Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2: "Easy Come, Easy Go"


Hello everyone from Steem for Betterlife❤, I engaged with the topic of this week almost immediately, sounds pretty interesting and reminds me a popular Queen's song that I love. This statement "easy come, easy go" is so accurate, because from my point of view it's true.

But lets start with this.


What do you understand about Easy Come, Easy Go?

If something come to you lets say in an easy way, you also will lost it in an easy way. I associate this statement with money because I always heard it when someone referred to someone else who was stealing, that money you could recieve quickly will disappear quickly, and you won't enjoy it at all.

However, on second thought I believe we can apply this statement for others scenarios. In itself, absolutely everything in this life is ephemeral, I mean lasts a short period of time. That's why we need to appreciate what we have, people around us, material things (smalls or huges), doesn't matter. Most of us are lucky and we don't realize.

Have you ever experienced a condition in life like that ? Share your experience if you have any

Well, in my case has to do with money :( haha, but keep calm... I didn't steal anything haha. Once I was looking for someways to earn more money and I started to re-sell products, I mean I didn't buy them, someone else bougth them and I added some profit and share them in my socials media. The profit I was able to make dissapear in front of my eyes in almost anything. It's incredible, but when I earn extra money in an easy way something happens and I need to spend it.

It's really sad, but it's the reality.

How did you deal with the instant success that disappears in a short time?

Honestly this make me feel sad, but I try to program my brain and make him understand how the life is. Most of the time I don't realize how nice are the good moments until they've already passed, and when I'm in this period I start to think "why this doesn't last more?".

Thus I will try to continue enjoying my life with successes and failures, because those last are also part of the process.

What lesson can be drawn from this expression?


The things are worthwhile are the things that we strive for. The satisfaction you can feel when you obtain finally after a long period of effort has not value.


Aswel can be another lesson, I know this phrase can sound cliche, but we need to follow this tacit rule. We expend time waiting "to have" to be happy. "When a I get that phone, I will be happy", "When I get that job, I will be happy" and so on... And then you realize those happiness moments are shorts, and then you are looking fot others excuse to be "happy". That's why we need to enjoy smalls things, moments, persons. No matter how smalls or big they are.

What if you associate the statement above with a romantic relationship If you have any, could you describe it?


To be honest, I don't associate this statement with relationship. I believe the success or failured of a relatonship entirely depends on the people involved. How compromise they are, how important is the relationship for them. For example, in case I got a relationship in a "easy way", I will do my best to keep it running and if my partner has the same intentions, that relationship will work for sure doesn't matter how easy come.

Fortunately, I'm married to a wonderful and amazing man. We are in the same line, and together we are building solid foundations. And I want to point out was not easy, because we were at 9609 km away (distance between Venezuela and Rumania).

Aprovecho de invitar a @gacavinico, @sol02 y @yancar a participar en este fabuloso concurso. Aqui el link

Todo el contenido de este texto es de la autoría de @marianaceleste, con sello original para la plataforma steemit.

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El banner y las imágenes fueron editadas con la aplicación de canva por @marianaceleste

 2 years ago 

Saludos mi bella amiga Mariana

Que Grato ha Sido leerte. Y estar completamente de acuerdo contigo en varios puntos, es cierto que la expresiónLo que fácil viene fácil se va es aplicable a muchos escenarios, no solo en relación al dinero son embargo es en el ámbito que más la aplicamos y la podemos ver reflejada, ya sabes somos seres dominados por el dinero y ganarlo fácil nunca suena mal, hasta que te das cuenta que no vale pa pena como así como llega se ve.

Es cierto que las cosas que más cuestan, las que más se luchan son las que perduran en nosotros. Creo que se debe en gran parte al valor que le damos, partiendo del esfuerzo que nos tocó hacer para lograrlo.

Felicidades por tu hermosa relación, que la verdad debió haber sido muy complicada en sus inicios, teniendo en cuanta la distancia, sin embargo es como dices somos nosotros los encargados de hacer que una relación funcione y perdure en el tiempo.

Buena suerte querida. Muy linda tu entrada.


 2 years ago 

Hola mi Maye, tuve un error de dedo. Sorry:(. Yo siempre asocio esa frase con el dinero, pues como dices estamos dominados por el (por desgracia).

Y pues no fue nada fácil, pero ya estamos juntos y trabajando por tener algo saludable y duradero 🥺

Gracias por tu lindo mensaje 💕✌️

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo, te comprendo cuando dices que cuando ganas dinero extra rápido se va, a mí me pasa igual, siempre tengo los justo para sobrevivir pero cuando tengo de sobre algo pasa , algo se daña y tengo que gastarlo jeje y no me permite ahorrar.

Saludos y suerte en el concurso.

 2 years ago 

Pareciera que las cosas olieran cuando una agarra un dinerito extra, porque naguara jajaja es casi que de inmediato, no ha terminado de llegar cuando algo se está dañando.

 2 years ago 

A very touching song from Queen and hope to be an inspiration. luck is always with you

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much yuswadinisam✌️🥺

 2 years ago 

Como bien lo dices amiga, esta frase no solo la puedes aplicar en el tema del dinero, sino que también sirve para otras situaciones o aspectos de nuestra vida. PArece ser el camino mas lógico, querer obtener algo sin mucho trabajo o esfuerzo, pero la diferencia esta en lo temporal que puede ser el resultado, ya que como dice esta frase, si llega fácil, de esta misma manera lo perderemos.

 2 years ago 

Pengalaman seseorang dalam menghadapi suatu hal dapat mempengaruhi persepsi mereka terhadap tingkat kesulitan dari hal tersebut.

 2 years ago 

Hi, I enjoyed reading your post. You complement the images nicely with your content. Congratulations on your beautiful writing.

 2 years ago 

es asi, disfrutar almaximo lo que se tieney almomento que se tiene, a mi tambien en ocaciones mepone triste estar ante situaciones parecidas, lo importante es aprender y continuar.


He understood that using shortcuts to earn money is not a desirable habit. He understood that striving for success through hard work and patience is the only way to succeed in life. He started with honesty and passion, and with time, he developed a distinguished and prosperous career.The above statement is very accurate, I also believe that money earned through hard work, dedication and patience is the real earning.

Terimakasih banyak kakak, anda telah berbagi banyak motivasi untuk pribadi ini, salam sukses selalu dan jangan lupa selalu bersemangat 💪.

 2 years ago 

Dear friend,

I agree with your words that the things that are worthwhile are the things that we strive for. Indeed we should strive for anything good. In this our acquired wealth or reputation will last for us. I appreciate your periodic presentation. Good luck to you.

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