My Advent Calendar – 22 Dec – Time to wrap the Chrissie pressies!
Time to gather together gifts, wrapping paper, gift labels, sellotape, put some music on and get wrapping.
There aren’t as many to wrap these days as when my eight nieces and nephews were young. But they are starting to have their own families now. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve bought books for @andysantics48’s three grandchildren. Yes, even the four month old gets a “snugly book”.

But despite having less, I still managed to make a song and dance about it. I could have sworn I bought some new rolls of wrapping paper earlier in the month, and put them in the spot we keep our rolls of wrapping paper. But as I gathered everything up, at 5.30pm, all I found was a few dregs from last Xmas. So I had to put some shoes back on and zoom down the road.
Luckily Paperplus is open till 7pm, because they’re the local Lotto agent…
Finally back and organised. Jeepers, wrapping paper is dear! But needs must. Music on and away we go.
The ghost of Christmas past
Wrapping the Christmas presents always reminds me of my Grandma. By the time I was at high school, her arthritis was starting to make it difficult to wrap presents. So a few days before Christmas, I would walk down to her house for our Xmas ritual. I would sit at the kitchen table, wrapping, while she visited every corner of the house to retrieve all the goodies she been secreting away for us all for months.
I’ve mentioned this before, in a post a couple of years ago, which I called My Grandmother’s Legacy and where I talk about some of the ways she impacted my life.
She left us 36 years ago, but Christmas is still the time she is most remembered.

It’s getting late, so keeping it short and sweet tonight. Is your wrapping done? See you all tomorrow xx.

• Day 1 – Carol singing with the NZ Symphony Orchestra
• Day 2 – Kilbirnie Santa Parade
• Day 3 – Posting overseas Xmas cards & a Xmas themed exercise class
• Day 4 – Last minute book buying
• Day 5 – Last choir rehearsal for the year
• Day 6 – Choosing gifts for the Xmas game
• Day 7 – Xmas lunch with my exercise class
• Day 8 – Xmas spiced nuts
• Day 9 – Xmas tree time
• Day 10 – Last arthritis class for the year, and a sugar free brownie recipe
• Day 11 – A choir performance
• Day 12 – Taking marinated chicken wings to the choir Xmas party
• Day 13 – The NZ local xmas cards & some e-cards
• Day 14 – Planning the Xmas menus and best dessert ever
• Day 15 – Making gluten & sugar free Xmas cakes
• Day 16 – Xmas dinner with the Possums
• Day 17 – Cranberry smoothie & other nourishing Festive breakfasts
• Day 18 – Green Eggs & Ham
• Day 19 – Gingerbread men
• Day 20 – Stop, breathe and plan
• Day 21 – Starting our stay-cation
Thanks for reading
Photos by me.
Good going Deb .. I dread this part where I "have to" get presents and send cards. I guess I'm just and old scrooge.
We need to find ways to change "have to" to "want to" and then it's a bit easier, I think.
I find Christmas is a time for many that triggers pleasant memories of family members have passed and their special contribution to our lives
And what better time for it.
May Grandma's soul continue to rest in the Lord...Amen!
As a bachelor far away from his family, studying on a distant continent there's nothing for me to!
Following you keeps me in the spirit of the season. In all, Merry Christmas & A Prosperous New Year 2019!
Regards always,
I'm so glad my posts have brought you that Xmas feeling. I hoped they would do that for people. And I hope that you find something festive to do on Xmas Day. Have you got plans?
You are welcome @kiwideb
Well I just got invited for dinner on Christmas Day by some friends and I am sure looking forward to it! Thanks for being there.
Regards always,
Oh that's good to know, that you will be with friends. Have a lovely time with them.
I have just finished my last bits, glad that's over for another year :)
I've still got a few jobs for tomorrow, but getting there!
I am going to gave a rest day tomorrow, don't want to be in pain on the day :)
Good plan. Hope it's a restful and enjoyable day for you. x
Christmas day will be so busy. Boxing day will be my pj day Lol :) x
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Did my wrapping yesterday. Well, half of it, the other half tonight!
I'm well impressed that you managed to wrap presents after your night out! Or was it before your night out? With your morning being my night, I may have the timeline confused.
Hehe it was in the evening after my grim morning and afternoon. I had recovered somewhat!! Enough even to have a glass of wine with the wrapping!
Well done! So tonight you'll be finishing the wrapping between testing beers, if I've got my days right?
You are totally right! I am going to try and get some time this avo to finish it so I can have my beers in peace :0)
And I saw that was what transpired. Good planning.
It's all in the planning!!
Ammm yes it's about time to do it
I'm glad I've got it done before Xmas Eve. Nothing worse or putting a damper on the festivities than being absolutely exhausted on Xmas Eve, and realising you still have to do the wrapping!