Thanks Everyone: Now the $20000 Questions — What do you want to see out of me? Should I even continue?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Just know: I'm extremely grateful for all the good that has come my way.
I'm nothing, without your support.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Always Think of a Good Name dark version.jpeg

Hello Everyone

I did good.

Support means far more to me than just a few votes trickling in.  You folks have done more for me than I can easily find words for.

I know I'm usually the one writing the posts that make some people laugh.  If you're not laughing, I assume I'm at least offering up a good, wholesome what the fuck moment.  If it's not those, I hope you're at least feeling somewhat entertained.  If it's none of the above; whatever, I bombed, shit happens, we all have bad days.

I'm not really smiling on this end until I start to see the reaction.

Once your comments start rolling in, I feel welcome.  Have you noticed, most of the time, I'm quick with a response?  It's a lot of work, but I don't mind.  I enjoy your company.  Your words and reactions to my madness are usually what's putting the smile on my face.  I rarely laugh at my own jokes.  For me, it's more like I'm doing something that may or may not work; taking a risk.  It might look like a lot of fun, but it's stressful.

I'm grateful for that smile you all put on my face.  Most days that's far more important than the votes.

Your eyes.

I like your eyes.

The art and entertainment stuff I do; it's nothing without your eyes.  Remember back in the day when we had a view counter?  My posts would be sitting here with hundreds of views, every single day.

No tricks, no gimmicks, no shortcuts.  I simply did whatever the fuck I felt like doing that day and for some strange reason, a lot of people were looking.

These days, I truly don't know how well things are going.  I miss that view counter.  I know some of you don't like to vote or comment, but still look.  That's what was happening before, so I'm sure it still does.

Things sure have changed though.

The platform; it's quiet.

A lot of dead followers, plenty of power downs, many who refuse to vote now, preferring to get paid to blindly support advertisements and content not many seem to be engaging with.  Other platforms seem to be more appealing to some as well, so people go there.

I've been loyal.  I curate, try to encourage others.  Trying to be useful.  I haven't even spent a goddamn dime of what I've earned here.  99% of it is still there in the wallet, locked in, so I can help build this place.

My blog, it's hard work.  Of course, that's what I signed up for.  I'm doing my thing, and it's not supposed to be easy.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Always Think of a Good Name.jpeg
Always Think of a Good Name

I don't even know if anyone will like the art.

Yet I spend hours upon hours producing the stuff, daily.

You see two images, both are the same except one is dark and one is bright and polished.

I didn't like how dark the first one was, but I had already spent three hours on it.  I decided to brighten it up.  Then I got this mess:

Screenshot (473).png

Zoomed out, most of you wouldn't even notice the wavy mess.  It took another hour and a half to remove that, by hand.

Then, just to add insult to injury, I now prefer the darker version.

I don't write about the art process much because I find it to be boring.  That would be like me sitting here talking about work all day.  I prefer to be entertaining, and the art, all of the work that goes into it; it's just there.

The part that breaks my heart:

The entire time I'm working on my next post...

I already know it's going to be hit or miss, I'm probably wasting my time.  I could quit, take my nearly 24000 SP, leave ten shitty comments on trending posts, upvote each one at 100%, and probably end up earning more, by being useless.

Some of these people boost their stuff up nice and high, never respond to anyone, nobody is looking; nobody would see me being useless.

Some days I wonder why I even bother.

While I'm working on my next post, I already know someone with a few downloaded images from the internet combined with a paragraph or two of dull context, a mile of referrals, links to previous posts nobody clicks, links to other social media platforms nobody clicks, some "your post was upvoted by shit-bot number 1, shit-bot number 2, shit-bot number 3, shit-bot number 4, shit-bot number 5, shit-bot number 6," and one "thank you for your wonderful information", will tower above my efforts, making them virtually invisible.

My comment section, jammed with real people, daily.  Working hard, daily.  Manually curating, 22003 times so far.  The proverbial one man band, 20k in the wallet — and I don't feel welcome here...

I want to fight, I want to keep going, I want to get somewhere!

I don't want to be useless.

Why am I feeling like I'm being stupid for producing content here?  I could delegate away my SP and make money off of everyone else.

What would a place like Youtube be if once a content producer reached a certain number of followers and views, they were pushed aside so someone with no experience could take their place?

I don't get it.

It feels like working up to a promotion for two years, then being demoted simply because the new hire slipped the boss a few coins.

I don't want to be a shitpost pimp.  I'm not interested in making money off of gullible people who think buying their way up and stepping on everyone else will make them internet famous.

I thought I did good.

Look what stress did!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Ready For a Night Out on the Town.jpg

So, what the fuck do I do?

NoNamesLeftToUse - Siting on a Cloud of Steps.jpeg

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"Stop staring at my tits!"

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I feel your pain. There was once a time when I could see all of my effort paying off, a steady climb, hard work rewarded. But these days...well I like to think it's just growing pains, and the lulls that come with it.

Well, you know I love your art and stories my friend, so I hope you keep on keeping on with me and the others like us (@therealpaul, @meesterboom etc. etc. ;0)

Feels more like a broken leg than a growing pain.

Uuu you brought back the lady in the smoke, I guess you really are reminiscing on those yesteryears. Chin up, people love you, those cheats are envious of your work and actual engagement, and as Beyonce says, I twirl on my haters.

