How To Get People Interested in STEEM?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

You may have already read that a small team of people, including myself, decided to popularize our favorite platform through social networks. In this regard, I would like to consult with you.

Previous Experience

I live in Ukraine. Anyone who is interested in the news knows that as a result of rocket attacks on power plants, electricity is intermittently supplied to us. Because of this, I was forced to limit my activity on Steemit. I cannot be sure that I will be able to publish a post at a certain time. Therefore, I have relinquished all responsibilities on this platform, including curation and the WORLD OF XPILAR Community Blogosphere Magazine, which I love so much. I comment much less now, so sorry if I didn't comment on your interesting post. The only thing I haven't given up on is promoting STEEM on social media. Actually, we pay a lot of attention to Instagram, although I also have an account on Facebook, but I don't post there so regularly.

So, I will talk about the English Instagram account. Initially, posts for this account were exclusively created by @pollito22 and @minikay. These were great promotional posts, mostly promotional and informative. At the same time, we encouraged Steemit users to follow the account. So we gained the first 100 followers quite quickly.

Then new followers began to appear much less often. This means that all Steemit users who wanted to have joined. Now we needed to get new people interested. In order to attract more people, we changed our approach. We took the advice of @xaviduran and I started creating posts that promote the most interesting content, to show that we are a living community. I also took the advice of @steemitblog and published several posts advertising interesting contests. @ubongudofot did a live broadcast and it was very successful. @joseva217 did the same on the Spanish account. These guys are both very well done.

All these efforts made it possible to get 24 more followers.

What Are People Really Interested In?

It is worth noting that when promoting STEEM, we never say that it is easy to make money here or that Steemit is "just write and earn". It has already been discussed here that the influx of people who are looking for simple earnings and, not getting it, leave the platform, will not benefit anyone. But now I got to thinking, isn't the possibility of making money blogging what sets this platform apart from others? I decided to find out what interests people more.

To begin with, I evaluated which content in the Instagram account had the largest reach:


So, posts are the most effective. Now let's see which ones:


The post advertising the live broadcast had the greatest reach. People want live communication. The video itself also had a good reach:


As you can see, people visit posts advertising contests and interesting content, but still reluctantly become followers.

In order to determine what is interesting to people, I used the "Keyword Planner" from Google. So I can find out what people are looking for in the search engine.

First, let's find out what people interested in STEEM are looking for:


The first shocking conclusion is that less than 10,000 people enter the search query "STEEM" in the whole world during the month. Next, we see that about the same number are interested in the request "Steemit". Next, people are interested in the price and the token itself. Unfortunately, we do not see requests related to blogging, interesting content, etc. Perhaps these queries will be if we consider the search query "Steemit":


Again nothing interesting. In addition, the frequency of requests is very low.

I experimented with dozens of search queries. I will present some results here. Search query "STEEM blog":

STEEM blog.png

"STEEM buy":

steem buy.png

"STEEM earn":

STEEM earn.png

"STEEM invest":

steem invest.png

"STEEM sell":

steem sell.png

My impressions:


The main conclusion is that people are very little interested in STEEM and Steemit. I think that few people even know about its existence.

I also think that it is very difficult for people who come here to understand how everything is arranged here. Of course, if a person is determined to find information, he will succeed. But if we want to make our blockchain really popular, information should be presented as simply as possible. It would be good if a separate information site was created, divided into "Blogger" and "Investor" sections. In these sections, it would be possible to describe in the most accessible way what makes STEEM attractive and how each of them can earn. For example, "you buy STEEM, do Power Up, curate interesting content and get 15% per year". In the same way, you can describe the advantages for the blogger, mentioning the already existing readership, etc. In general, the site should serve for this, but it needs to be significantly expanded.

