It is better to have insurance and not need it than to need it and not have it! SafeInsure the blockchain project of insurance policies that you must know.

How are the Steemians? Today I come to talk to you about a very safe project! What do I specifically mean? something that seems to me to revolutionize the system of things, normally 8 out of 10 people in the world have an insurance policy for all occasions because it is essential for our lives because it gives us endless help to solve problems and today We are going to talk about a project where insurance policies have been introduced to the great world of blockchain technology that offers discovery of fair prices and global access to buyers of insurance policies around the world that will surely help many and that in case we can multiply our income! So imagine having an insurance policy where we will also win by having it amazing, right? come with me to know this wonder.
What is SafeInsure?
It is amazing how every day we see how everyday things become part of the big world of blockchain technology so for the first time in the insurance policy industry is present with SafeInsure. It is a decentralized insurance project that offers fair prices. Discovery and global access to buyers of insurance policies around the world. SafeInsure puts power back into the hands of consumers with an honest, responsible and responsible democratic insurance market in a chain of high performance blocks.
Where they can have a decentralized democratic insurance market where users have total and personalized control of their insurance according to the needs of the user, with this they will have a great virtue where banks and governments can not have access to to be intermediaries and that way to control our insurance policy. The SafeInsure blockchain is securitized by masternodes, which creates a incentive for node operators to protect the network and keep it as decentralizedas possible. In this way also the holders of insurance can have the benefit of being able to earn by using the masternodes and it is really a great benefit since it is something amazing and never seen that by having an insurance policy that covers worldwide you can earn more money for having it.
In addition SafeInsure takes advantage of blockchain technology to create a new digital responsibility network of buyers and insurance providers, starting a new era in which our distributed accounting technology can keep the consumer and the supplier completely responsible without the need for an intermediary. With transparency, honesty, and responsibility guaranteed by a network without intermediaries, SafeInsure market can bring the discovery of competitive prices and modular insurance plans for consumers around the world.

An insurance policy is your backup for those accidents or situations that we do not expect and can happen. With it there is a secure solution
be financial or advisory for difficult times. In addition, a good insurance policy gives a firm floor to those assets that with much effort you managed to acquire at a certain time. Preventing possible damage is the key to a more peaceful and balanced life.
Your duty will be to learn to choose a suitable insurance policy for each situation and what better way to be in the great world of blockchain technology?
The insurance allows: protect family economies by stimulating savings and giving financial benefit when it is more necessary, eliminate economic uncertainty about the future, increasing efficiency and stabilizing stores as well, its social function is recognized, stimulating foresight and contributing to improvement of public health.

In the insurance industry, there are constant problems that cause a lot of worry because the more years go by, the bigger and bigger, and according to PwC's most recent report on the insurance industry, the massive changes caused by switches like SafeInsure are unavoidable. As everything in life changes are problematic and are hard to adapt and therefore the insurance industry must adapt to the new changes that are taking place where customers look for more affordable insurance packages but with greater security where they improve the quality Insurance. Accenture, a Fortune 500 global management consulting company, has identified that the largest source of interruptions in the insurance industry comes from blockchain the old habits of insurance giants may seem elusive at first, but once we take a deeper look, we realize that these are problems that many of us face too often.
Therefore, we will present the solutions that SafeInsure will provide:
- FRAUD : The insurance industry is plagued by fraud and does not have an effective plan to combat it. In contrast, large companies accept fraud as a fact of doing business and increase insurance premiums to cover your losses. SafeInsure's blockchain solution stops fraud by making it impossible. Instead of storing user data and claims in centralized and paper systems, SafeInsure stores all policies, claims, provenance and authenticity of ownership. Documents in a block chain decentralized and tamper-proof. The SafeInsure blockchain can be consulted at any time to deliver factual data that mitigates the possibility of fraud.
- PAPER TRAILS: the dependence on paper is so serious that it is often the reason for the long delays in service, missing records, inaccurate and exorbitant rates, and other inconveniences Small and big payments between insurers initiated by customers such as car companies with claims to each other are usually handled with paper payments as cash, check, or an electronic transaction with a huge trail of paper behind it. By using the SafeInsure blockchain solution, all these inefficiencies are instantaneously remediated in a direct, paperless way, involving a total of zero intermediaries.
- FRICTION : SafeInsure ends the era of friction and presents a new paradigm, one of efficiency. With our blockchain solution, each step of each claim process is recorded indisputably in our blockchain and is observable 24/7. In this way, if you need some information about the status of your claim, or you need to remember information from a previous case, you can do it automatically and without waiting for the phone for a call that never comes. In a nutshell, even when the smallest the operational details have a minimal amount of friction in them, the larger operations they are condemned to be extremely inefficient. We will use the claims process as an example. Without the SafeInsure blockchain solution, the claims process is not only transparent, but hidden behind administrative tape walls so thick that to get answers regarding the state of your claim requires calls to different departments, employee schedules, which remember what, and finding a specific page of paper that "never came to the system."
- ONE SIZE FITS ALL: The insurance industry thinks that everyone is the same. That's why his practice of having a "one size fits all" policy is the industry standard. Fortunately, times are they change quickly and people everywhere understand what works for their the neighbor does not necessarily work for them. The SafeInsure policy market is the insurance as the world necessarily. With the SafeInsure market, customers can add and drop everything what they need and what is not, creating a unique policy that fits them as a glove. In addition to adapting exactly to your needs, the policy you create in the SafeInsure Marketplace will have a significantly more affordable price than options available in the market.
- LACK OF SELF-SERVICE : Have you ever wished you could skip the digital tails, skip the call center?representative, and go straight to the point when you look for information about your politics? You may have often wondered why there is so much unnecessary infrastructure between you and your policy. SafeInsure ends this frustrating chapter with the SafeInsure Portal. Our user interface the experience is designed to keep you in control so that you can manage every change to your service at no additional cost. How do you do this? The Blockchain technology brought with it a new type of contract: Smart contracts Think of smart contracts as small programs that are activated when certain conditions are fulfilled and execute their intended function instantly and without fail.
- IRRELEVANCE : Insurance companies are notoriously irrelevant. They do not keep up with the customer needs, and because of that, they just do not know what you need. The life of the people change. We grow old, we get married, we move, we retire, we change our profession and we have an unexpected experience. The result is an insurance that is outdated by the speed of our own lives. When your insurance is expired, the policies that are delivered to you are irrelevant, and that is a important concern. Insurance policies based on blockchain from SafeInsure providers remain as connected as you need them to be. Using your SafeInsure Portal, alternate the information you want your policy must know so that, as it changes, so does your policy.