I did good. I know...

I'm tired. I'm putting this down for a few hours.

I love your art, reactions and points of view. I first noticed you when you went nuts in this dolphin's post (not stating any names) because he was actually pushing new comers to sink without them knowing it and I really admired how you had the guts to say what I wanted to say all this time but was afraid to get flagged. Thank you for being you.

I had more organic votes on that comment than I get on most of my posts. I never worry about those flags.

You are pretty good you know!

It's all about self expression here.

If you quit you would just have to get your penis out and wave it at people like Laddie Gaga does.

Please keep doing your posts and art :)

Fine! I'll keep working, until I burn the fuck out again. I've produced 43 posts since I came back from break on the 15th of September. I'm getting tired.

I aim for one a week and sometimes exceed that!

Perhaps it is all the baggage?

Engagement is definitely down but it is par for the course considering the markets. The space is filled with a majority of economic only value seekers at the moment but it will change over time and there will be more attention paid to content.

The place is shifting again and hopefully this time it will be for the better but the winters are long here.

Feels like an awful waste of time trying to make the good stuff now, knowing maybe later people will be around to see it. By then it's too late, unless I repost the hits that got missed.

This will be my third winter here.

Those balls once guided Santa's sleigh. That's what the story was anyway. That's why they glow.

Feels like an awful waste of time trying to make the good stuff now, knowing maybe later people will be around to see it.

Indeed but the slow slog also leads to helping others later. I am silly like that.

Well, regardless of what I would have put in this post, Beautiful Cow Photo had me beat.

I'm going to sleep.

I used to stop by at the end of every day because it usually meant I would go to bed laughing. Then I realized it's also nice to start the day laughing. Keep at it @nonameslefttouse!

I haven't even slept yet and that damn glowing orb thing is just starting to show.

You must have been really into it. Imagine your life if you put that passion into everything you did.

"The art and entertainment stuff I do; it's nothing without your eyes."

I agree with that. Comments are what I take pride in. I get some auto votes so I always make a buck or two but when I get 10 or 15 comments I feel like the post was a success even if it didn't make a ton.

Haha your stress does seem to do wonders for growing your breasts though lol.

I like your posts man. You add a lot of character to this place and I think it is worse off without it so I would like to see you keep going.

Maybe I just need to rest my tits.

In the stressed version of you himself, your chin seems to be resting on cleavage, so lighten up a little.

Don't tell me to lighten up!

Honestly I was the same way. I felt like I poured my heart and soul into the platform, helping others, and generallly being a good person.

Just to watch others pass me with shittier content because they bought a lot of Steem.

I dont know what the magic answer is, but I do know after taking some time off ot feels fun again. Less like a chore more like a hobby.

Also, I quit caring as much. It sounds bad, but 99% of what I was frustrated with I had 0 control over.

Dont know if any of that helps, but hope its enough to at least get you to the next post. Hate to see the people who create good quality content and curation for this platform leave.

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I'm not focusing on the things I can't change. Watching so many leave without a trace, that's been hard. People who used to tell me they loved visiting my blog, now they want me to pay for votes. I don't get it.

I don't care much which casbah you rock, as long as I can see your content somewhere. So, while I could well understand if you decide to stop posting here, I would then like to know where to find future productions.

I didn't start from the bottom just so I could go back to the bottom somewhere else.

That's not a very good reason if you feel you are somehow stuck or under-appreciated or snowed-under here, unless you think there will be substantial changes on Steemit for the Real Content Makerstm like you himself. I myself think the milk has been thoroughly spilt here, but I suppose YMMV.

Perhaps you could at least start cross-posting to other venues, and get more eyes and maybe even more monies overall. Katharsisdrill probably has pointers and clues on how and where to do that.

The alternative could be permanent frustration. Or not, the future is hard to predict. But that is still a reason to put your colourful eggs in a great many baskets.

Everything that happens here is dependent on content. These people working against content producers will have to pull their heads out of the sand soon. I have problems believing they'd rather run the place into the ground. That doesn't even make sense when they encourage development. Ned was just on CNN, saying people get paid to produce content here. If they don't get their asses in gear and find a solution to this bid bot madness and all of these people getting ripped off, guess who will be on CNN for different reasons. Reputations are on the line now.

I'm about to publish the next trick up my sleeve. I'll see how this goes.

I doubt it will play out as you expect or hope, but we'll see. At least I got away with referring to your art as "eggs".

Well, I guess I can't really work any harder than I did on that recent post.

I don't know what to do...

Probably a good time to take a vacation. I'm spent.

This was my 14000th post...

Rest the rest of the righteous.

You will be back again, I hope?

Ocrdu let me know it was an honour and a privilege to receive your 14000th post as a comment.

Such many.

Buy a Real Comment! Comment: 10 STEEM. Defence in debates, max. 5 comments: 40 STEEM. No refunds.

So ghosty before. One could argue that these past years have energised you into a state which you can barely recognise as success.

I know, I'm kidding. It's fucking hard, a non stop slog. I think one of the worst things is when the people who supported you back in the day powered down and fucked off or more just sell their VP. It is harder and harder for old timers to stay motivated

Many of these folks could have just as easily set up bots to auto vote for them while they leave. Instead they leave, and set up others to be forced to follow. I don't have that big pile of auto votes many others have. So many can float on the breeze still and I'm walking into a hurricane.

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