I believe that STEEM has great potential for academics, students, bloggers and businesses. It is a pity that entrepreneurs do not see this potential. For example, a large international supermarket chain could organize a contest in which authors would describe their shopping experience in the chain's stores. As a result, the chain would receive dozens of posts that can be considered native advertising. And this kind of advertising would cost a penny.

What is your opinion?

In conclusion, I would like to ask your opinion. What do you think is the best way to promote STEEM? What to focus on? Is it worth mentioning that you can make money from your own posts here?

The easiest way to attract people is to show a constantly rising graph of the price of STEEM. But this is definitely not the case. Besides, after a big split, attracting people's attention to the project will be even more difficult than at the start of this project.

I will be glad to hear your advice.


The work you put in is remarkable! However, I am still not sure if it makes sense to attract more and more authors here. The quality of the books on offer, for example, certainly doesn't improve as the number of writers increases. If you attract investors, this has a direct input on the market value of the steem. Authors who want to and can write will find their way here on their own ;-)) But as I said: I am open to surprises ;-))

Die Arbeit, die Ihr investiert, ist bemerkenswert! Ich bin allerdings immer noch nicht sicher, ob es so sinnvoll ist, immer mehr Autoren hierher zu locken. Die Qualität z.B. des Buchangebotes wird sicher nicht besser mit steigender Anzahl der Schriftsteller. Wenn Du Investoren anwirbst, hat das direkten Input auf den Marktwert des Steem. Autoren, die schreiben wollen und können, finden alleine hierher ;-)) Aber wie gesagt: ich bin offen für Überraschungen ;-))

 2 years ago 

I was of the same opinion. If we talk about the authors, then you may be right. But if we talk about the success of the project as a whole, the situation is a bit different here.

I would be very naive to expect investors to invest in STEEM just because they saw an Instagram post. But if we talk about social networks, then they are attractive only when they are popular. If we talk about cryptocurrencies, then they are also attractive only when they are popular and have a large community behind them. It turns out that we doubly need to popularize STEEM/Steemit.

Popularity also has negative consequences. They cannot be avoided. Here will come those who want to earn without making any effort, here will come scammers and plagiarists, here will come beggars. But among them, I hope, there will be new wonderful authors.

It seems to me that if we do not popularize STEEM, then over time due to the natural outflow of authors, only a handful of users will remain here. The platform will become less social, less interesting and unnecessary.

I see your point. However, I can't get my head around the idea that something should be unnecessary if it is not used by the whole world... I really think it would be more interesting and worthwhile if a platform for enthusiastic authors and networkers were to be established. Apart from that, I would also like to see a stomping ground for investors. But... Separate.

Ich sehe Deinen Standpunkt. Allerdings will mir nicht in den Kopf, daß etwas unnötig sein soll, wenn es nicht von aller Welt genutzt wird... Ich fände es wirklich interessanter und lohnenswerter, wenn sich eine Plattform für begeisterte Autoren und Netzwerker etabliert. Abseits davon gerne zusätzlich ein Tummelplatz für Investoren. Aber... Getrennt.

 2 years ago 

When I wrote the word "unnecessary", I meant that authors leave Steemit for various personal reasons. This is a natural process. It may happen that no one will read our posts. Then who wants to write?

I completely understand your point. Quantity always reduces quality. I myself doubt whether I am on the right path.

I don't want to make it more difficult to you! But... Nowadays, it seems to be fashionable to declare exactly one way as good and right and then not allow any further reflection. I notice a touch of that here on the Steem as well....

 2 years ago 

Many thanks @o1eh for taking in account my suggestion and also for the mention in the entry.

You are doing a great work and a very deep analysis. We will see what is going on.

 2 years ago 

I think it takes a long time to see the result, so we need to be patient :-)

This post is very valuable. I think it's very important to the Steemit community. This is a very valuable post especially for someone who has no knowledge of this matter. Thank you so much for posting posts like this on Steemit. And we are happy too, good luck to you.

 2 years ago 

Thanks @dilums.

Welcome brother ❤️🤝

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