With SafeInsure, build your insurance with exactly what you need and nothing you do not. In practice, the way it works is simple. Enter your SafeInsure Portal and register your information. Alternate your preferences to build the insurance product you have been dreaming of. our blockchain systems will pass your information through risk. At the end of this rapid process, your portfolio of customized products will send our suppliers who will compete with each other to deliver the product you want at an extremely affordable price. Insurance products offered in SafeInsure come without the swelling, giving it a lean product and a leaner price. Once you have selected the right policy for you, pay for your policy using our currency, SINS. Your payment is processed instantly with all your information published in the SafeInsure blockchain.

- Modular insurance offerings by providers mean paying for just what you need, and not what you don't
- Send your personalized insurance requests to thousands of providers on the SafeInsure Network
- SafeInsure's ironclad masternode blockchain stores all data making it transparent and leak-proof
- Safeinsure's blockchain stores user and insurer data to eliminate fraud, reduce liability, and asses risk, resulting in lower premiums for users

SafeInsure makes that impossible with the use of masternodes. SafeInsure masternodes are, in essence, decentralized nodes which host a wallet containing a collateralized amount of SINS.
These collateralized nodes perform several tasks including:
- Adding privacy layers to transactions
- Increasing network transaction speeds
- Allowing masternode owners governance rights in the network
- Providing a financial incentive for node operators by giving a return on investment (ROI) for transactions validated
Mastenode SETUP Guide
Masternode Info and Statistics
- Mnprofits
- Masternode-Stats
- Masternodes Pro

Steemians as many know not all have enough capacity to be able to arrive monetarily to achieve their own masternode and that is why these wonderful platforms have come out where you can with a few coins you can participate for a bit of the percentage of the masternode platform they are very sure that they have really given that to speak! but if you are one of the people you want to invest but do not have or do not know how to ride a VPS this is your best option.

In this amazing project we use a coin called SINS which is indispensable at the protocol level.Something important that we should talk about is that this currency did not have a price, since it did not have a pre-sale it gives us security of the legetimity of the project since the massive coins in circulation are avoided, instead they decided to take it out for sale directly in the exchanges.
MN REWARD: 80%- 90%

When a project is totally legitimate and excellent it is listed in the main platform for the capitalization of cryptocurrencies which is the most respected and if a currency is that it is totally good and with a great future! So SINS is real and also finds in the position 515 with a Volume (24h) of 41.58 BTC which is extremely incredible and if we see in the exchanges it is among the first most traded currencies! simply an amazing project.

Speaking about the discord in a cryptocurrency project at the moment is very important because it is a very fundamental part of the project being a help both for the users and developers since in a certain way it gives more scope to be united and aware of the updates since a project without constant updates or communication gives little investment movement to the project, so in this server we will have the full support of the developers and the team as well as we will see how they in a certain way help us with rewards and bounty to give an opportunity to users can earn a little more! Here I will leave the users of the development team and administrators to communicate with them if they have any questions.
- Darren#1270
- Oishi#4931
- SafeInsure#7750
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