Knowledge on the Algebraic expressions

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Greetings accompanists of steemit, for today I am sailing in the seas of the Mathematics, as a few of the sciences pure, that improved the compression and precision of the things, as a fundamental tool of our daily life, inside his field we see numerical values be already natural or entire, but for this moment it is possible to understand to mathematical expressions so simple where one combines lettering and numbers.

As for algebraic expressions it is the representation of a written way, by means of the use of lettering and signs of a set of operations that have to be realized in a certain order. The numerical value of this expression goes to be the result that is obtained on having carried the operations out indicated after having replaced the lettering with numbers, of every corresponding letter, realizing well the following thing, a number can be the same for different lettering, but it cannot be different for the same letter in different positions.

Also the numerical value goes to depend on the values, which it assumes to his corresponding letter, it is for it as which they can have diverse numerical values on having changed the values attributed to the lettering.

Classification of the Algebraic / rational EXPRESSIONS (Informs and You would divide) Irrational. He informs is called this way to the algebraic expressions where the variables appear in the numerator and are affected only to natural exponent. You would divide it are called this way to other algebraic expressions where at least a variable is affected to entire negative exponent or appears in the denominator, Irrational it are called this way to the algebraic expressions where at least a variable is affected to fractional exponent or appears under a sign of radicación.

Taken contribution of Preuniversity Mathematics for Lya Chacón Avila page 47, 1981.

You inform:

You would divide:



Considerations very important to the moment to carry out to solving an algebraic solution, the expressions it has an equivalent side and of identity expressed in an equation, when we speak in reference of equivalent, it is when they acquire the same numerical any value, which is the system of values attributed to his lettering. Identity in this case is the equality in which his members are two algebraic expressions, which one turns into a numerical identity, only for certain given values of the lettering that they contain.

The expressions formed by numbers, variables and arithmetical operations are called algebraic expressions, if we give numerical values to the variables, the expression takes a numerical value. The algebraic expressions serve us as a language to speak about general properties; this way for example, if we say that the area of a base triangle b and height h is A = b.h/2, we have a formula that allows us to calculate the area of any triangle, simply replacing the values of b and h of the particular triangle that we are studying.

Taken contribution of analytical Geometry and Trigonometry For Elena de Oteyza de Oteyza, Emma Lam Osnaya, Carlos Hernández Garciadiego, Angel Manuel Carrillo Hoyo, page 9, 2001.

Example of a very simple exercise.

To find the numerical value of the algebraic expression:
2a²bc 1/2d

Where the values for:
a =-1
c = 4
d = 3
2 (-1) ² (2 (4)) 1/2 (3) =
2 (1) (8) 3/2 =
16 3/2 = 35/2

A very important contribution of the algebraic expressions, which served as base for the making as what today they are the map cover them with matting, departing from a classic philosophy, which much was not knowing, I mention this content, like lover of the astrology and the cosmos, it relate his link, since it is a very useful tool to determine the classification of magnitudes of nebula, galaxies, and the distances between the stars applying the equation of the straight line.


The sum of two magnitudes was seen as the result of the interaction of two straight lines, which length is equivalent to these magnitudes and the result was always a linear magnitude.

Taken contribution of A New Astrological Impulse
For Trigueirinho, page 133, 1995.


The application of this methodology served as base to understand the algebra, which in turn serves us to see and to analyze with major accuracy the numerical nature of the relations, also it was applied in the compression of the space and his galaxies across numerical and with magnitudes his phenomena as variables of an internal fact of the cosmos and the universe. In such a way that the making of equations as the relativity was under a concept of expressions algebraic, in differing with every letter, to define her and the attribution to each one as an unknown of a phenomenon of the universe.

Consulted Bibliography

Preuniversity Mathematics For Lya Chacón Avila page 47, 1981.

A New Astrological Impulse For Trigueirinho, page 133, 1995.

Elena de Oteyza de Oteyza, Emma Lam Osnaya, Carlos Hernández Garciadiego, Angel Manuel Carrillo Hoyo, page 9, 2001.

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