawm lub tsev teb thiab zaum hauv silence.

Lwm cov me nyuam tau hu nws thiab nug nws seb nws ua dab tsi thiab tus me nyuam tub tau thov kom lawv tsis txhob ua suab nrov.

Nws zaum rau 15 feeb thiab ces khiav mus rau nws yawg. Yog, nws tau txais lub caij thiab zoo siab muab rau Joe.

Nws xav tsis thoob thiab nug nws seb nws puas muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau nws. Tus me tub teb hais tias, 'Kuv zaum muaj tsis muaj suab nrov thiab lub tsev pheeb suab yog li ntawd ntsiag to. Tom qab ob peb feeb, kuv hnov ​​lub suab "zuam zuam" thiab pom cov saib.

Joe hugged nws thiab thanked tus me tub.

Qhov no yog lub zog ntawm silence. Yog tias peb nyob twj ywm, peb tuaj yeem nrhiav kev daws yooj yim heev!

Posted using Partiko Android


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